Monday, July 11, 2022

Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt - 1st Link Up

Mary-Lou at Patio Postcards has posted the 1st link up to the Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt!  It's time to post the few photos I have found, so far.  Not as many as I would like, but, it's a start.  (The list of prompts is at the bottom of the post):

No. 11:  Yellow and Blue Together - I took a few different pictures for this (once I started looking, yellow and blue seemed to appear on a lot of things), but these are my favorites and I can't pick just one; maybe you can all vote on your favorite to select for the final link up!

#11A: Yellow Sunflower/Blue Sky

#11B: Yellow Hat/Blue Coat

Paddington Bear

At least, I think it is supposed to be Paddington Bear, although his hat is not red.  He stands just 2.5 inches high and I bought him for 25 cents at a swapmeet, back in the early 1980s!  

No. 14: Left Overs 

#14 Leftover Yarn from the Baby Blanket

No. 20: You Grew It, Made It:

#20: You Grew It, Made It - Peach Jam from Peaches I Grew

Thank you, Mary-Lou for hosting the SPSH.  


The 2022 SPSH List:

  1. Path
  2. Peek-A-Boo
  3. Stairs
  4. Faceless Selfie
  5. Something That Looks Like A Number or Letter
  6. A Corner
  7. Leaf Vein
  8. Sipping On
  9. Changes Shape When Wet
  10. OMG, The Shoes
  11. Yellow & Blue Together
  12. Fuzzy Wuzzy Texture
  13. All Gone, Empty
  14. Left Overs
  15. Wind Power
  16. Oh So Colourful
  17. Out of Place
  18. In The Distance
  19. Culture, Yours Or Another
  20. You Grew It, Made It
  21. Invokes A Childhood Memory
  22. Add, 1-2 To Change The Taste

Alt A: Recent Purchase

Alt B: Sunset

Alt C: Free Choice


  1. My favourite has to be Paddington Bear but he's an imposter with his yellow hat but perfect for the photo challenge :) The left overs and you grew it and made it are perfect choices as is that gorgeous blue sky and the sunflower. I'm no help am I :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I've a soft spot for Paddington Bear, even if his hat is yellow! :)

    2. Simple way to find out if it is really Paddington: check under the hat! Maybe this is the one he keeps for best...

    3. Ha, ha, unfortunately, the hat is stuck firmly in place - marmalade sandwiches tend to be rather sticky, I'm told! :D

    4. Well, then we have the answer!

  2. It looks like Paddington but he's disqualified for having the wrong coloured hat so the sunflower wins for me. It's a brilliant photo.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Paddington says the yellow hat is his disguise! He's going incognito! :D

  3. Thanks Bless for joining in with the 2022 SPSH. I like your beautiful sunflower against the blue sky. I knew you would have no problems with the You Grew It :) I wonder if the yellow hat on your bear is because of licensing issues or could it be Winnie The Pooh Bear going on holiday?

    1. Thank you for hosting the SPSH, Mary-Lou. I'm having fun taking the photos! Oh, maybe it is Winnie the Pooh! Or, as I said to Eileen, it's Paddington in disguise! :D

  4. The picture of the sunflower is stunning!

  5. They are all great! I saw that first one and thought it couldn't be bettered for the prompt but I must say Paddington comes very close indeed! Your leftovers are very artistically arranged!

  6. Great photos ! The bear is very cute, but the sunflower against the bright blue sky is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Celie; I think the sunflower is the firm favorite! :)

  7. I immediately thought of Ukraine when I saw the sunflower and Paddington Bear, although his yellow and blue are the wrong way up for the Ukrainian flag.
    We had a lovely visit from DS, DDIL and DGD, who arrived in time for lunch on Sunday. The weather was varied but they had some beach time. We watched Zootopia together which was fun. They were planning to leave after lunch today but then the wind got up and they couldn't resist another trip down to the river to take the dinghy out again. Back for a cup of tea and a piece of banana bread and then they left. Now I'm packing for us for a short trip tomorrow.

    1. Yellow and blue is a popular color combination, isn't it?
      I'm glad you had a lovely visit from DS and family and they stayed a little bit longer than planned to enjoy another trip down to the river! I hope they had a safe drive home and you have a safe trip, tomorrow.

  8. I adore seeing sunflowers against a blue sky backdrop. Great choice!

  9. These are fun snapshots for the hunt. Well done.


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