I have had a productive day, today. I woke up once, around 5:00 a.m., feeling hungry; I ate breakfast - tortillas, beef curry, and strawberries - and then went back to sleep and slept until 9:30 a.m.! When I woke up for the second time, I had my morning cup of tea.
I started off the day boiling the mung beans I had kept to soak overnight. Daughter and I enjoyed the boiled mung beans for brunch and she had the rest of it as a snack in the evening.
Afterwards, I made some phone calls: to my half-sister, two of my cousins, friend A, and the piano tuner (an appointment has been made for next week Wednesday to have the piano tuned). Item no. 1 on my day's To Do list completed!
Then, I did some paperwork. There was a small pile of mail waiting to be processed. It has all been done, except for one form to be filled out and mailed back (will tend to that, tomorrow). Renewed my car registration, too. Item no. 2 on the To Do list completed!
In the early evening, I sewed a pillowcase for my daughter. When she was a little girl, my mother had made her a long, round "bolster" pillow. Later, I renewed it for her, but the pillowcases I had sewn then are starting to tear, she said. So, today, I sewed a new pillowcase for her to take back with her, using fabric I had in my stash. Item no. 3 on the To Do list completed!
I had kept 4 zucchini in a bag in the mailbox, with a note to the letter carrier; later, when I checked to see if there was any mail, the bag with the zucchini had been taken. Four zucchini have left the house! LOL. That was item no. 4 on my To Do list!
Later, I made more zucchini roti for dinner. That took care of 2 small zucchini. A total of six zucchini out of the vegetable bin! I'm trying to make room in the fridge for the ones M picked yesterday and any he might find tomorrow! LOL. Making roti wasn't on my written To Do list, but, it was on my mental To Do list!
After dinner, I ran a load of dishes in the dishwasher and washed a few items by hand. Item no. 5 on the To Do list, completed.
Then, I swept the bathroom and cleaned the litter box with the new long handled scooper we had bought. I used to sit on a low stool to clean the litter box with the regular scooper, but, my daughter thought that getting up from the low stool might trigger my sciatica pain; thus, the long handled scooper. Today, I used it while standing up, but, I think I might try sitting on a folding chair, next time. That was item no. 6 on my To Do list, but, my daughter had to finish the cleaning of the litter box for me as I couldn't quite get the corners scooped properly with the long handled scooper.
Finally, I called friend R, texted cousin N, and emailed a friend.
I am very happy with what I was able to accomplish, today! I even decluttered a couple of small items!
Today, I am grateful for:
- A productive day
- Keeping in touch with family and friends
- Improved health
- The fabric stash
- Working appliances
Today's joyful activity was chatting on the phone with family and friends.
Plans for tomorrow include filling out that one form and M tending to the garden.
How was your Thursday? What are your plans for Friday?
It feels good to work your way through a list of tasks and be able to tick them off, doesn't it. Well done also on donating the zucchinis and using another two yourself.
ReplyDeleteI have a quiet day at home today (Friday). I was supposed to be seeing my friend but have postponed until the results of a Covid test by a member of her family are known. So I have a free morning and will use the time to play piano and flute and just have a fun musical time 🎶🎶
It does feel good to be able to accomplish a list of tasks, especially after not being able to do much for the past several weeks. :)
DeleteThank you! I still have the 13 zucchini from Wednesday! :D
I'm sorry you had to postpone the visit with your friend, but, hopefully, the Covid test comes back negative and you can visit after that. Enjoy your free morning and playing music. :)
How long is the handle on your scooper? Our favorite big scooper broke last week and I ordered a strong, metal one that's about a foot long. It came yesterday and will get it's first use this morning. The little scoop we've been using made the job much harder. I have high hopes for this one. Oh, the exciting life we live when we get to talk about litter box scoopers. :)
ReplyDeleteLOL, yes, it doesn't get much more exciting than this, does it? :D The one we ordered comes with an adjustable metal handle - at full extension, the handle is about 26 inches. Hope your new scooper works well. :)
DeleteIt was definitely a nice productive day Bless! Have a great weekend. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Martha. I was afraid I might have done a bit too much because my feet were swollen by night, the left foot more than the right. But, I had a pain free night and the swelling had gone down by this morning. Part of the swelling could be due to the heat, too. Hope you have a good weekend, too. :)
DeleteIt's so good to read of your activities that you are able to do now. That was very smart to have a good breakfast at 5 am and then go back to bed. I'm sure it helped you to relax and go back to sleep.
ReplyDeleteI had to chuckle at the sneaky "present" of the zucchini in the mailbox, but I'm sure they were appreciated.
Well, there were no long-handled scoops for litter boxes back when we had cats, so progress has been made.
I wish I could have sent you some of that rain yesterday, especially when I was out in it! Today has been pleasant, not too hot and I had a visit with my friend. This afternoon I mowed one of the "lawns" with the push mower but mowed around some little flowers (weeds)!
Thank you, Bushlady; it almost felt like a day from before the sciatica pain! Today, however, I am taking it easy because I don't feel all that energetic!
DeleteI'm glad you had pleasant weather today and was able to visit your friend. Nice of you to mow around the flowers; I'm sure the insects that depend on them for their nectar will thank you. Plus, letting them go to seed will ensure more flowers, next year. :)
You accomplished so much. Good for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jean. I had a less productive day, today, though!
DeleteIt sounds like a really productive day.
ReplyDeleteYour zucchini problem is similar to my passionfruit problem. I have too many. I gave some to one of my neighbors. Maybe I should hang a bag of passion fruits on my mailbox too. 😀
It was a good day - the next couple of days weren't that productive, but, I don't feel guilty because I had that one productive day! :D
DeleteHa, ha, ask your mail carrier if he/she would like some passion fruits, then, leave him/her a bag. :)
Well, you checked off a lot of items on this day. That's always a good feeling.
ReplyDeleteI never knew they had long-handled litter box scoopers. We had a cat for years and used the regular sized scooper.
It's probably smart not to sit and do the scooping since that seems similar in alinement with your weeding motion which has to have been part of what added to your sciatica flare-up don't you think? At least that's my non-medical opinion and we know what that's worth. lol
I cannot even believe M brought in 15 more zucchini from the garden (mentioned in the prior post)
haha - zucchini in the mailbox. Great move.
It did feel good to accomplish almost all the tasks on my to do list, that day. Of course, it was a different story the next day!
DeleteI didn't know there were long handled litter box scoopers, myself! I jokingly told my daughter that there should be a long handled scooper and she did a search online and, guess what? They do have them! I didn't want to sit on a low stool to clean the litter box because getting up can be a problem. With the long handled scooper, I can sit on a metal folding chair (or stand, but, then, I have to bend a bit). The next step might be a self-cleaning litter box, but, those cost quite a bit!
I think this might be the last hurrah for the zucchini plants! For one thing, the leaves are starting to get powdery mildew on them, for another, the temperature is rising, and finally, we have been asked to voluntarily reduce our water use by 15% due to our current drought, which means I will go back to selective watering (fruit trees and the vegetables such as the tomatoes that are just starting to ripen instead of zucchini and ornamentals).