Sunday, December 31, 2023


After the Rain

It rained very early this morning.  Which is a blessing because I don't need to water the garden, today.  There is more rain in the forecast for Wednesday, which is when I am having my almsgiving!  I hope it won't impact the day's activities.  Depending on the amount of rain we get, some of the intersections in my neighborhood get flooded!  Well, we'll deal with it on the day, I suppose. 

The year is winding down.  There's just this weekend and then, it's a new year!  It's time for a review of the year and look forward to the new year, but, currently, I am not thinking further than the first week of the new year!  My focus, right now, is to get all the Christmas and New Year's gifts wrapped up and prepare for the almsgiving!

Today, I labeled the jars of jam and chutney I am giving as gifts to my cousins, put them in gift bags, and made some gift tags to attach to the bags:

Gift Tags

I made four gift tags, in total, although I am showing only two in the photo, above.  The other two are also in the shape of stockings, but, simply cut out from card fronts.  Cousin V has invited us to lunch, next week, and I will take all the gifts for my cousin R (V's sister) and for two of V's children and leave them at V's house, to be handed to them by V.  

I will need to buy more medium size gift bags for next Christmas.  

I also put a one pound bag of dried garbanzo beans to soak and boiled them.  Tomorrow, I will saute them with cut up onions, curry leaves, mustard seeds, green chilies, and a bit of curry powder and freeze them until needed for the almsgiving.  Tonight, I will put a packet of cashews to soak overnight, ready to be cooked, tomorrow.  I am trying to get as much of the cooking done ahead of time, in order not to get too tired on the day of the almsgiving.  

Daughter asked for oatmeal for her brunch and I made that for her (I am not a big fan of oatmeal).  Later, I made myself a sandwich with the last of the cold cuts.  For dinner, I cooked rice and broccoli for daughter to have with chicken curry and I finished the leftover turkey cottage pie.  I'm trying to make room in the fridge for the almsgiving food, but, I'm not having much success!

I also did a couple of loads of laundry which need to be put away, still.

Today, I am grateful for:
- This morning's rain
- Working appliances
- A warm house
- The summer produce from the garden, made into jam and chutney!
- Time spent crafting gift tags

Today's joyful activity was making the gift tags!

Plans for tomorrow include having a visit from neighbor S and her daughters and exchanging gifts with them.  Plus cooking some of the almsgiving food.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday and New Year's Eve?


  1. Fingers crossed it won't rain on your almsgiving day, that's a very cloudy sky in your photo. Your gift tags are lovey Bless.
    Happy New Year to you and your daughter xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen!
      I'm hoping it won't be a heavy downpour on Wednesday.
      Wish you and your family all the best in the New Year!

  2. Your gift tags are so cute. Wishing you a wonderful evening of saying goodbye to 2023. Wishing you much joy, happiness & good health in 2024. We have had a lot of rain over the last two weeks ... forecast is for possibility of snow N.Y.E.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. :)
      I wish you and Mr. Man the same; have a wonderful New Year's Eve and all the best in 2024!

  3. You have quite the full social calendar. Here's wishing you productive days, fun visits, and dry weather on Wednesday.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes, June. Yes, I'm seeing the old year off and the new year in with more social activity than I've had practically all year! LOL. Wish you and your family all the best in the new year.

  4. It's a busy time for you preparing for your first almsgiving since before Covid. I am glad for your rain but hope it holds off on Wednesday until after your almsgiving has ended.
    I am looking forward to hearing about it and seeing the pictures.

    1. Yes, it is a busy time, preparing for the almsgiving (although, I did hold an almsgiving in January 2022). But, thank you for hoping that the rain will hold off until after the almsgiving! :)

    2. I totally spaced that you did your service last year!

  5. I do love your stocking tags, I hope Wednesday is fine for you

    1. Thank you, Angela. I know you are accustomed to lots of rain, but, over here, people cancel events and postpone appointments when there is rain!

  6. The gift tags are cute! I hope you get fine weather for the almsgiving. I often find that the forecasts change when more information comes in.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I hope that any rain we get on Wednesday will be light showers. At least until the almsgiving is over.

  7. Your gift tags are very cute. I've kept some of the card from this year's (last year's by the time of writing :)) Christmas crackers to use as tags. They have a lovely fir tree print on them.
    I hope we see a break in our weather very soon. I think it has rained every day since Boxing Day. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Good idea to recycle the card from the Christmas crackers and use them as tags! I hope you have sunny days and plenty of them, too, in the coming weeks. :)


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