Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Sunny Monday

Catching a Few Rays

A sunny and warm day with a high of 78F.  But, it was cold inside the house, which warmed up to only 67F, even though I had opened some windows and the front door in an attempt to get the warm air in.  As I told my friend, I was bundled up inside the house and removed my cardigan to go outside!  Like the lizard in the photo, I sat outside to bask in the sun and get warmed up!

I watered the front garden and made sure to water the two street trees.  

Later, I cleaned another kitchen cabinet.  I've been washing the doors and shelves of the upper kitchen cabinets,   The two cabinets where I store most of the daily use china and glasses, along with some of the items used less frequently, such as some of the items used for the almsgivings, were done last week.  Over the weekend, I cleaned the single cabinet on one side of the stove (where I store my supply of tea, box of hot cocoa mix, and container of sugar) and the cabinet above the stove (where I store some baking trays, the spice grinder, and a jar of tiny dried shrimp, used as a condiment in our cooking).  On Monday, I cleaned the cabinet on the other side of the stove, where I store the cooking sauces and oils, extra salt, and some canned foods.   

Kitchen Cabinet Cleaned on Monday

I'm taking it slow, doing just one cabinet a day, but, even so, my hand was hurting, today.  I've one more upper cabinet to clean and then, the tall, floor to ceiling cabinet.  I am also taking the opportunity to update my pantry inventory as I clean.  

I had leftover gyoza (from Sunday night's dinner) for breakfast on Monday.  Lunch was leftover coconut roti with mackerel curry.  For dinner, I had fried rice.  

I also made a batch of yogurt using the last bit of the store bought yogurt (leftover from the almsgiving) as the starter.  At least, I kept it to set overnight, in the oven (I warmed up the oven on the lowest setting for a few minutes and then, turned it off).

Later, I video chatted with my daughter.  She finished housesitting, today and went back to her apartment.  She also had her first rehearsal with the University's alumni chorus, today.  She auditioned last week, Sunday, and was accepted as a second soprano. The first rehearsal was supposed to have been on last Monday.  But, on Monday, she received an email saying that the rehearsal was cancelled because someone tested positive for Covid.  It was someone that daughter had been exposed to during the audition, but, fortunately, she had worn her N95 mask to the audition and she tested negative.  She said today's rehearsal went well, although there was a lot of sight reading - her weak point!

On Monday, I was grateful for:

- A sunny, warm day
- Water for the garden
- The parkway trees were still there!
- Daughter had a good chorus rehearsal
- Working appliances

My joyful activity was watering the garden, including the new parkway trees!

Plans for Tuesday include cleaning another kitchen cabinet and maybe a bit of reading.

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. Love the photo. Congrats on your daughter! She seems to be good at lots of things. Glad that she wore her mask so wasn't exposed.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I love to see the lizards basking in the sun.
      Yes, we are very glad that daughter kept her mask on during the audition! She had been planning to take it off, but, she forgot to do so until half way through the audition and then figured she might as well keep it on!

  2. You do right to just clean one cabinet at a time so you don't overdo it.
    Well done to your daughter on being accepted as a second soprano.
    It's fairly mild here now after those two massive storms we had. So very welcome is the warmth outside and like you it seems colder in the house.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, slow and steady, as my mother used to say. :) Even so, I seem to have done something to my right hand - the base of the thumb hurts and the hand is slightly swollen. I've been icing it and I'm typing with my left hand!

      Thank you, daughter used to sing with her school choir, but that was years ago! One of her colleagues heard her sing at a memorial for another colleague's partner and urged her to try out for the alumni chorus. I'm hoping she will be able to make a few more friends up there and meet new people. ;)

      Glad to hear that the storms have moved on and you are enjoying some pleasanter weather.

  3. I love the lizard photo. I have happy memories of various warm locations where lizards can be seen basking in the sun.
    I'm not strong at sight reading music either but if I learn a piece, or hear it often enough, I remember it clearly. Perhaps your daughter has this skill, too.

    1. Glad you love the lizard photo, Bushlady. :) There seems to be many lizards in the garden and I can hear them scurrying under the plants when I walk in the garden!
      Yes, my daughter will be able to learn the piece after she has heard it or sung through it a time or two. :)

  4. The cabinet next to your stove looks much like the one next to my sink where I store many of the same things. It could probably use a clean out, too. But that will have to wait for another day. :)

    1. One never really runs out of things that could do with a cleaning, in a house, does one? But, your kitchen was recently remodeled, so, it could probably wait a bit longer to be cleaned out. :)

  5. Oh wow, sound like a beautiful warm day! SO happy for your daughter! I know she will enjoy that. You are smart to do a little cleaning each day and not all at once! I always learn the hard way doing that! Haha!

    1. It was, indeed, a lovely warm day. :)
      Thank you, Mandy. :)
      I have to clean a little at a time, now; the days of tackling the whole kitchen in one go are long gone! I tire rather quickly, these days.

  6. I'm rather envious of that Lizard. It's only 59F in my house just now. I would put the heating on but I'll be going back out to work shortly.
    Congratulations to your daughter! Being part of the chorus is a delightful achievement. Xx

    1. Brr! That's cold! Hope you do put the heating on, later, when you come back home!
      Thank you, Jules. I think she'll enjoy being part of the chorus. :)

  7. Your cabinet looks nice and organized and clean :)
    I think it's wise to take your time and move around the room slowly.
    And drink some water, Bless to stave off the cramps. (Like you don't already know that and you surely don't need a lecture from me lol)

    1. Thank you, Debra. And thank you for the reminder to drink water! I tend to forget!


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