Friday, January 26, 2024

A Relaxed Day on Thursday

Banana Walnut Muffins

It was sunny and warm on Thursday.  I spent a relaxed morning, replying to blog comments, catching up on a couple of blogs, scheduling an appointment for my next lab tests, and doing a little daily cleaning!

The pharmacy notified me that one of my medications was ready for pick up, so, in the afternoon, I drove to the pharmacy to pick it up.  I also needed to get a tube of cortisone cream as my current tube was almost over.  So now, my bathroom cabinet looks even more like an aisle in a pharmacy!  LOL.

I spent the evening reading one of the new library books.  It's fiction and I'm about halfway through the book.  So far, it has been interesting.  

I baked some banana muffins, last night, to use up the two ripe bananas that were sitting in the fruit bowl.  As you can see, they got a bit too browned, but, they weren't burnt.  I had some of them for my brunch on Thursday; dinner was leftover coconut roti and mackerel curry.  

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- The availability of medications
- Two really nice people I chatted with while waiting in line at the pharmacy
- Friendly pharmacy workers
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and back
- Being able to make appointments online

Thursday's joyful activity was spending the evening reading!

Plans for Friday include a little more kitchen cleaning, reading, and tending to the garden with M.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Your banana muffins look nice, a good way to use up ripe bananas.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; the muffins turned out well (if a little over browned) and they make a convenient brunch! :)

  2. Nothing like a good book! I've just started a new one. I wasn't thrilled with the last one and didn't finish it, but the new one seem promising.

    1. Yes, it's nice to have a good book to read, isn't it? :)

  3. I'll take slightly brown homemade muffins over store bought ones, any day!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. At least, we know what goes into the homemade muffins! The only store bought ones I really like are the raisin bran muffins. But, at $7.00 for 4 of them, I generally don't buy them!

  4. The muffins look good! I love banana anything! Muffins, cream pie...:)

    1. Thank you, Celie. I'm not particularly fond of banana desserts, mostly because I don't like ripe bananas. But, my banana muffins are OK, partly because I don't use very ripe bananas and I don't use quite as many bananas as the recipe calls for - 2 bananas rather than 3.

  5. Those muffins look delicious! I used to make them regularly but I've got out of the habit seeing as Lily doesn't like them. I might just bake some this weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Jules. The people I've shared them with have all liked them. I don't like the taste of very ripe bananas, so I use bananas that aren't too ripe and I use 2 of them, when the recipe calls for 3.

  6. The muffins look tasty. Do you freeze some of them?

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I didn't freeze any, this time. I shared some with my gardener M, some with a neighbor, and have been having the rest for my brunches. :)

  7. That's always a good thing to do with over-ripe bananas - I bet they were good.
    It's nice that you ran across friendly people to chat with. :)

    1. The banana muffins got a little over baked, but, they are good. It was lovely to have friendly people to chat with while waiting in line. :)


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