Friday, July 23, 2021



Napoleons and Fruit Skewers

Today has been another relaxed day.  I had a phone call from my half-sister in the morning, checking on me, and we chatted for a little bit.  It had been our father's death anniversary a couple of days ago; although neither of us mentioned it (it's been 58 years since father died), I felt that was part of the reason why she called me today.  

In the afternoon, daughter and I painted a little more.  I am still working on the painting I started yesterday, while daughter began (and completed) another one!  She is working painting number three, right now!  

In the early evening, neighbor S brought over some goodies - Napoleons, fruit skewers, and two pieces of ice cream cake.  The weather was so hot, the ice cream had started to melt by the time she walked over from her house across the street to mine!  Daughter had a piece of the ice cream cake, right away, but, I put the second piece in the freezer for later.  I gave S the three zucchini we picked, yesterday.  She said she was going to make some soup with them.  

Dinner was gyoza (potstickers) from the freezer.  Afterwards, I did the dishes, cleaned Dancer's litter box, chatted with friend R, and relaxed doing some online sudoku.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- My sister calling to check on me
- S bringing us more goodies!
- Zucchini to share with S!
- Frozen food
- Electric fans

Today's joyful activity was painting with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow include tending to the garden with M and watching the Olympics Opening Ceremonies.  

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. You get the best food deliveries at you house. I think you made out pretty good on the deal- zucchini for ice cream cake, fruit skewers, and Napoleons. :)

    1. I agree! I do get the best food deliveries and I didn't do too badly on the deal, either, did I?! :D S is one of the best neighbors, ever!

  2. How kind of your neighbour to bring you so many treats. I am tempted to make an ice cream cake, but alas there's this thing called DIET preventing me (lol). I hope you enjoy the Olympic Opening ceremonies, I think I'll take a pass this year & just watch the highlights in the news. Happy weekend.

    1. It was very kind and generous of her, wasn't it? I should be on a thing called DIET, myself, but...

      My daughter and I stayed up last night to watch the first part of the Opening Ceremonies because we wanted to see it live; we will watch it in its entirety, later this evening. :)

  3. The pastries that your neighbor S brought you look very tasty.
    And, yes, melting ice cream cake needs to be eaten immediately so good for your daughter. lol

    I made a soup yesterday with some languishing vegetables in the frig. I wanted to jazz it up so I added a good amount of a Cajun spice I've had for years that I must've bought for a particular recipe and never used again.
    I used quite a bit and it gave it a nice spicy flavor.
    At the end I added cubed potatoes and shrimp and cooked them in the soup broth and it turned out delicious.
    Leftovers for tonight. Yeah!

    1. The pastries are delicious! There's something about melting ice cream that says you have to eat it right away, isn't there? :D

      Your soup sounds wonderful! My daughter (who is in charge of tonight's dinner) is also making a soup as the first course, with some chicken broth I had made and frozen. :)

  4. Sounds like a good day Bless. Those Napoleons sure look good, they are a favorite of mine but it's been years since I've had any. Have fun painting with your daughter and have a great weekend. :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, it was a very good day. It was very relaxing to paint with my daughter and the pastries were a bonus! :)

      I hope you, too, have a lovely weekend.

  5. I had to google Napoleons as I've never heard of them. From the description it sounds like a mille-feuille/vanilla slice type of pastry, so I am now envious as I love those! Swapping the zucchini for ice cream cake and pastries sounds like a win for you.

    You were very young when your father died. I lost my Dad when I was 18 and have always been aware that he didn't know me as an adult or the person I have become.

    I've watched some of the Opening Ceremony, but was a bit bored to be honest, so gave up.

    1. Yes, Napoleons are puff pastry layered with a pastry cream type filling; they are delicious! I think I made out like a bandit in that swap! :D

      I was 7 when my father died. I regret the fact that I never got to know him as a person, as opposed to the parent I could always appeal to for leniency and spoiling when my mother would not indulge! :D

  6. Napoleons are a favourite of mine and one day when I get to the city I will look for some! I made a bread pudding the other day from an English cookbook, it is different from the dessert version and quite more-ish. I love either version.

    1. I hope you are able to treat yourself to some Napoleons one day soon, Bushlady. I've seen recipes for a savory bread pudding, but, I've only had the dessert versions. :)

  7. I've never heard of napoleons before, but they do look delicious and it was kind of your neighbour to bring them over.
    I think I should buy an electric fan in time for next summer. I used to have one but when it broke I didn't get round to replacing it. Now that I could use one, I can't find anywhere that has them in stock :)

    1. Maybe you call them something else, over there? They are layers of puff pastry filled with a type of pastry cream. Quite delicious! S is very kind to share them with us.

      I hope you are able to get an electric fan, Jules. I have ceiling fans in all the bedrooms and family room, but, the stand fans (there are 3 of them) are useful, too, and often supplement the ceiling fans!


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