Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Errands on Tuesday

"I stay home and relax"

Here we are, mid-month in January!  15 days behind us and 15 days ahead of us!

Looking back, I am satisfied with the housework I was able to accomplish so far this month - I took down and put away the holiday decorations and the almsgiving items, the main rooms have been dusted, vacuumed, and returned to normal furniture arrangements and decor, and the window sills in the living room and dining area cleaned.  I debated washing the windows, at least from the inside, but, decided to wait on that! 

Today (Tuesday), I ran some errands.  The plan was to go to the library to return the two library books that were due today and then, go to the pharmacy to pick up two prescription refills that were ready and go to the phone store (next to the pharmacy) to make a payment.  

However, the library auto renewed my books until February 6th, so I decided to return the books when the books I requested come in and I go to pick them up, assuming they come in before the 6th. 

So, I only went to the pharmacy and the phone store.  The pharmacy had the last of its Christmas items on 70% off sale and I looked to see if they had any leftover boxes of Christmas cards, but, they didn't have.  They had gift tags, but, not cards.  They had boxed coffee mugs, for $1.12 each and I considered buying a couple for next Christmas to give as gifts, but, I didn't buy them.  Instead, I bought two 9.9 oz/280g bags of mini peanut butter cups, original price per receipt, $6.29 each, reduced to $1.59 each.  I wouldn't have bought them at the original price, but, I was happy to pay $1.59.  I don't care if they come in red, green, and gold colored foil wrappers; I remove the wrappers to eat them, anyway!  I also bought a tube of lipstick - I rarely wear lipstick these days, especially since I wear a mask when I go out, but, the tube of lipstick I have now was bought prior to the pandemic and when I went to put some on earlier this month, when I went to visit my sister, I realized that it had turned rancid!  The lipstick was free with my rewards points.

Then, I went to the phone store and the salesperson remembered me from when I went there just before Christmas with my daughter to buy a new phone.  I paid the $35 balance due on the phone, today (for some weird reason, I was not able to pay the full amount up front when I purchased it).  

Afterwards, I came home, had a cold cuts sandwich and some potato chips for brunch, a couple of mini peanut butter cups for dessert, brought in the trash cans, 

I haven't been very productive since I came home.  I watched a video online, read the news headlines, caught up on a few blogs, watered some of the indoor plants, and relaxed!

Today, I am grateful for:

- The library auto renewing my books!
- The availability of my medications
- Prescription coverage on my health insurance
- A safe drive to run errands and back
- Friendly sales people

Today's joyful activity was enjoying a favorite chocolate!

Plans for tomorrow (Wednesday) include M tending to the garden, vacuuming the family room, and putting away a mountain of laundry that has, somehow, piled up in the laundry basket!

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. I can't believe the time goes so fast, mid-January already.
    I suppose everyone snaps up reduced Christmas cards in the January sales. I have cut down how many I send as postage is so expensive now so haven't bought any more.. That's nice you were able to have a new lipstick for free, I suppose they do go off after a while not that I ever wear makeup so wouldn't know.

    1. I know, Eileen; seems like we just celebrated New Year's Day the other day and here it is, mid-month, already!
      I don't send that many cards, either, but, I send cards to those who send cards to me.
      I don't wear a lot of make up, these days, but, a new lipstick was needed! :)
      I hope the road construction noise didn't keep you awake this night!

  2. You did have a very productive day, feels good doesn't it when you get a lot of bitty things done.

    1. Thank you, Chris, and yes, it does feel good to get a few things crossed off the list! :)

  3. Like you I was surprised how lipsticks in the make up kit were off & had to be tossed. I must say though I have taken to wearing lipstick & perfume at home; lipstick & a face mask are not good companions IMO & everywhere is now scent free. Dancer does look relaxed at home. You did get a very good deal on your chocolate treats :)

    1. I do sometimes wear a little perfume at home, but, not lipstick - I should start! I'm very pleased with my chocolate deal! :D

  4. I love mini peanut butter cups. The ratio of chocolate to peanut butter is just right in the small size. So, I probably would have walked out with two bags. :)

    1. Glad to see that someone else would have bought two bags, June, because that's just what I did! LOL. I love peanut butter cups! :)

  5. It's handy to be able to put a visit to the library until you have books to pick up - one less errand this time. You did well with the peanut butter cups. I have been passing by some packets of 10 chocolate-covered mint or orange patties, reduced to $1 each, and every time one always seems to jump into my shopping cart. They don't seem to be getting snapped up, so no hurry to buy a lot (we don't need them!). Next time, no doubt another one or two will jump into the cart!

    1. I was happy to put off the visit to the library until the next book on hold is ready to be picked up. I was very happy with my peanut butter cups purchase! LOL. You are doing well to pick up the chocolate covered mint and orange patties at that price. No, we don't need them, but, oh, we do want them! :D

  6. Your day sounds very productive. It always feels good to get the housecleaning done and knock off a couple of errands.
    I did a bit of snow and ice removal on Wednesday. That, along with one load of laundry, a little cooking, and some work reports consumed the day.
    I went to work in person today. The work part was nice, but waiting for the bus was so, so cold. I was happy to get home and sit at my desk with a warm lap blanket while I read emails, blogs, and a bit of my library book.
    I had broken up a little remaining ice and it melted in the sun while I was gone. That was a nice surprise as it’s going to stay below freezing for a bit. 🥶

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I'm more productive on some days than others, but, it all evens out over the long run.
      Sounds like you've been quite busy, too, with snow removal, housekeeping, and work! I can imagine how cold it must have been, waiting for the bus! By the way, I read that Florida experienced a rare snowfall and I thought of you planning a trip there, next week I believe you said? I hope it doesn't snow there while you are on vacation! :D

  7. Hey, sweet Dancer! *wave* Sounds like you are off to an amazing start for this new year! Glad you could get your errands done. I don't blame you for scooping up those peanut butter cups! I would have, too! Haha!

    1. Hi Mandy! Dancer says meow! LOL.
      Thank you, Mandy; I'm trying to get things done, maybe not quite as promptly as I'd like, but, I'm making progress! Ha, ha, couldn't let a sale like that pass without buying some of the candy!

  8. You had a good errand running day on Tuesday. You took care of the balance at the phone store than there was free lipstick and very well-priced candy. I took advantage of the same pricing situation about a month after Halloween (at CVS as well) and just this week it was finished up. I did buy more than one bag though lol
    Our library renews books automatically as well as long as someone isn't on the wait list for it.
    I like Dancer's stay home and relax pose :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. I like to try and combine errands, but, I've learned that I can do up to three per trip; any more and I'm too tired! Which is sad, when you think about it, but, I'm learning to respect my limitations. Dancer is the master of relaxing! :D


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