Thursday, July 2, 2015

July Goals and Balance Wheel

July and we are half-way through this year, already!  It is a good time to review my goals for this year as well as longer term goals, in addition to my monthly goals, to see if I am where I should be, half-way through the year and to make adjustments, as needed.   This year's goals were better health, less procrastination and financial management. 

Spiritual: Continue with daily devotions/meditations.  Continue to focus on gratitude and abundance.

- Outside: Mulch and maintain
- Inside: Continue to clean and declutter: call for a donations pick up

Daughter:  Go up to help her move apartments, later in the month

Family:  Continue to keep in touch with family members: phone calls, letters, emails, etc.

Friends:  Continue to keep in touch with friends through email/phone calls/video chat, etc.  Get together with two friends for their birthdays.

Career:  Celebrate 32 years of working at my place of employment (on July 5)!  Long term goal is to retire in 3 years, with 35 years of service.

Finances:  Current goal is to manage my budget in order to continue supporting daughter in her 2nd year of graduate studies; long range goals include retirement planning.

Health:  Big goal is better health!   I have an eye appointment scheduled for next week and in the process of scheduling a mammogram.  Long range goal is to lose 20 lbs. by the end of the year, for health reasons.   

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies:  Continue to sew down the fabric stash and read.  I'd like to sew at least 2 items from the fabric stash this month; I should be receiving a book I had requested from the library in the next few days (it's in transit, I've been told) and I put another book on hold, today (I'm #28 on the list, for this book and the library has ordered only 1 copy, so it'll be awhile before I receive it). 

Productivity and Time Management:  Continue to make efficient use of my time and procrastinate less.   Make full use of routines, bulk cooking, etc.

So those are my goals for this month and the rest of the year, as well.  Let's see how well I do!

Today, I am grateful for:

- Free lunch from office function (with leftovers for dinner) 
- Air conditioned comfort at the office
- The cooler temperatures, today
- Video chatting with daughter
- Time to sew

What are your goals for July and the rest of the year? 


  1. Enjoy the holiday long weekend

  2. Hugs Bless. I am sure you will miss Little Bless this weekend. Good thing you have video chat.


    1. Frugal, thanks. We've been on video chat most of the day! But we are both relaxing and enjoying the holiday weekend.

  3. Good goals and ambitions.. Congrats on your 32 nd anniversary with your job.
    and best wishes to you daughter , in her studies...
    My goals for the rest of this year...
    lose about 20 lbs also.
    Get house sold, get older house finished.. get moved and settled.
    Improve organaztion
    Use time more wisely.[it seems to slip away,ha]
    Have a great week.

    1. Good goals for the rest of the year, Judy. Hope you are able to attain them all. Remodeling/renovating a house and selling another are two big, time consuming jobs!

  4. 32 years at your job - wow! Congratulations! You seldom see that anymore. I think it's wonderful to like a company enough to stay there that long.

    My biggest goals for the rest of the year are to lose some weight, get back to exercising on a regular basis and finish my craft room, get the garage cleaned out and work on being more efficient with my time. I have never done freezer meals and would like to start that.

    1. Greta, so nice to hear from you. Thank you; I do enjoy my work. Good goals! Baby steps will get you there. Thank you for commenting.


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