Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Photo-less Tuesday!

I'm sorry, but, I don't have any new pictures to post, today!  Some bloggers do a Wordless Wednesday; I'm doing a Photo-less Tuesday!

I woke up at 9:00 a.m., on Tuesday (after going to sleep around 4:00 a.m.), switched on the gas heater, turned the porch lights off, fed the cats, etc., and...went back to sleep!  When I woke up for the second time, it was almost 11:00 a.m.  But, I managed to get 7 hours of sleep and I guess I need that amount of sleep.

I fed Dancer again (he was carrying on as if he was starving!), had my morning cup of tea, said my morning prayers, brought in the emptied trash bins, walked for 15 minutes, did the housework I had planned on doing, replied to blog comments, and made pancakes for brunch (had them with leftover bacon). 

Then, I settled down to watch some videos and started knitting a scarf to give as a Christmas present.  As usual, there were a couple of false starts while I decided how wide to make it, if I wanted to do a basket weave pattern or not, and so forth.  In the end, I decided on a plain garter stitch.  I'll take a picture of it when I am done.  I'm dipping into my daughter's yarn stash (with her permission) to make this scarf (and the next one that I need to make), since I used up most of my stash (other than the yarn I bought to knit us sweaters).  

In the evening, there was a knock at my door and it was neighbor B, coming to inform me of the funeral arrangements for her husband E (not my new neighbor E!).  She wanted my cell phone number to send me a picture of the leaflet they had prepared with the details; the viewing will be on Sunday and the funeral will be on Monday.  E had been another very helpful neighbor over the years.  

Later, I watched news and some TV programs while knitting and then, I read some blogs and commented.  I'm a bit behind with my blog reading and commenting, but, I'll catch up, soon!  

Dinner was leftovers from Monday's meal.  I still have enough leftovers for another meal, but, need to make more gravy!  

After dinner, I video chatted with my daughter and she helped me choose and order a few gifts for some of the people on my gift list.  I need to text my cousin V to find out what her grandsons are interested in, these days, to get their gifts!  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Being able to sleep in!
- Weekly trash collection services
- My daughter sharing her yarn stash with me
- Being able to shop for gifts online (and daughter helping me with that)
- Being able to knit

Today's joyful activity was knitting.

Plans for Wednesday include more housework, tending to the garden with M (I'll have to pick all the green cherry tomatoes, I think, and compost the plants as they are starting to look more dead than alive!), and continuing to knit!  I hope I can finish the scarf!  

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. I'll look forward to seeing the scarf you knit.
    Do you think you will attend your neighbour's funeral?
    Don't worry about no photo, I like the sound of a photo-less Tuesday :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I hope to have a photo of the scarf by tomorrow. It's not very fancy, but, I am going for a quick knit at this point!
      Yes, I'm planning to attend the funeral (haven't decided on the viewing). I'll wear a mask and it should be OK, I think.

  2. Sounds like you are getting ahead on the Christmas presents. I managed to get a couple of small gifts today and I took a look at some other possibilities. I almost bought something else until I realized I was tired and hungry so I went and had lunch instead! I shall be able to visit the same store next week so I will have another look and decide.

    1. Yes, I'm making progress on the Christmas presents! I've a budget that I'm trying to stay within, which makes it a bit of a challenge, but, so far, I'm within budget!
      Shopping when one is tired and hungry is not a good idea! I'm glad you decided to have lunch and decide on the gift, next week. :)

  3. What color is the scarf you are making?
    It's nice there's a "back-up" yarn stash in your home :).
    For emergencies!
    I'm sorry your neighbor E has passed away. It is nice of his wife to keep you informed of the plans.

    1. I'm using some red yarn and a bit of white yarn for this scarf. They are both skeins I added from my stash to my daughter's stash! But, yes, it's lovely to have her stash to resort to! :D I'm planning to make a dark blue and white scarf for the sister of the young lady who will receive the red scarf.
      Thank you; E was a good neighbor and yes, it is very nice of his wife to keep me informed.


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