Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt

 Mary-Lou at Patio Postcards has posted the list of prompts for the Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt (SPSH), which runs from June 1st to September 30th.  I have linked to her post, above, and copied her instructions and the list, below:

Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt (SPSH) runs from June 1st to September 30th.  Photos should be taken by you or a family member, we don't want to get in trouble for copy right rules.

A list not too long; a list of finds to share; a list that works for those of us at home; a list that works for those who travel about; a list that includes some difficult to find; a list that includes some easy to find; a list that can be interpreted with our differences; a list for one find or a list for all to find ... or a list to see what everyone else finds.

I hope you have fun with what ever your level of participation is.  First link in will be Monday July 11th & the final will be Friday September 30th.  As in previous years, just let me know in the comments if you want to be part of the group & I'll list your link on July 11th.

The 2022 SPSH List:  

  1. Path
  2. Peek-A-Boo
  3. Stairs
  4. Faceless Selfie
  5. Something That Looks Like A Number or Letter
  6. A Corner
  7. Leaf Vein
  8. Sipping On
  9. Changes Shape When Wet
  10. OMG, The Shoes
  11. Yellow & Blue Together
  12. Fuzzy Wuzzy Texture
  13. All Gone, Empty
  14. Left Overs
  15. Wind Power
  16. Oh So Colourful
  17. Out of Place
  18. In The Distance
  19. Culture, Yours Or Another
  20. You Grew It, Made It
  21. Invokes A Childhood Memory
  22. Add, 1-2 To Change The Taste

Alt A: Recent Purchase

Alt B: Sunset

Alt C: Free Choice

If you wish to participate in the SPSH, please let Mary-Lou know.  The more participants, the merrier!  


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos Bless 😊

    1. Thank you, Eileen. And I'm looking forward to seeing your photos. There are some challenging prompts, this time, aren't there? :)

  2. These photo challenges always seem so interesting. But even with the best of intentions, I get involved with other things and forget about them until you publish your results. :)

    1. You are a busy lady with a lot going on. We do have 4 months to take the pictures, though. :) Maybe take the list with you as you go about and see if you can take some photos to go with the prompts? Maybe get the family involved?

  3. That sounds like fun. You have some interesting prompts to work with. X

    1. I'm looking forward to it, Jules. I've no idea what to photograph for some of the prompts, though!

  4. That sounds like fun. You have some interesting prompts to work with. X

    1. It is fun, Jules. You are so good with your photography, maybe consider joining in the fun? (Sorry for the delay in replying, but, this comment had gone to my spam folder).

  5. Thanks Bless for the support & I am glad you are going to play along. I look forward to seeing what you capture for each prompt. I am stumped for a few ideas myself & it's my list (lol).

    1. You are welcome, Mary-Lou. I am looking forward to participating! It's going to be fun! :)

  6. Thank you for sharing. That looks like amazing fun!

    1. It is a lot of fun, Lyssa. Hope you'll join in!


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