Monday, December 18, 2023

Cloudy Monday

View from the Cemetery

It was cloudy on Monday; we are supposed to get some rain over the next few days.  

I spent the morning knitting and then, it was time to go to my neighbor E's funeral.  I got to the cemetery in good time and followed the cortege to where the burial was to take place.  I parked the car, crossed the road, and was walking towards the rest of the group and didn't realize that the road was uneven due to tree roots lifting up the asphalt.  I tripped and fell!  Fortunately, several people helped me up and they were very kind, asking me if I was OK.  I was unhurt, just a bit winded from the fall.  

The grave side service was in both Spanish and English.  We were all given flowers to put into the grave and I waited until the casket was lowered into the grave and I had dropped in my flowers and condoled with the family.  Then, I left. 

The funeral was at the same cemetery where my mother's remains are interred, so, I drove over to that section of the cemetery and visited my mother's grave site, very briefly.  I was sad to see that her gravestone was all scratched - the grounds keepers drive their mowers over the gravestones when they mow the grass and I'm sure that's how the gravestone got scratched:

My Mother's Scratched Gravestone

The design was a heart with roses on either side.  Maybe I'll speak to someone in the mortuary office and ask what can be done; most probably, they'll tell me I'll need to get a new gravestone.  

After I came home, I made French toast and bacon for brunch and I finished knitting the scarf I was making.  Then, I started on a second scarf (they are for two sisters).  My body was starting to hurt from the fall, so I took a couple of Tylenols and that helped.  

For dinner, I was going to cook a chicken curry, but, instead, I splurged and ordered a pizza and breadsticks to be delivered!  Daughter and I enjoyed our dinner and there are leftovers for later.  I will cook the chicken curry, tomorrow.  

Later in the evening, I chatted with friend R and I took the trash cans to the curb.

Today, I am grateful for:
- I didn't hurt myself when I fell (I have osteopenia, so falls can be a bit hazardous to my bones!)
- The kindness of the people who helped me up after the fall
- I was able to attend E's funeral and visit my mother's grave site as well
- A safe drive to the cemetery and back
- Phone calls and emails from friends

Today's joyful activity was spending time with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow include decorating the Christmas tree and cooking the chicken curry I didn't cook today!

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday? 


  1. I'm so sorry to read about your fall and glad you weren't hurt too badly. What a shame about your mother's gravestone that must have been upsetting for you. Enjoy decorating your Christmas tree today.
    I have a busy day today so will be out for most of the day.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I'm feeling a bit achy today, from the fall, but, otherwise, OK. Yes, the state of my mother's gravestone made me sad; after the holidays are over, I shall talk to the cemetery people and see what they suggest. Hopefully, I can have the marker restored.
      I'm looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree. I need to find the spare strand of lights, first, because, although the tree is a prelit tree, some of the lights are not working!
      I hope you have a productive day and accomplish all what you need to do. :)

  2. I hope you aren't aching after your fall. I am so sorry about your mother's gravestone. I was so sad to see it so damaged. Are you allowed to put a little fence round it to stop the mowers going over? Or would they drive across anyway? Some UK cemeteries are better maintained than others.... I'm up early and going to the dentists now

    1. Thank you, Angela; I do feel a bit achy, but, I think it'll go away, later in the day (or, I can take a Tylenol if needed). We are not allowed to put anything around the graves and they do drive their machinery over the graves all the time. I'll talk to the cemetery people after the holidays and see what can be done.
      I hope your dental appointment goes well.

  3. I'm so sorry to see the state of your mother's gravestone. I hope you will be offered a solution. The gardeners should mow around the stones, not over them! I find that quite disrespectful.
    Glad no harm done by your fall.

    1. Thank you, Ella. Yes, unfortunately, the cemetery workers drive their heavy machinery over the existing graves and gravestones - yesterday, for example, when they came to close my neighbor's grave, they drove their dump truck and a couple of other vehicles over the other graves.
      I, too, am glad that I didn't hurt myself when I fell!

  4. I'm so glad that you weren't hurt. Falls are a shock to the system, even if there's nothing physical more than a bruise or two. I've heard the superstition that a fall shakes your soul away from your body for a moment and that can make you out of sorts. I hope that Dancer and your daughter can look after you.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. I haven't heard of that superstition, before! I'm not sure about my soul (Buddhist don't believe in souls) but, I certainly felt as if the wind got knocked out of me! :)

  5. So happy that you didn't break anything in the fall, and Tylenol can take care of your aches. If you talk to the cemetery, I will be interested to hear what they have to say about your mother's scratched gravestone.
    Have fun decorating your tree with your daughter.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, glad I didn't break anything! I plan to talk to the cemetery people after the holidays. The last time I complained to them about my mother's gravestone (they had allowed the grass to grow over it until it was practically all covered up), they were very responsive and cleared the overgrown grass right away. I'm not sure what they can do about the scratched stone, though.
      I'm looking forward to decorating the tree. :)

  6. So glad you were not injured in the fall.
    I know your time with your daughter is the best Christmas gift you could possibly get. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Anne; I'm getting to an age where a fall can mean broken bones! Having my daughter home for the holidays is the best gift of all!

  7. I am so sorry for your fall! Please take care. I'm glad you have your daughter there to help. Take it easy x

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I've some lovely bruises, but, I'll be OK. :)

  8. Thankfully you were not hurt in your fall. I hope you're over the aches soon. Falls can really shake our bodies up. Rest and enjoy your time with your daughter.

    1. Thank you, Celie; I've some nice purple bruises, but, nothing broken or sprained, so I'll be fine in a day or two. Just taking it easy.

  9. I know all about tree roots and falls! I'm glad you got off relatively lightly, but I'm sure you were a bit shaken up. I would be appalled if the people in the mortuary office should happen to tell you to replace your mother's gravestone, when you had it placed there in good faith, expecting it to remain in good condition apart from the weather (and you don't get frost damage there!). Perhaps they should replace it?
    I think DH is as happy as I am to see our tree lit up, and some of the ornaments in place already. He had a good nap on the couch after his cataract surgery this morning. We drive all the way back tomorrow morning for the checkup. I think I may need a nap afterwards as I have been the one driving!

    1. Yes, I remember when you tripped over a tree root and fell! I've a few bruises, today, and my body still hurts, but, otherwise, I'm OK. I don't know what the mortuary office people will say, but, I'll bring it to their attention and see what happens.
      A lit up Christmas tree is a lovely sight. Glad your DH's surgery went well and he was able to nap, afterwards. Hope tomorrow's follow up goes well and you get to take a nap to recover from all the driving! :)

  10. I am so sorry to hear you took a fall. So thankful you had some help and seem ok. I know you must have been quite sore, though! I pray that eases up. What a shame about your mom's headstone. Those groundskeepers need to be more careful. Headstones are not cheap! And besides, it's just disrespectful and shows a lack of pride in their work. Glad to hear you and your daughter are enjoying each other.

    1. Thank you, Mandy. Yes, I'm a bit bruised and sore, today, but, luckily, nothing broken! Yes, I'm a little upset about the gravestone, but, these people ride their lawnmowers and drive their dump trucks and diggers over the gravestones. You are right, headstones are not cheap! It's always a joy to have my daughter home. :)

  11. I'm so sorry to read that you had a stumble, Bless. I know you said you weren't badly hurt but these things can leave one shaken and upset. I hope you're feeling okay, now that you've had some time to rest.
    I'm also sorry to see the state of your mother's headstone. You would think they might show more care to mow around them. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I am feeling a bit bruised and have some aches and pains, but, I'm OK after the fall. Nothing broken or sprained!
      Yes, those people drive their machinery all over the graves and gravestones and don't go around anything!

  12. What a shame about your Mother's gravestone. You would think they would make sure something like that doesn't happen. Have you noticed if others are damaged too?
    I'm glad you weren't hurt when you fell. You never know when something might catch you wrong-footed. I hope the tylenol has helped you feel better.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, I noticed that at least one nearby gravestone had some scratches on it, too.
      Yes, I'm very thankful that I didn't hurt myself when I fell! A friend of mine broke her arm when she fell, recently! The tylenol helped and I am feeling almost back to normal, now (the bruised knee still hurts a bit).


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