Wednesday, July 28, 2021



Red Rose

Yesterday's long drawn out medical appointment left me feeling drained.  I rested and took it easy today.  

M stopped by in the late morning to water the garden.  He pulled out several more zucchini plants and we found a huge zucchini hiding under the leaves of one plant and I found another one under another plant, later!  

M was concerned that the sun was causing the bell peppers and tomatoes to burn:

Sun Damage on Bell Pepper

He found two screens to try to minimize the sun burn:

Tomato Plant Under Cover

Bell Pepper Plant Under Cover

They are actually net food covers that one of his other clients was throwing away.  Hopefully, the screens will help to prevent sun damage!

I offered M some of the pasta sauce I made, but, he declined saying tomato based sauces don't agree with him.  

Later in the evening, I went outside to check the mail and saw Snowbunny and Pirate Bun enjoying the "all you can eat buffet" at their favorite restaurant, The Front Garden!  LOL!

Snowbunny and Pirate Bun

Table for Two at The Front Garden Restaurant

Today, I am grateful for:
- A day to relax
- M tending to the garden
- Sun screens for the plants!
- More zucchini from the garden!
- Working appliances

Today's joyful activity was taking some photographs for the blog.

Plans for tomorrow might include picking up groceries, if I ever get around to ordering them.  

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. I hope the new style sun covers do the job and protect the peppers and tomatoes for you.

    Have you named all of the rabbits? They certainly look like they are enjoying the 'all you can eat' buffet you are so kindly providing for them 😂

    I'm aiming to get a big chunk of the decluttering sorted today (Thursday). I have to wait in as I ordered a roti pan and that's being delivered today so I will be practicing with that later on, I'm sure!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. We'll see how the sun covers work out. I've named 4 of the bunnies, so far - Bun Bun the big white rabbit, Little Bunny Foo Foo the brown rabbit, Pirate Bun (white with black ears and eye patch) and Snowbunny; but, there was another all white bunny that I've seen playing with Snowbunny - I really can't tell them apart. When I see them together, they are Tweedledee and Tweedlebun! :D

      Enjoy your decluttering! Maybe I'll be inspired by you to declutter some stuff, myself!

    2. I don't think my decluttering efforts today will inspire you at all. Despite good intentions I didn't really achieve anything!

    3. Well, you know what they say about good intentions! :D Maybe we'll do an August decluttering challenge!

    4. Great! I need the motivation that a challenge can generate! :D

  2. Love those netting covers. Those are handy things to have for protecting plants.
    I hope they help your peppers & tomatoes.
    It's good you took it easy today and just relaxed a bit.
    At least the bunnies were there for entertainment. lol

    With your talk of spaghetti sauce, I took some ground beef out of the freezer yesterday to defrost in the refrigerator.
    Not sure if it will be a sauce or meatballs. That's my big decision for the day.

    1. I, too, hope the covers work! It looks like my tomato plants are doing really well, this year! I will probably freeze some of the tomatoes; I might try canning them, too, but, I don't have a pressure cooker/canner as recommended for canning tomatoes, so that might be a bit of an experiment!

      Ha, ha, I vote for meatballs - more work, but, more versatile! :D

    2. Meatballs won and they are simmering in some sauce on the stove as I type this :)

    3. Sounds delicious! Enjoy! :)

  3. It's amazing what people throw out. I guess it's true what the say, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Hope the covers help.

    1. I think the covers were starting to fall apart, but, they are good enough for their new purpose! I'm glad M realized their potential as covers for my vegetables! :)

  4. Oh, sneaky zucchinis hiding so they could grow to monstrous proportions! I bet they were thinking, let's see Bless try to give us away! That red cover will probably help the tomatoes to ripen as well as protecting them. I have seen red surrounds for underneath tomato plants. The rabbits are sweet and I am glad to see that Pirate Bun doesn't have a wooden leg to go with his eye patch.
    We are still getting frequent rain and there will be grass cutting needed when it stops. Meanwhile our raspberry patches are producing nicely right now and the blackberries look hopeful with the moisture to keep them filling out.

    1. That's probably exactly what the zucchini were thinking! :D I can't give away those huge zucchini to anyone, so we will be making more chutney with them. I'll probably be able to give away jars of chutney without much difficulty! At this rate, I'll have enough holiday gifts for the next couple of years! :D The rabbits are rather cute, aren't they?

      Glad you are getting plenty of rain for your garden. Yum, fresh raspberries and blackberries! Raspberries are very expensive, over here.

  5. Your rabbits are much cuter than the ones eating my garden!

    1. They are cute, aren't they? When I first saw them, they were lined up at the succulents bed (I guess there's a clump of grass growing there), but, by the time I got my cell phone out, they had moved on to the patch of grass. I guess they are helping with keeping the odd patches of grass mowed! :D

  6. Wednesday was laundry, cleaning, and reading day. Your bunnies are so cute. Tomatoes are off my diet also due to GERD. Plenty of other veggies to keep me satisfied, though.

    1. Hi Gail, sounds like you had a busy day! The bunnies belong to one of my neighbors, but, they seem to be free to roam and are often found in my garden! I don't mind until they eat my vegetable plants! They ate one of my chili pepper plants all the way to the ground and the tops of my sweet potatoes! But, everything grew back. so it was fine. :)

  7. I like your sunscreens. Hopefully they will do the trick. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. They tend to blow off for the wind, but, they've now been joined by a broken window screen, as well! :D


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