Sunday, May 8, 2022

Productive Saturday

Freshly Picked Blueberries

Thank you for all your kind comments on my earlier post about being in a bit of a slump.  I know you will all be glad to hear that I am in a much better frame of mind, now.  I reminded myself of the importance of having a positive attitude.  

Then, at 3:00 a.m., before I went to bed, I did a bit of a brain dump and wrote out a partial list of the things that I wanted to accomplish.  I say partial because I limited myself to one page in a note book.  It is not a list of every single thing I want to do, or in any particular order, but, just the first 10 things that were foremost in my mind:

- Cook the chicken*
- Finish the pantry inventory
- Clean/organize the freezer door shelves 
- Find spaces for/put away the new pantry items
- Vacuum*
- Finish weaving in the ends of the baby blanket*
- Make the second baby blanket
- Sew borders to an old quilt with frayed edges
- Tidy the family room
- Paperwork: Pay the gas bill*

Then, I chose four things from the list to do today; the ones with the asterisks, because they were the ones that either needed to be done (chicken had been marinating in the fridge since Friday afternoon), had been bugging me (the vacuuming) and could be accomplished quickly (the bill payment, finishing the blanket).

But, first, I replied to blog comments, made myself a tuna salad to have with a slice of toasted bread for brunch (meal plan called for muffins, but, I hadn't baked any!), spoke on the phone with my daughter, and read a bit.  

Then, I paid the gas bill.  And cleaned out the file of all the bills/statements from last year.  And shredded them.  And, because I had the shredder all plugged in, I shredded another file folder of old statements I had kept aside to shred.  

Next, I vacuumed.  I had to do it in two installments because I got a bit tired.  After I did the family room and my bed room (the two rooms that were bugging me the most), the hallway, and the kitchen, I took a break and cleaned my toilet and Dancer's litter box.

Then, I finished weaving in the last bit of yarn in the baby blanket I crocheted:

Pink Baby Blanket

Yes, it is very pink!  LOL!  It is, essentially, one big granny square, as that is about all I know to crochet!  It measures approximately 34 inches square and I am happy with that size.  It will be washed and wrapped up, until needed (the baby shower is scheduled to be held in June).  

By then, I was ready for a cup of tea and I had another tuna sandwich with my tea.  After tea, I finished vacuuming the rest of the house (living room, dining area, my daughter's bedroom; the spare room is full of storage boxes and did not need vacuuming).  

While I waited for the water to boil for my tea and the tea to brew, I watered the house plants, which hadn't even made it to the list, but, was another task that needed doing.

After tea, I watched the evening news and started on the second baby blanket.  It, too, will be crocheted in the same pattern.  Then, I took a walk in the garden and checked on the newly planted zucchini seedlings and the white bitter gourd/bitter melon seedling that M shared with me.  I will need to find or make a trellis for it to grow on, eventually.  

Later, I cooked the chicken, just sauteing it.  I had some of it for dinner with peapods I had picked earlier and had kept in the fridge.  I also baked some cornbread to go with it, using a boxed mix that neighbor S's daughter N had given me.  The rest of the chicken and cornbread will be for tomorrow's dinner.  I am completely off my meal plan, but, that is OK.


Friend R called later in the evening and afterwards, I video chatted with my daughter.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Kind comments from my blog friends
- Feeling better, more energetic
- A productive day 
- What I was able to accomplish
- Chatting with my daughter
Today's joyful activity was crocheting.

Sunday is Mothers' Day, here, in the U.S.  My daughter has already sent me one of my gifts - some lotion that I had requested.  There is, apparently, a second gift that will be delivered later in the week, which is supposed to be a surprise.  I was asked, "Teapot, plates, or bowls?", and I replied bowls.  LOL.

My plans for Sunday is to make myself a nice brunch to celebrate Mothers' Day, then, pick four more things from the list above to do.  I think I will pick:
- Tidy the family room
- Clean/organize the freezer door shelves 
- Finish the pantry inventory
- Find spaces for/put away the new pantry items

Plus, I need to water the newly planted seedlings.  

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?



  1. So good to know you are feeling much better, do send some of your energy over to me as you did so well. Your pink baby shawl is nice and will be very much appreciated I'm sure. Have a relaxing Mother's Day as you deserve it and enjoy your gifts.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It's good to feel more positive. :) I'm sending you lots of energy vibes! :) I hope the baby blanket will be useful. I'm having a relaxed morning, so far. :)

  2. Well done for digging deep and recovering your positive attitude and I'm so pleased to hear that you are feeling in a better frame of mind. Your brain dump list is a great way of organising things.

    Yes, that's definitely a pink blanket, but what a lovely bright pink. I love it!

    I'd go off my meal plan with cornbread as good as that. It looks so good and very moreish. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

    I've been pottering in the garage and garden this morning but my knee is complaining so I'll get myself some lunch and then settle down for an afternoon of reading and napping ... just to rest my knee, you understand!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. "All things are created through the mind" according to the teachings of my religion. I needed to shift my frame of mind to focus on the positive aspects. The negatives are still there, but, I have acknowledged them and now, I'm moving on.
      Ha, ha, yes, definitely pink! :D I probably should have put more white in the middle, but, babies like bright colors, don't they?
      The cornbread was very good and just what I wanted! :D
      Oh, yes, please do rest your knee! Hope it is better, now, and not complaining as much. :)

  3. You had a productive day! I like your main list that you pick just a few things from. It's a good way to get things accomplished and not feel overwhelmed by all that needs tending to.

    Yesterday we took things to our town's bulk waste day so my garage is back in an orderly state. Still too much stuff but organized.
    I also got rid an old book case yesterday. I had it in the spare room/office.
    It used to house my bins of yarn but since I am no longer a person with bins of yarn :) it was time for it to go. I swept the floor yesterday but this morning I will wet mop it so that that room is all done.
    I did keep the shelving boards, as they are nice old solid wood planks and I'm thinking we might use them to repair the little wooden pad that is outside of our back garage door.

    Enjoy your Mother's Day. I would've selected bowls too lol

    1. I did have a productive day, didn't I? I think I will do a weekly brain dump list and work off it. :)

      Yay, you were able to take your stuff to the bulk waste day and get your garage back in its usual well organized state! Well done on getting rid of the bookcase you no longer needed for your yarn bins! :) Good thinking to save the shelving boards to reuse, especially since solid wood is so expensive these days.

      Thank you, Debra. :) I have several teapots (rarely use them on a daily basis) and plates; but, I do need some new bowls! :D

  4. Happy mother's day to you, from Dancer also :D! I'm glad you are feeling more positive today. How lovely of your daughter to send you gifts. I also make to do lists when I can't sleep, it seems to put my mind at ease. Yesterday I swept out the garage, a dirty job but must do come spring to clear out the winter sand and salts brought in on the tires. The salts eat away at the concrete floor. It sounds like you were very busy yesterday. The baby blanket is cheery and I'm sure will be much appreciated.

    1. Thank you, Celie. Dancer is being extra cuddly, today (after waking me up demanding his breakfast!) I don't know your kitty's name, but, I'm sure s/he wishes you a Happy Mother's Day, too! :) I'm thinking of your late sister's daughter, as she observes the first Mother's Day after the loss of her mother.

      Yes, I'm glad to be back in a more positive mood. I think the thought of being on my own for Mother's Day contributed a bit to that feeling of being in a slump, but, my daughter called to wish me, this morning, and I will video chat with her, later in the evening.
      Sounds like you did a lot in the garage, yesterday. I still have a few things to finish up in the garage, but, I haven't felt like doing them! It is time to do some spring cleaning in the house, instead. :)
      That blanket is almost too pink, but, it's OK. :) It's a statement blanket! :D

    2. My cat is a little calico female, Vivian. A friend left me a small flowering plant (calibrachoa) with a card signed in very messy writing from Vivian! I can guess who it was. So sweet of her. Thank you for your kind thoughts for my niece. She's doing well.

    3. Oh, that was so thoughtful of Vivian to get you a gift, with a little help from your friend! :D What a lovely thing to do!

  5. That is a serious accomplished day. You really got some stuff done. Happy Mother's Day, I know that your daughter will look after you.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. :) Getting a few things done around the house, instead of moping and thinking about all what needs to be done, usually makes me feel better about things. It focuses my energies on what I can do instead of what I can't do and once started, those "big tasks" become more doable. I know you celebrated Mother's Day earlier in the year, but, there's no reason why you can't celebrate a second time, so Happy Mother's Day to you, too! :)

  6. Happy Mother's Day! Hope you enjoyed the brunch. I'm intrigued about the bowls! Show us the bowls! (When you get them.)
    So glad you are feeling better and more in control. :o)
    That's a very good baby blanket and the recipients will be thrilled and touched for sure. Anything home made is a treasure. (I don't think it needs more white.) You should see the latest one I made to send to Ukraine ... I used oddments so was restricted in colour choices and it looks very old fashioned ... I am trying to think of a way to pretty it up a bit! I want to deliver the stuff on Wednesday and am running out of time!
    I am trying to work out if I could copy your design. Am I correct that it is a magic ring with four sets of three US doubles in it? How many chains between each group of doubles? Then keep expanding in rounds from there...?

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I just finished having my brunch (it is 2:50 p.m., here) and changed my mind and had waffles with leftover fish curry! The planned waffles with berries and whipped topping might be for dessert, later in the night! :D

      The blanket makes me think of the pink faluda we sometimes make with rose syrup or strawberry ice cream! :D I'm sure your blanket looks great and it will provide warmth and comfort. I hope you will share a photo of it.
      So, for my granny square - I don't know to do magic rings (my daughter taught herself following a video tutorial and tried to show me, but, I don't get it). You can definitely do a magic ring, if you know how. I simply crochet 5 chains, then, join it with a slip stitch to form a circle. Then, I do four sets of three US double crochet (which is British treble crochet) as you guessed, with three chains between each group of doubles. Next row, I do two sets of three US double crochet, separated by three chain stitches, in the space formed by the three chain stitches in the first row, and go on. :)

    2. Thank you. I will have a go! I am not fussy about the magic ring vs. chain stitch circle - I chop and change at will! (Never say my life lacks variety - ha!) I assume in order to climb from one row/round to the next you do three chains in lieu of the first DC in the first group of three? Actually don't worry too much. I will try it out and if I can't work it out I will pester you by email :o) (Something for you to look forward to!)
      Oooh waffles with berries and whipped cream will be something to look forward to too - which will you anticipate more, I wonder!
      Yes, that deep pink does remind me of a childhood strawberry dessert with loads of E-numbers! I might post a picture of my effort on my blog but not with a great deal of pride. It doesn't look really great but yes it is warm and made with love. I suppose if your child is cold you won't care what the blanket looks like, as long as it is clean and does the job. Maybe it could even be adopted by a small child, as a comfort blanket. I do hope someone will appreciate it anyway!

    3. Yes, each row starts with three chain stitches in lieu of the first DC. Feel free to email me any questions and I'll try to answer them. I consider myself to be more of a knitter than a crochet-er, but, blankets are faster to crochet than to knit, I think. I am looking forward to seeing your blanket. :)

  7. Glad to hear you're doing a little better. The baby blanket looks beautiful. My husband loves cornbread. I must admit that I'm not a fan of it. Fresh blueberries - yum! I tried to grow them once but wasn't successful. There were about three berries that I saw before the deer ate most of the plant lol

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, I'm doing much better. :)
      I hope the baby blanket will be well received. I enjoyed making it.
      I didn't like cornbread the first few times I tried it, but, now, I love it! I prefer the sweet version, though!
      Last year was the first time I tried growing blueberries and the three bushes I planted have done really well! So sorry to hear about the deer eating your plants! Hope they enjoyed it! :)

  8. Your "brain dump" was a good idea and paid off. as you got a lot done. I sometimes have to make a list to avoid laying awake thinking of what needs to be done.
    We had a walk on our woodlot and I never realized before that it is full of Trout Lilies, which bloom in early spring. I guess I was never there at the right time before to see thousands of these pretty yellow flowers.

    1. The brain dump was very helpful. :)
      Your woodlot sounds like a very special place with all those flowers blooming! I can imagine just how pretty it must have looked! Did you know that they are edible? :)

    2. Oh my goodness, I had no idea! I have enough to supply the whole area. I could go into business! But first to research how to prepare them.

    3. Leaves, flowers, and corms are all edible; but, they do have emetic properties; they are fine if eaten in small quantities. :)

  9. So pleased you are feeling better, that brain dump list sounds a great idea. I have never had cornbread, it is a dish that is not known here, you can not get the right type of corn, but I am wondering if polenta would do. Mexican food is slowly becoming popular, although it is mostly tacos and nachos!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I found my "reset" button, and the brain dump helped! As far as I know, polenta is a type of corn meal and you should be able to make cornbread with it. It might have a different texture, though. But, it's worth a try! :)

  10. Wow, you accomplished enough that you could rest the rest of the week and still have a good list of things you did. I'm impressed.

    1. LOL, thank you, June. :) It felt good to get that done. Motivation is the key. I am looking forward to having a productive week, this week. Wish me luck! :)

  11. I forgot to say how pretty your baby blanket is - I love pink!

    1. Thank you, Debra. The shade of yarn is called "Petal Pink". :)


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