Wednesday, July 6, 2022

A Finished Project

Crocheted Project

I've been busy crocheting the baby blanket I was making for my cousin's daughter's baby, these past few days, in between other things.  I finished it, today, and wove in the ends, etc. (my least favorite part).  The blanket measures 36 inches square, which is a good size for a baby blanket, isn't it?  The color of the yarn is called "minty", but, it looks light blue to me.  I have a little bit of the minty yarn and most of a skein of the white yarn leftover.  I'll add them to my yarn bin; I'm sure I'll be able to use them for something, later on.  

I need to make a card and find a gift bag.

In other news, we are having cooler temperatures, with the highs in the low to mid 80s.  On Monday, although it was a holiday, I did a load of laundry, did a meal plan, and ordered groceries.  My daughter had an appointment with her doctor and discussed her migraine headaches; the doctor wants her to try an over the counter medication first, to see if that will help and, if not, she will prescribe something stronger (but will make her feel "loopy"!)  Daughter also received a tetanus shot and a pneumonia vaccine, both on the same arm, which is now very sore, she said.  

On Tuesday, I picked up the groceries, cooked a chicken curry with the tray of chicken I had bought, froze most of it in portions for future "quick" meals, spot watered some of the plants in the front yard with water I had collected in buckets, and took the trash cans to the curb for pick up in the morning (4th of July being one of the holidays when trash collection is postponed for one day).

Today (Wednesday), M was here in the late morning to tend to the garden.  He brought me a plumeria cutting from his garden, watered the back yard, and cleaned up the area under the lemon trees as the four o'clocks (mirabilis) growing there had finished flowering and were starting to die.  They will return by fall, probably.  I brought in the trash cans after they were emptied, picked chili peppers from the garden, removed all the yellowed zucchini (there are some new baby zucchini forming), and watched some online videos and the news while I crocheted the blanket.

I am grateful for:
- M tending to the garden for me and...
- Bringing me a plumeria cutting from his garden
- Being able to finish crocheting the baby blanket
- Access to medical care
- Health insurance

Today's joyful activity was crocheting!

Crocheted Baby Blanket

Plans for tomorrow include some housework and paperwork!

How was your day?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Definitely minty - and beautiful. The young mum will be so pleased with such a gift. I have been removing the small yellow courgettes which didn't grow properly. But should I be trimming back leaves? There seem to be SO many. I want the energy and growth going into the zucchini not the foliage

    1. Thank you, Angela; I do hope she will like it. :)
      Yes, I'd trim back some of the lower leaves. Zucchini leaves are supposed to be edible, but, I must admit I haven't tried eating them!

  2. Your baby blanket is lovely and i have to say the colour does look minty to me, it will be well received I'm sure. I do hope the over the counter medicine helps with your daughter's migraines, she doesn't want to be feeling loopy or spaced out. Yesterday I spent all afternoon watching what is going on in our government and a prime minister refusing to resign, history in the making I think.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I hope it will be well received. I did send a gift that had been requested, from the registry, as well, just in case! :D
      Yes, I, too, hope the OTC medicine helps my daughter; she most certainly doesn't want to feel loopy or spaced out!
      I heard a bit of what was going on with your prime minister on the news, yesterday! And read about the new developments, today!

  3. That sure is pretty!! Awesome job!

    I am going to learn to crochet this year. So many pretty things to make.

    I love following you and all life's happenings. You and your daughter have such a good relationship.

    1. Thank you! I hope you will be able to learn to crochet (or knit) this year. There are lots of how-to books and online tutorials if you want to learn. :)
      Thank you for your kind words about enjoying my blog. But, please, won't you identify yourself?

    2. I'm sorry! I thought I did. I'm Nana Kay.

    3. Hi Nana Kay. Thank you for telling me who you are. :) Looking forward to hearing from you, again. :)

  4. What a beautiful blanket, I am sure this will become baby's favourite comfort blankie. I feel for your daughter getting two jabs in the same arm & particularly tetanus as it known to make the arm stiff & sore. Thankfully it's good for 10 years!

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. I do hope the blanket will become a favorite. I sent a gift off the registry, too, but, that felt very impersonal!
      My daughter says her arm is sore, but, not sore enough to take something for it! LOL. Yes, thankfully, the tetanus shot is good for 10 years. :)

  5. I sympathize with your daughter and her migraines. I suffered for years having several each month. I still get them but not as often now. I have been on many medications with varying degrees of success over the years. I hope over- the- counter meds works for her, but if not, not everyone feels loopy with the prescription meds. For me, I feel the side effects for a couple of hours, but then they get better. But all of that is much better than the migraine.

    1. Thank you, June. I used to get migraines, myself, but, thankfully, they seem to stopped for the most part. I still get the occasional eye auras, but, without the headache! My daughter will try the OTC meds and if they don't help, then, I'm sure she'll talk with the doctor. I told her to get her eyes checked, too, and she has an upcoming appointment for that, next week.

  6. It's a really pretty blanket and am sure the recipient will love it.

    It's good to hear that your daughter's doctor is prepared to treat the migraine headaches as I know from personal experience that some doctors are too quick to dismiss the impact that migraines can have on your life. Fingers crossed that the first meds she tries turn out to be the right ones for her.

    Is plumeria the same as frangipani? It's a very pretty plant if if is.

    I've been dealing with correspondence this morning and am now watching the news from the Houses of Parliament following Boris Johnson's resignation.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Hope the blanket will come in useful (I sent a gift from the registry, too, which will be shipped to her, but, that felt very impersonal!)
      Yes, I'm glad the doctor was willing to treat my daughter's migraines. My daughter said the doctor asked her why she thought they were migraines (as opposed to regular headaches) and my daughter described the symptoms and compared them to previous headaches she has had and the doctor had told her that she has done her research well! LOL. Daughter went to the pharmacy, yesterday, and picked up the medicine and read out the list of active ingredients to me; it sounds like a mixture of 3 main ingredients, so hopefully, it will work.
      Yes, plumeria and frangipani are the same. This is a pink flowered one that I was given. He has other colors if I'd like, he said. I will take a photo and post, later.
      I heard about the prime minister refusing to resign, last night, on the news; then, this morning, I read that he did resign, after all! Will definitely be watching the news this evening!

  7. You sound incredibly busy. The baby blanket is lovely - a great size and lovely and fresh coloured. I hope the over the counter stuff works for your daughter and that she feels better soon. She must feel like a pin cushion.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. My cousin's daughter is expecting a boy, but, I thought the minty color would be nice. I, too, hope that the OTC meds will work for my daughter. She picked some up, yesterday. Her arm is sore, she said.

  8. That is such a pretty blanket and I love the colour. I hope your daughter can manage her migraines with OTC medication, better still, I hope she doesn't get any more!
    Yesterday afternoonI had a lovely visit with my friend who has some dementia . We still manage to have lots to discuss and she knows me. It is a blessing.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The blanket turned out well, didn't it?
      Yes, it would be great if my daughter doesn't get any more migraines! Let's hope so! But, she picked up the meds, yesterday, to have on hand, just in case!

      I'm glad you had a lovely visit with your friend; I am sure your visit was beneficial to her, too. I had a long phone chat with my cousin who was diagnosed with dementia, this morning (the blanket is for her daughter's baby). She is on medication to slow the illness and was told that having conversations with people was helpful; I make it a point to chat with her at least once a week. :)

  9. Very pretty blanket! I used to crotchet as a teenager, but haven't since. Maybe I'll try it sometime. I've been doing some decluttering in the basement, finally! I went through my mother's linens, and found a tablecloth she'd half embroidered, it's lovely. I think I will try to finish it, but I know I won't be near as neat. Her stitches are perfect. It sounds like your daughter is getting some good health care and I hope the meds keeps migraines away.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I hope you will try crocheting, again. Well done on getting started with the basement decluttering! That tablecloth your mother started embroidering sounds like a treasure! I hope you will be able to finish the embroidery. I have a bedsheet with a border my maternal grandmother embroidered which I reworked when the embroidery thread wore out.
      Thank you; I am glad my daughter was able to be seen by a doctor and had something prescribed to help her with the migraines. :)

  10. What a lovely blanket. I'm sure it will be a treasured gift.

  11. It's a lovely blanket and should be treasured. It does look minty on the photos, but that doesn't mean it's the same in real life! I hope the migraines are treated successfully. I didn't get one last month at the expected time, but ended up with a terrible one on another day after going out walking. It wasn't particularly hot, and I had water with me, but we did 3 miles extra as the app was playing up, and I finished all the water. We went to a nearby pub to get lunch straight after but they didn't have a very good selection of food so we chose loaded nachos which took half an hour to arrive and were absolutely smothered in salt. Ate them anyway as we were so starving but it was the final nail in the coffin. I don't know how I drove home safely but got through the door just in time to be violently sick. Rest of the day was a total write-off, and didn't feel great the following day either, but at least I could eat and drink.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I guess it is minty; somehow, I expected minty to be more of a pale green! Oh, well. :)
      Oh, your recent migraine sounds like it was horrible! I'm glad you managed to get home safely! Hope you are feeling much better, now.

    2. Thanks, I'm ok now but it was the worst one for some time. Total agony, shivering and even water wouldn't stay down. I managed to fall asleep about 4 hours later and when I woke up in the middle of the night I was able to stomach a couple of dry biscuits so that I could finally take painkillers and lots of water. By the morning I was better though so at least it wasn't a long one.

    3. Glad to hear that it didn't linger, but, it sounds like it was really bad while it lasted. You must have got quite dehydrated, even if it wasn't that hot on that day.

    4. I could just about have avoided it if the food and drink had come out quickly and not been so awfully salty. It was the worst possible combination of factors. If I had been feeling well and able to wait even longer, we would have sent it back. I'm so grateful I got home safely and without making a mess in the car.

    5. I'm glad you were able to make it home safely. There have been a couple of times when I've driven myself home while feeling sick to my stomach; a couple of times, I didn't quite make it home in time! I usually keep a plastic bag in the car, now!
      Maybe take a packet of crackers and an extra bottle of water when you go hiking, next.

  12. What a nice blanket you made for your cousin's daughter's baby. I'm sure she will be delighted with it. As others have said, I too think the yarn color looks minty in the photo. It's very pretty. When I was a little girl one of my mother's friends crocheted a doll blanket for me using that color along with a peachy color. I still remember it and loved it. Maybe that is why I started to crochet.

    I'm glad your daughter saw her doctor and hope the over the counter medication works for her.

    1. Thank you, Debra. It turned out well, didn't it? Granny squares are about the only things I know to crochet, but, they've worked well for my needs! :D
      Thank you; I hope the meds will help my daughter.

  13. The blanket is lovely, Bless. I'm thinking of crocheting a granny square winter blanket to go on my bed. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. A granny square blanket for your bed sounds lovely! Will you make it all one color? Or pick some coordinating colors? Or use up leftover yarn for a mix-and-match random effect? Yes, I'm being nosy! :D


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