Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Mid-Week on Wednesday!

Eucalyptus Tree 

This is the eucalyptus tree I want to get trimmed.  This is how it looks right now.  It is scheduled to be trimmed in January.

Here's how it looked two years ago, after it was last trimmed:

November 2021

You can see how much it has grown!  

I was writing this blog post on Monday night, when my internet connection went off!  It was already quite late, so I went to bed!  On Tuesday, my daughter helped me to reset the computer connection to the internet and it is working now! 

Monday was another relatively relaxed day for me.  I slept in, then, gave Dancer his daily medication and applied his monthly flea prevention medication.  I also called the vet's clinic and made an appointment to take him in, on Tuesday afternoon, for his arthritis injection and to do a blood test to check on his hyperthyroidism.  I need a refill for his medication for that, but, they need to check his thyroid levels to see if there needs to be a change in the dosage.  

In the afternoon, I had a call from former neighbor T and we chatted for a bit.  She asked if new people have moved in next door and I told her that the only people I've seen are the construction crew, but, they have put up Christmas lights, so I am wondering if they are the people who have bought the house and they are remodeling the house themselves!  They have a dog who barks at me every time I step outside! 

On Tuesday, I took Dancer for his vet appointment.  The appointment was at 2:15 p.m. and this time, I gave him his sedative around 12:45 p.m., and he was much better during the ride in the car and at the vet's clinic.  He meowed a little on the way there and panted a bit, but, he was not hyperventilating and drooling.  And, on the way back home, he even slept for a little bit!  That has never happened, before!  He received his injection and had his blood drawn and his claws trimmed.  They will call in his prescription to the pharmacy.

After we came back from the vet's clinic, I went to my pharmacy to get my RSV vaccine.  I couldn't make an appointment online because my internet was down, so I called and went in as a walk-in.  The pharmacist warned me that there would be a bit of a wait and gave me the option of coming back on Wednesday, but, I was wanting to get it done and over with.  So, I opted to wait - they have some chairs set up near the vaccine booths and it is a relatively out of the way area of the pharmacy.  I wore my mask and read my library book and felt surprisingly comfortable about being there!  Once I had my vaccine, I came home - there were no shopping side effects, this time!  

It was just around 5:00 p.m. when I got home and I ate the last of the milkrice and turkey curry as my first meal of the day (I had had a cup of tea in the morning and that was it).  Then, I wasn't hungry for dinner and had a slice of toast with cream cheese for dinner!  

Today, Wednesday, has been another day of relaxing.  I've some aches and pains (slight headache and joint pains) from the vaccine and I'm taking it easy.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!  LOL.

M was here to tend to the garden, this morning, and he brought me some chicken and vegetable soup he had made, with serrano chilies and jalapeno salt, he said!  I had some of it for lunch and it was lovely and spicy!  I haven't made a meal plan for this week, either, but, dinner will be some salmon from the freezer with a baked potato and some broccoli.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Dancer's vet appointment went well and the sedative worked very well, this time
- I was able to get my RSV vaccine and so far, only some mild side effects 
- A safe drive to the vet clinic and the pharmacy and back
- Daughter was able to help me restore the internet service back on the computer (I had to disconnect and reconnect and it worked fine after that!)
- M bringing me some soup he had made

My joyful activities have included reading and playing the games available on the Advent calendar!

Plans for Thursday might include going to Dancer's pharmacy to pick up his medication, provided it is ready.  

How is your week coming along?


  1. What a beautiful tree! And you daughter is a treasure for you! I hope you stay healthy this winter. Sorry about the dog. We have a newer neighbor that has a barking dog. After months of frustration, my husband finally went over to talk to the owner. They weren't very nice to him, but right afterwards, they did start shushing their dog. It's actually against our town (and county) law to have a dog barking continuously. andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, my daughter is a treasure! Well, I've taken just about all the vaccines I can take, so, hopefully, I will be well immunized and protected over the winter holidays! I think there is a law here, too, about nuisance barking, but, I am not sure how well that is enforced. I have not met my new neighbors yet - they seem to be a crew of construction workers, but, I don't know if they are the owners or renovating the house for the new owners! Maybe the dog is a guard dog!

  2. I'm glad that Dancer's appointment went well. I don't know if it would be a consideration for the vet to call - it was expensive when they called for evil cat, but she had pain issues which were worse with travel and I think the vet was a little scared of her.

    That eucalyptus is wonderful. I wonder if Gladys would like a pen pal.

    It's good to see you back online. Hugs x

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. So far, the sedatives seem to help. I don't know if the vet will make house calls and how much that will cost!
      Ha, ha, Gladys might like a pen pal! They can tell each other about the pruning they will be undergoing before long!
      Thank you, Lyssa; it's good to be back online. :)

  3. What a lovely tree. If I was around when it was trimmed I would be begging some of the trimmings! I love the scent of eucalyptus. I was once in a hotel which had a steam room with eucalyptus in the steam. You could almost taste it in the air.
    How lovely that Michael brought you some good spicy chicken soup.

    1. You'd be welcome to take some of the eucalyptus trimmings! They do have a lovely refreshing scent.
      The spicy chicken soup just hit the spot! :)

  4. I'm glad you were able to get your vaccination without any side affects. That tree looks magnificent!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The tree is lovely, but, just a bit overgrown! I'm afraid it might topple over if we have a big wind storm (eucalyptus tree have a rather shallow root system).

  5. Your tree is enormous, it will be a relief for you when it is trimmed down.
    I'm so glad your daughter was able to help you with your internet connection.
    That's good that Dancer was more relaxed about his trip to the vets this time and good that the side effects of your vaccinations were only mild.
    Chicken soup is just the job now the weather has turned colder.

    1. That tree is just too big!
      Thank you, Eileen; yes, I'm very happy that my daughter was able to help me reconnect to the internet!
      I'm glad that Dancer wasn't quite so stressed this time. I had to take an over the counter pain medication today, because the body aches from the vaccine side effects were getting to be a bit much. But, hopefully, the side effects will wear off by tomorrow.
      This is definitely soup weather, isn't it?

  6. Your Eucalyptus tree is so big & gorgeous. Will you keep the trimmings for use in crafts (wreaths) or for scenting the house? Oh poor old Dancer, but it seems that the sedative is working well for him. Ah chicken soup of any flavour is good for what ails you. Now that you have all the vaccines for the season, hopefully it will ensure a healthy & safe holiday season :)

    1. Yes, it has grown really big in the 30 years or so since I planted it! I will occasionally save some of the trimmings to bring inside to place in a vase or two. But, collecting some to make a wreath sounds like a good idea! I will have to tell the tree trimmers to save a few small branches for me - they usually have one guy up in the cherry picker, one guy operating the cherry picker and two or three guys gathering all the fallen branches and feeding them into the shredder.
      Yes, Dancer was much better with the sedative, this time. And chicken soup is good for you, isn't it?
      That's what I'm hoping for, Mary-Lou; that all those vaccines will enable me to be healthy over the winter season!

  7. I don't think I've ever seen a eucalyptus tree before, but I love the smell of it's leaves. Do you use them for anything?

    1. I don't really use the leaves except to place them in vases from time to time. I don't get that much of a scent from the leaves unless I crush them. Then, again, I'm one of those people who can't smell lavender and certain other scents. Now, if only I am unable to smell the litter box odors, I'd have it made! :D

  8. Your eucalyptus tree is quite large! Once trimmed up in January it will be in its glory.
    Glad your internet is back up and working and Dancer is well take care of with his medication and vet appointment.


    1. Yes, the tree grew quite a lot after all the rain we had, earlier in the year!
      Thank you; sometimes I wonder how we ever managed without the internet! LOL. Yes, Dancer is well taken care of. :)
      Did you receive the results for the test you took, a couple of months ago? Did you pass? I hope so!

  9. Oh no. A dog that barks at you every time you step outside.
    Do they come and get him when that happens or does it keep going on?
    My neighbors behind me have 2 german shepherds that do the same thing but the owners, more often then not, will call them in if they start to bark so things remain pretty harmonious.
    My new neighbors have 3 or 4 dogs!!!! (I can't quite figure it out) But have not moved in yet so I'm not sure of the dog's temperaments.
    I will admit to being a bit nervous about that fact but it could end up being something that is not an issue with me and the dogs becoming best of friends :)

    1. So far, no one has called the dog in! I must admit that he's a good watch dog, alerting the whole neighborhood if someone passes by! :D When I first moved into this house, the neighbors who lived where the noisy neighbors now live had 3 German shepherds who did a lot of barking and neighbor T had a black Labrador who'd go into a frenzy when she'd see my daughter - I think she wanted to play with her!
      Several of my neighbors have dogs and when one barks, several of the others will join in! LOL.
      I hope your new neighbors' dogs will be well behaved!

  10. I meant to mention your tree. It has really grown a lot in the two years since you had it trimmed. It must really appreciate the pruning.
    I'm glad Dancer was more relaxed.
    Did you shop at all after your RSV vaccine?

    1. Ys, that tree grew quite a bit! I think it liked all the rain we had earlier this year!
      Thank you; it was good that Dancer was more relaxed this time around.
      No! No shopping side effects after the RSV vaccine! LOL.


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