Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday: Embracing Change

Last Minute Card

Today, I said goodbye to my supervisor who is retiring.  Her last day is officially at the end of next week and her last day at the office will be Tuesday, but I won't be at the office on Tuesday. 

In the morning, I decided to make her a card from me.  There had been a collective card from all of us in the office, that was given to her, yesterday, but I wanted to give her one from me, as well.  I was rushing a bit and it shows!  The card was made from items I had on hand; the torn piece of paper on top is handmade paper I had made from old utility bills and rose petals from my garden. 

My former supervisor likes to ski, so, along with the card, I gave her something she could wear while skiing:

Knitted Scarf

An infinity scarf I had knitted with yarn I had on hand. 

How it might look when worn
I reused a gift bag I had in the stash.  The card and gift didn't cost me anything, other than time.  She seemed very pleased with her gift; I hope she enjoys wearing it.

I got a bit teary-eyed when I said goodbye to her.  She had been a good supervisor and I shall miss her. 

But, the one thing my religion emphasizes is that nothing is permanent; all things are subject to change.  We are advised not to become too attached to a person, a thing, a place, a situation, a state of being, etc., because nothing is permanent, nothing stays the same.

My mother used to say that change was good; she embraced change.  I don't like change all that much.  I am someone who orders the same thing at the restaurant, wears the same style of clothing, keeps the same hair style, buys the same color car, etc.  A regular old stick in the mud!  I don't seek out change.  But, when change is fostered on me, I try to see change as an opportunity to grow and a challenge to rise up to, rather than a threat to fear.

I had a productive day at the office.  In the afternoon, I went down to the coffee shop to see what pastries they had on their Friday afternoon 50% off sale.  This time, I didn't forget!  They had banana bread, zucchini bread, and some other bread.  But no pastries like Danishes or croissants, etc.  I can make banana bread and such, myself.  So, I didn't buy anything.  Maybe I'll bake something this weekend.

Today, I am grateful for:
- I was able to make a card and gift to give my former supervisor
- Being able to sing while I drive to and from work (one of the benefits of solo driving!)
- My mother's sayings
- Gardener friend tidied and watered the front garden for me
- The end of the work week and a four-day weekend ahead of me!

How was your Friday?  Do you like change?  Do you consider it a good thing and embrace it?  Or, are you a bit like me and don't care much for change?  If so, then, how you you handle it? 


  1. Bless, the card and the scarf are just lovely and I'm sure your supervisor was very touched indeed by your kindness.

    1. Thank you, Debbie. She told me I was very talented. :)

  2. The card and the scarf are lovely. I know you have mentioned how thoughtful and considerate your supervisor has been towards you so I'm sure you will miss her. I hope she enjoys her retirement.
    I enjoy singing in the car too! X

    1. Thank you, Jules. We worked well, together, even before she became my supervisor. I, too, hope she enjoys her retirement.

  3. Those gifts are so sweet of you...very nice! I don't like change either! It's good the bakery has that sale. Smart idea and it is fair to reduce bakery goods when they are not as fresh. Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea.

      Yes, the Friday afternoon sale is a good idea because the building is closed over the weekend and whatever doesn't sell by Friday closing time is probably too told to sell on Monday.

  4. How nice that you could make a gift and card. I hope you do get to bake this weekend. Here in Oregon, it's turned out to be a drizzly, cook Saturday--just perfect for baking. So, I might do some myself:)

    I agree. Change is not easy. When I have too many, it really stresses me out. But, I know we will always make it through them, because we have weathered so many in the past. I still fight them, kicking and screaming, though:)

    1. Sounds like you are having just the perfect baking weather, Becky. Change can be stressful when it takes place, but, later, we often look back and wonder what all the fuss was about!

  5. I hope your supervisor enjoys her retirement and that whoever takes over from her is just as nice.

    I find the older I get the less I like change but I try to embrace it when it does happen mainly because more often than not there is nothing to be done about it anyway. The changes I really don't like are that professionals such as teachers and doctors seem to be getting younger and younger, although in reality it's me that's getting older lol.

    The scarf and card are lovely, I'm sure your supervisor was thrilled with the personal touch. xx

    1. Yes, everyone around us are getting younger, Suzanne! :D When I first started working, I was supervising people who were twice my age; now I am going to be supervised by someone half my age! :D

      "Go with the flow" is what I tell myself, when it comes to change. But, I am not someone who will go and seek change. Even so, plenty of change has found me quite often!

  6. Oh BLess, I am a stick in the mud I do not like change at all.. I feel uncomfortable with change.. I seem to do the same things over and over..
    I do admire the people, that accept change so well. It seems they have lot more excitement. ha

    1. There's the comfort of safety in the known, isn't there? Change is full of the unknown and that's uncomfortable. But you are right - people who like change do have a lot more excitement!

  7. Very nice makes! It's great that you were able to give her something special.

    I don't mind change - sometimes. It makes me uncomfortable sometimes too. I do like routines and sometimes (well, most of the time) I'm not good with surprises either lol.

    Have a great weekend

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I guess it all depends on the type of change, I suppose. Some changes are eagerly anticipated and those changes are good. Others are not as welcome and they are approached with trepidation.

      Hope you, too, have a good weekend. Take care.


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