Saturday, July 16, 2022


Rosé Raspberries

On Friday, M offered some of his container of rosé raspberries to me to try.  I tried three of the berries and I guess I don't have a very discerning palate because they tasted like regular raspberries to me!  They did taste sweet, but, I will definitely not pay extra to buy these raspberries!  

Friday was another fairly relaxed day.  I did the usual Friday cleaning (the bathrooms), checked on the garden, chatted a bit with cousin P, watched some videos, and ate leftovers for both brunch and dinner.  Later, I chatted with friend R and video chatted with my daughter.

I made an appointment for the lab work I need to do before my appointment with the oncology nurse practitioner at the end of the month.  I will call the nurse's office closer to the date to confirm the appointment!

I also put in an order for items from the Sri Lankan grocery store!  I opened my last jar of dark roasted curry powder a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to stock up on curry powder and a few other items because with all what is going on in Sri Lanka right now, who knows when the store will be able to restock?  I have made my own curry powder in the past, but, one still needs the basic ingredients to make it; spices such as coriander, cumin, fennel, fenugreek, cardamom, cloves, etc., which are usually grown somewhere else in the world and shipped over here.  The store will let me know if the items I ordered are available and when the order will be ready to be picked up.  

On Friday, I was grateful for:
- M tending to the garden and offering some of the rosé raspberries for me to try
- Being able to order the Sri Lankan groceries
- Another relaxed day
- Chats with family and friends
- Interesting videos to watch

Today's joyful activity was ordering the Sri Lankan groceries!  

Plans for tomorrow include doing some sewing and picking up the Sri Lankan groceries if they are ready.

What are your weekend plans?


  1. That was nice for M to share more of his rose-ay (can't figure out the accent aigu on my board:) raspberries with you.
    Berries are very expensive at the store aren't they? My friend has been traveling for work for a while and I have been tending her garden plants while she has been gone. Yesterday I picked up some grocery items for her including some berries that she wanted.
    The raspberries were $4.99 a and the blueberries were $3.99 - for the little half pint size! That's crazy.

    I am glad you are still able to get the Sri Lankan food items you enjoy.
    Hopefully they will have everything when you do your pickup.

    I don't have any weekend plans. My husband is playing golf today so I have the day off hahahahahaha
    I need to cook some vegetables that need to be dealt with and I have a very small amount of leftover sausage - I'm thinking about turning all that into a frittata.

    1. Yes, it was very nice of M to share the raspberries with me. Unfortunately, I've been developing some food allergies recently and these raspberries triggered a reaction almost immediately! A tingling, itchy sensation in my mouth and ears (it's called Oral Allergy Syndrome). Not a severe reaction (I didn't need to take anything for it) and I don't know if it is all raspberries or just these ones, but, I might simply avoid raspberries from now on!
      Yes, berries are rather expensive, unless they are on sale. This week, 6 oz. containers of blueberries and raspberries are $2.99 in the store, strawberries are $3.99 for 1 lb. (organic) and $4.99 for 2 lb.
      I was lucky! The Sri Lankan store had all the items I ordered! The only change was they substituted 2 x 250 gram packets of chili powder for the 500 gram packet I ordered. Which is fine with me.
      A frittata sounds like a very good way to use up the vegetables and sausage. Enjoy your day off! LOL!

  2. The rosé raspberries don't look that appetising to me so I'd probably give them a miss. I hope you are able to get everything you want from the Sri Lankan store. Considering the situation in SL and generally with shipping delays I think it's a wise move.

    I'm clearing the dining room today, or as much as I can. I've moved the bookcase on my own but will need help with the dresser and the table. I thought it best to get as much done as possible today because I won't want to do anything during the heatwave we are promised - Sunday to Tuesday are under a red weather warning.

    1. There is a type of golden raspberries that are popular, here, and these ones reminded me a little of them. However, I found that these raspberries triggered an allergic reaction when I ate them! Food allergies are something new to me, but, in the last year or so, I've found out that if I ate honeydew melons and to a lesser degree, cantaloupe, the back of my throat, upper palate, etc. feel itchy and tingly (so far, watermelon seems to be OK). Yesterday, I had the same reaction to the raspberries; I don't know if I'm allergic to all raspberries or just these ones (and I didn't say anything to M because I didn't want him to feel bad about it), but, I don't think I will be eating them, again!
      The Sri Lankan store had all the items I wanted, so, I'm happy! They substituted two smaller packets of chili powder for the bigger packet I ordered, but, that's fine.
      You have been busy, clearing the dining room! Good plan to do it before the heat wave arrives. We went up to 100F, today. :) I have the fan on!

  3. The raspberries are pretty unlike the rose strawberries which just look unripe to me. I don't think I'll be paying extra either for rose colored fruit.

    1. They reminded me a little bit of those golden raspberries that are equally high priced! But, as I mentioned in my previous responses to comments, the raspberries triggered an allergic reaction (itchy mouth - it's called oral allergy syndrome), so I won't be eating them, again!

  4. Rosé raspberries look interesting but I wouldn't pay extra for them either. I hope the Sri Lankan grocery store are able to restock their shelves and you receive what you have ordered. Very hot here, I abandoned my plans to go to the outdoor market and took Tilly to the park to wander under the shade of the trees instead.

    1. They do look pretty, but, I don't think they are worth paying extra for. In any case, I found out that they triggered an allergic response in me, so, I won't be eating them again!
      I was very fortunate in that the Sri Lankan store was well stocked and they had all the items I ordered.
      I'm glad you decided to take Tilly to the park where it was shady and hopefully, a bit cooler, than the outdoor market. Try to stay cool in the heat you are experiencing. Keep a few small dampened towels (face towel/hand towel size) in the freezer and place one against the nape of your neck or pulse points in your wrists, etc., to help cool off. Do you have a fan? It helps to keep the air circulating.

  5. I hope you will be able to stock up on the items you want from the Sri Lankan store. M's special raspberries look like our few cultivated ones before they are fully ripe. We came home today and DH found some ripe raspberries on both our wild and cultivated plants and a few wild blueberries as we. Together there were just enough for a couple of dishes topped with some frozen yogurt.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; yes, I was able to get all the items I wanted! I found out that M's raspberries triggered an allergic reaction in me, so, it's a good thing I didn't think they were that special! Now, I need to find out if regular raspberries will have the same reaction; if so, I guess I'm allergic to fresh raspberries! But, at $2.99/6 oz. for fresh raspberries (on sale), I'm not in a hurry to find out!
      I'm glad you had a safe trip back home and found enough ripe berries to enjoy some with frozen yogurt. :) I found 3 ripe blueberries that I happily ate! My blueberry bushes are more or less done producing for the season. I still have a few that I froze, earlier.

    2. I find certain fruits sometimes have the same effect, but not always. It's a puzzle why some do this and yet the same fruit doesn't another time. Must be the way they are grown, I guess.

    3. Yes, or the pollen that might have settled on the fruit while growing. So far, I've that this allergic reaction to honeydew melons, cantaloupe (to a lesser degree), and these rose raspberries. I'm sad about the cantaloupe because I love cantaloupe!

  6. That's interesting about your new allergies. There was an item on the radio a couple of days ago, about the higher incidence of allergies, hayfever etc. this year. I missed the beginning of it but apparently it seems likely that it is linked to the COVID vaccines' effect on some people's immune systems, triggering auto-immune reactions. All in all still better to be vaccinated I think, but it is interesting. I saw S yesterday and he is totally convinced his jabs have affected his joints/muscles - which made me think of what the doctor had said to you about the possible cause of your recent sciatica. (Meanwhile, my own weird allergy symptoms have almost completely cleared up, following a diet change ... more on that later!)

    1. I used to get really bad hay fever at one time, then they stopped and I developed asthma! The two are related, apparently, and I've read that food allergies are related to the types of allergens that trigger hay fever!
      I'm so glad to hear that your own allergy symptoms have mostly cleared up, following a diet change! Looking forward to hearing about that diet change!

  7. Oh, PS. The rosé raspberries don't appeal to me either! Do you know if they are a naturally distinct variety, or have they been engineered?

    1. I think they were selectively bred! According to the company's website, their berries are not genetically modified, but, their team of "Joy Makers" and "Berry Innovators" worked with Mother Nature using "natural traditional breeding processes such as hand cross-pollination" to develop their berries. :D

    2. Joy makers!!!! 😝

    3. Try putting that on your resume! :D

  8. I have to admit, I would have been drawn in by the "rose" raspberries. I wonder if you could dry them to make them into candy -- they are quite pretty.

    1. I'm sure you can dehydrate them. Not sure if they'll retain the color, though.

  9. It seems so crazy in Sri Lanka from what has reached us here. I'm so glad that you could get the groceries from the Sri Lankan store. I hope everything gets better there soon.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. I, too, hope the country can unite behind the new president, even if he is unpopular with the people, and things will improve for them. In the meantime, I was happy to get my groceries!


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