Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Monday's Dinner

Tammy from Dancer's pharmacy called me in the morning to let me know that the new prescription will be ready for pick up after 2:00 p.m. She said that the vet had authorized a 60 days of medications and asked if I wanted a 60 days supply or a 30 days supply.  I opted to go with the 30 days supply, just in case there was another change in the dosage at the next vet visit.  

I made my weekly meal plan in the morning and took out a couple of items from the freezer to cook for the week.  I also did a quick clean out of one of the fridge drawers - my carrots, a half a head of lettuce, and a cucumber had frozen in there!  I kept the carrots, but, composted the cucumber and the lettuce.  I also realized that I had a lot of apples!  I might have to make an apple pie!  Or, at least, some applesauce!

In the afternoon, I went to pick up the medication.  The pharmacy had complimentary calendars in two designs ("Harvest" with pictures of fruits and vegetables, and "Puppies"; I was told to help myself to one of each, so I did!  I had considered buying myself a doughnut from the doughnut shop next to the pharmacy, but, my visit to the pharmacy coincided with the ending of the school day and the doughnut shop was full of high school students buying snacks.  I decided that I didn't need a doughnut, today, and came home.  

After I got home, I decided that I should get my walk in before it got too cold and dark.  It turned out to be a very social walk because I met two of my neighbors.  One neighbor lives about three houses down from me.  She used to go walking with my cousin P, when P lived across the street, so she and her sister-in-law who was also with her, asked about cousin P and we chatted for a few minutes before they continued on their walk.

I continued to walk for a few more minutes and then, I met my new neighbor E, who has bought former neighbor T's house!  I had seen his car a few times and I had seen him around a couple of times, but, I wasn't sure.  Today, he parked his car near my drive way and when he got down, I greeted him and asked him if he was the new neighbor and he said yes and introduced himself.  Apparently, he is a contractor, himself, and that's his crew working on the house!  He also has a wife and three children, but, I haven't met them, yet.  He expressed some concern about the bottle brush tree that is growing in front of what is now his house -it is growing too close to the corner of the house and has already caused some damage to the foundation!  He said he wanted to trim it or cut it down; I mentioned that I was having the tree trimmers coming to trim my eucalyptus tree and offered to give him the contact information.  He also told me to let him know if I have any work done on my house, he'll be happy to help me.  I will keep that in mind!  We all know that there's a ton of work I need to do around the house!  

After I finished my walk, I put the trash bins out to be collected in the morning.

Once I had come inside, I realized that I had not eaten anything yet!  I had a cup of tea in the morning and I was thinking I'll buy a doughnut for brunch, but, I didn't do that and I had been busy walking and socializing after I came home!  I decided to make dinner at once and have an early meal.  I made mashed potatoes, cooked the sausages I had kept to thaw, and boiled some vegetables (just carrots and snowpeas; no broccoli).  I also made some gravy to go with the mashed potatoes.  I had some diluted cranberry juice with my meal and, afterwards, I had grapes and some dates.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Dancer's medications
- The car started, even though I hadn't driven or, even started it, for a week
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and back
- Complimentary calendars from the pharmacy!
- Being able to order gifts online!

Today's joyful activity was meeting and chatting with neighbors!

Plans for tomorrow include all the cleaning I didn't do today, scheduling more appointments, and starting on some holiday gifts.

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. You had a good old fashioned banger and mash for dinner!

    I hope that E is a good neighbour to you. You are awesome and they are lucky to live near you.

    1. Yes, I did, didn't I? Although, it was an Italian sausage and it's not onion gravy.
      Thank you, Lyssa; I hope so, too! It would be lovely if we get along well because I could do with a helpful neighbor who is a contractor to fix various broken things around my house! :)

  2. How nice to be given two calendars, I like the sound of both of them especially the puppies calendar :)
    Sounds like you will have a good neighbour willing to help if you need him and him being a contractor explains all the work being done to the house.
    Your banger and mash looks nicer than the pie and mash I had last week in the eatery.

    1. Yes, the free calendars are nice to have! I thought of you when I saw the puppies one! I will ask my friend R if she'd like to have one of the calendars.
      Yes, the new neighbor being a contractor would explain all the renovations going on, including on Sundays and till quite late some nights!
      Thank you! I liked the look of your mushroom pie and sweet potato mash, but, maybe the presentation was a bit lacking. However, if it tasted good, then, that's what's important, isn't it?

  3. It sounds like you may have a good new neighbor. I hope the family is all very nice. Your dinner looks so good! I never think of it, though I have potatoes and sausage. Thank you for the idea! I hope this new dose helps Dancer . Next time you pick up the refill you need to time it when students
    are still in classes!

    1. It sounds like he might be a good neighbor. We shall wait and see. :)
      The sausages and potato dinner worked well (I had leftovers for dinner, tonight). I hope you enjoy some sausages and potatoes dinner, soon.
      Thank you; I hope this dosage will help Dancer. Yes! Next time, I will have to go in the morning or earlier in the afternoon when no students are around! :D My daughter said there was a doughnut shop near her high school and that's where all the students went after school!

  4. You are doing very well with keeping up with your walking. Good for you! Your new neighbor sounds like a nice addition to the neighborhood.

    1. Thank you, June; I'm managing at least one 15 minute walk a day (the second 15 minutes walk doesn't always happen.) So far, I am not experiencing any hip pains, which is a good sign. Need to start making it a 20 minutes walk, next.
      Yes, I'm hoping that the new neighbor will be an asset to the neighborhood. :)

  5. How lovely to have met your new neighbour, finally. He sounds nice and friendly. X

    1. Yes, I was happy to meet him, finally! It's always good to know who is next door! I shall take him up on his offer to attend to a few things around the house, in the new year!

  6. Sausage and mash! Mmmmmm! Too bad about the doughnut, though.

    1. LOL, it was probably better for me not to have the doughnut! There are two doughnut shops, each three blocks away from me, so I can always get a doughnut in an emergency! :D

  7. I'm excited for you having a contractor for a neighbor and him offering to help you out. Half the battle is finding someone to hire for our home jobs and it's possible you may not have to struggle with that anymore.
    Your meal sounds good - sausage and mashed potatoes. My husband would've loved that meal :)

    1. I'm looking forward to getting to know my neighbor a bit more. I've plenty of projects around the house that need doing. I am not quite sure about a couple of things, though - I asked him if he had a business card and he admitted he didn't. He said he gets his work through word of mouth. I've some projects that can be done by a competent handyman, but, there are some things that I would rather go with a licensed and bonded contractor, just for my own peace of mind. But, it is good to know that I can ask him for help, if needed.
      The sausage and mashed potato (and vegetables!) meal was good. Maybe you can make something similar for your husband, one day. :)


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