Sunday, May 1, 2022

April Decluttering

I had planned to declutter 5-10 items a day in April.  I started out the month so well, listing what I decluttered, each day, as well as what items came in, if any (1 shredder, 2 huge bags of clothes!).  I did that for the first eleven days of the month and then, I got lazy, I guess, because I stopped listing decluttered items daily!  Without that accountability, I didn't always declutter 5 items, a day.  But, I kept track of what I decluttered and decluttered at least 120 items, during April, which is not too shabby, I think.  

6 items of clothing (2 jackets, 3 blouses, 1 pair of pants)
20 file folders full of statements, correspondence, tax documents, etc.
1 dictionary
4 brass spoons
3 purses
spare office supplies (counts as 1 item)
3 sample sized shower gel bottles
1 tube sample sized body lotion
3 lace curtains (the  old ones from the living room window)
20 brochures/magazines
some dried flowers/rose petals (old potpourri; counts as 1 item)
5 glass jars (used to root cuttings, mostly unsuccessfully)
6 x 3-ring binders
20 plastic cases that video games came in and their inserts
1 plastic zippered case that bed linen came in
5 decorative items (including a blue and white bowl that broke)
1 jigsaw puzzle
1 pie pan
1 small flower pot
3 lids to containers I no longer have
2 containers without matching lids
1 perpetual calendar with quotes about love and friendship
2 small toys
3 food containers (given away with food, with a do not return request!)
6 or 7 cardboard boxes

Did you keep track of what you decluttered in April?


  1. You're doing so well with your decluttering, Bless. I don't really keep track of mine, but I am very happy with my progress so far. I have someone calling today to collect the small table. It just wasn't serving any purpose. X

    1. Thank you, Jules; well done on your decluttering too! I'm sure the person who is picking up your small table will be very happy to have it. :)

  2. Decluttering 120 items is impressive, seems a shame about the perpetual calendar though, I like those. I did visit the charity shop once and they were delighted with the few things i donated and I hope they got a good price for them.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I debated long and hard about the calendar, but, it was just being kept on a shelf and I was not really using it. I'm sure the charity shop appreciated the items you donated. :)

  3. That is a massive declutter. You must feel that you've gained so much space, especially in the garage.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. Yes, I have some empty shelves in the garage, now! It's time to focus a bit more on the house!

  4. You have been ruthless with decluttering! I've not done much of it during April but I've made an extra effort to tidy up, Bless, and old magazines have been recycled. 3 items went to the charity shop too. Must try harder! ;)

    1. Thank you, Pensive, though not quite as ruthless as I should be! I've too many things with sentimental value attached to them that are hard to part with! Well done on decluttering the magazines - I always tend to hold on to my magazines for way too long! :D

  5. I am so glad I read this. A truck is supposed to pick up donations today and I had forgotten even though I have been gathering things for about 3 weeks. Whew! I would have left to go out of town for the day and forgotten to put them out for pick up.

    1. Oh, I'm glad you were reminded to leave the donations out for pick up! Which reminds me, I need to schedule a pick up, myself!

  6. Wow, you're amazing. You've done so well during April, getting rid of so much stuff.

    I didn't keep track of what I decluttered in April but I know I have made steady progress and I'm pleased with what has been achieved in the month. Do you plan to continue with your decluttering in May. I will be, but focusing on selling off items as I think all the rubbish and the charity donations have been dealt with now.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I'm chipping away at it! Yes, I will continue to declutter in May; there are still cupboards I haven't even opened to sort through! I want to schedule a donations pick up for mid month, if possible. I think you've done quite a lot of decluttering, yourself, especially in your garage. Well done on getting all the rubbish and charity donations taken care of for now. :)

  7. You did great even with losing a bit of steam somewhere along the track.
    I always think that one item a day (30/31 items a month) is my minimum. And, as I recall, that is what you started us on way way back in the day. lol
    So with that measuring stick, you were 4 x's the minimum, right?

    I did well this month - getting rid of quite a bit but not as much as March which was a great month for me. But I did get rid of large items in my donation to Habit for Humanity and that's always nice.

    I've started my May list and have added items to it.
    We have one of our community bulk waste days this coming Saturday and I have been gathering things in my garage to load the car up with.
    My poor garage lol
    It was looking so much better after the H for H pickup. Now it's back to a messy state. That's ok, I know on Sunday it will look much much better when all the stuff is gone.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, I did 4x the minimum! :D
      You did great with getting those big things off to H for H; I gather they picked up all the items you were storing in the garage for them? And you already have stuff ready to go this Saturday!
      I will be going for another 31 items minimum in May! :)

  8. No, I keep procrastinating. I am knitting up some yarn from my stash, though. It's rewarding to see it transformed into the heels and toes of my latest pair of socks!

    1. Oh, I'll take knitting over decluttering, anytime! :)

  9. I'm glad to see that someone else keeps those plastic cases that bedlinens come in. I used to keep them, too, but I never used them, so I now get rid of them

    1. Hi Becky, I sometimes use them to keep crafts supplies organized, but, I decided that I really didn't need as many plastic cases as I had! The two newest sets of bed linen came in fabric cases, which can be used for my patchwork! :D

  10. Great decluttering, you are really on a roll! I took a frying pan and a barely used pair of sneakers to a charity shop the other day and accidentally decluttered the glass lid of a casserole dish. I was not amused!
    Yesterday I received the sad news that a dear friend had passed away suddenly and there will be a hole in my life as we met regularly and e-mailed frequently.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend. (((HUGS)))
      Sorry about the glass lid being accidentally decluttered, too. Maybe you'll be able to find a replacement lid.

  11. That is a lot of decluttering! Well done! I did get my books done (over the amount I hoped for) and a few other things, but I've been so busy delcuttering Jane's house that mine is feeling a little neglected. I am planning to start mine - and do a better job - once we are finished with Jane's

    1. Thank you, Sharon. You did great with getting your books decluttered! I can imagine you not having the time or energy to devote to your own house after dealing with Jane's! But, once that is all done, then, you can return to tending to your own home. :)

  12. Hopefully, this actually posts, as I have been having troubles this a.m. on several of my regularly visited blogs.

    You did marvelously on the decluttering. I have a half-filled donation box sitting here that I hope will be my last for quite a while. I am winding down my efforts as I feel like I have tackled the whole house. But it is possible that if I did a quick buzz through the kitchen cabinets one more time, the box would be filled up before drop-off. It does really seem to declutter the mind as well, doesn't it.

    1. Yes, it posted! :) Thank you, Susanne. Well done on all the decluttering you did! I still have a long way to go before I can feel I've decluttered everything I should! But, I'm half way there, I think! :)

  13. Wow you have done a lot decluttering! I have so much to declutter. Although I do have 3 boxes of books ready to go.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Well done on getting your books decluttered! Books are one of the hardest things for me to declutter!


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