Thursday, July 1, 2021

Good News!

Red Roses on the Trellis

My doctor called me yesterday (Wednesday) evening to let me know that she had received the results of the MRI and it was all clear!  No evidence of a herniated disc.  I am so thankful for that!  Such a blessing!  Yet another answered prayer! 

But, then, what caused the sciatica pain?  My doctor is convinced the pain was due to inflammation caused by the reactivation of the herpes virus in response to the body's stress reaction to the Covid vaccination!  She believes that, with the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral medication I had been on, the inflammation has gone down and that is why I have been pain free these past few weeks.  

I mentioned to her that I still have some numbness in my foot and she said it will go away, eventually.  I can live with the numbness as long as I don't have pain!

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers, healing thoughts, and well wishes!  I know it all helped!

After my doctor's call, my daughter said she will no longer baby me!  LOL!  I will be allowed to do my regular household work, as long as I take care not to over do things!  I even got to walk for five minutes, up and down the drive way, later in the evening, check on the garden, and close the gate after M left!

Yesterday was a good day.  I did two loads of laundry (start to finish - including taking out from the washer and dryer!) while I waited for M's visit.  He watered the garden, picked a handful of green beans and only one zucchini!  He also got to sample the zucchini yeast bread and the zucchini chutney and thought they were both very good.  He has dubbed us the Zucchini Queens!  LOL.

"We are the Zucchini Queens
Still young and sweet
Though no longer teens"

LOL!  My apologies to ABBA! 

Later in the evening, I called aunt C and spoke with her and cousin N, called friend A and friend R, too.  

Red Rose

Yesterday, I was grateful for:

- The good news about the MRI results
- My doctor calling me about the results, even though her office is closed on Wednesdays
- Answered prayers
- My daughter being so concerned and caring
- M tending to the garden for me

My joyful activities for yesterday included getting the good news from my doctor, giving thanks for answered prayers, and posting the photos for the monthly and summer photo challenges.

Rose Bud

I am glad that the month of June ended on such a positive note!  I feel truly blessed!


  1. Very pleased for you! What a relief to know that there is nothing seriously wrong, and that you can gradually get back to normal life without undue concern. :o)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. Yes, it is a big relief! I do hope that sciatica pain will not flare up, again!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Angela; yes, it is wonderful news. Daughter can now go back knowing I am OK. :)

  3. This is wonderful news! It is such a great relief for you, I can see that in your cheery writing! It must also be a big relief for your daughter. Still, don't overdo things and be careful for a while longer. Best, Celie. ps, your roses are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, it is a big relief for both of us! Good health is something we can't take for granted! I will continue to take it easy for a few more days, but, I have started cooking at the stove, again! The red roses are lovely, aren't they?

  4. What great news, I'm so happy for you Bless! Still take things slow and just a little bit by bit more each day, don't overdo things right out of the gate! Such a relief though.

    Cracking up about your little lyrics and apology to Abba! :D

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, taking it step by step. It's hard to know how much to do and still be OK! But, today, I stood and cooked at the stove and drove the car for a short drive!

      Did you like my song? :D

  5. That's fantastic news Bless. I am so pleased for you. Please take it slowly as you build back up to full strength.

    The Zucchini Queens made me laugh!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It is very good news, isn't it? Yes, I'm taking it slowly and resting quite a lot, still.

      Glad you got a laugh from the Zucchini Queens! :D

  6. It's amazing how the good results turned you into a composer. You should work up the number on the piano with your daughter. And I want to see it when you do. :)

    1. Ha, ha! I've hidden talents! I've got to write a few more verses before I can play the song! :D

  7. Happy zucchini queens with such great news! So good to know that there is nothing to worry about from the MRI results and it does seem that you are getting better and better. How kind of your doctor to call you. Love the roses!

    1. It's the best news in a long time! So thankful to know that there is nothing physically wrong! Just inflammation due to the body's stress reaction (and, probably, too, all that extra gardening I did). It was very nice of the doctor to call with the results, wasn't it? I guess she knew that I was anxious to find out. Thank you - those red roses are such a delight!

  8. That’s wonderful news, Bless.

    You have a very nice doctor. Whenever I have a test, someone at the doctor’s office calls, but not the doctor. Perhaps it’s because mine are routine blood tests.

    Your roses are beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Nil. Yes, it is very good news!

      My doctor's office is a very small one doctor, one nurse, one receptionist clinic and the receptionist retired in May! LOL. So, when I went for my appointment, there was only the doctor and her nurse who was also acting as receptionist! I guess the doctor knew that I was waiting to hear about the MRI results!

      I love those red roses! I want to see if I can root a cutting!

  9. That is fantastic news, Bless. You must be relieved.
    Your roses are beautiful. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, I am very relieved! :) Love the red roses, too. :)

  10. What good news. I am late to hearing it but thrilled nonetheless.
    And being released from your home nursing care is a good result. lol (But what good care you've had)

    Your roses look lovely climbing up the trellis.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, it was very good news. I had the best home nursing care I could have received, I think. But, I think we both breathed a sigh of relief that I could be released from it! :D The red rose in the front is doing really well with M taking care to apply rose fertilizer to it. I would like to take a cutting from it to see if I can root it - must ask M to buy me some rooting hormone.


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