Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday's To Do List

I had the day off from work, today.  I got up at 7:30 a.m., called daughter to wish her a good morning (and get her started on her day as she has to go to her internship job), had a cup of coffee, and wrote out my To Do list for the day:

- Wash bed sheets/remake bed (done)
- Dust living room/dining area/family room/my bedroom (done)
- Vacuum the house (done)
- Mop kitchen (done)
- Grocery shop/Buy cat food (done)
- Paperwork/filing (did some)
- Clean out fridge (done)
- Empty waste baskets/recycling/Take trash cans to curb (done)
- Water indoor plants (done)
- Mulch the front planting bed
- Water the back garden (done)
- Take cuttings of succulents for rooting
- Put gas to car (done)

The first 3 items took me most of the morning to do!  It is noon now; time to go grocery shopping.  I'll be back to update.


Did the grocery shopping in the afternoon (2 stores) and put gas to the car.  Came home and had a late lunch and then, took a nap!  Later, after I woke up, I cleaned the fridge, took the trash cans to the curb, mopped the kitchen floor, watered the indoor plants,  watered the back garden, and cleaned the litter box, did a sinkful of dishes, and did some paperwork (more to do).  Called a friend and video chatted with daughter. The mulching and taking cuttings will have to wait until tomorrow.

How's your Monday coming along?  Do you make daily to do lists? 


  1. You got a lot done! I don't do daily lists, but I've thought about making a weekly one.

    1. Weekly lists are good. That way, you can spread things over the week. I do both, weekly and daily lists, but I prefer the daily list.

  2. You had a busy day, but accomplished a lot.. It always feels so good to cross off the daily list. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Judy. I seem to have more energy and get more done at the beginning of the week and then, slow down as the week progresses. Hope you are having a good week, too.

  3. I do daily lists. I find that it really helps me to have these lists in tangible form (I use a productivity app on my iPhone) rather than just having a list in my mind. With the app, I can easily move anything that wasn't done to another day, but it allows me to see just how much there is to do and how much I did (or didn't) accomplish.

    1. Greta, having a list is helpful, isn't it? Good strategy to have them set up so you can easily move things around. Mine are written out because I still don't have a smart phone.


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