Sunday, July 25, 2021



Completed Painting

I finished my painting, this morning. Both daughter and I started off following a Bob Ross tutorial online, but, I veered off the tutorial midway and simplified the scene!  The more I look at the painting, the more faults I find!  By the way, that is supposed to be mist between the rows of trees in the background!  Oh, well, I didn't set out to create a masterpiece!  It was meant to be a fun activity to do together.  I think we achieved that goal.  My daughter was very amused by my comments during the tutorial as I had quite a few things to say about what we were being told to do!   LOL!

Cousin P called me in the early afternoon and I chatted with her for a bit.  I had just kept a pot of rice to boil and when it had finished cooking, I served her a plate of the Japanese food that daughter had cooked, yesterday, along with a bowl of the cream stew, and took them over to her to try.  Later, she called my daughter to say the food was very tasty.

I spent the day relaxing and watching the coverage of the Olympics games on TV.  My leg was a little twinge-y (probably from moving the bed and vacuuming, yesterday) and I didn't want to aggravate anything, so I took it easy.  The only housework I did was wash the dishes.  

The neighbors tested their amplifiers in the early afternoon, but, the party started at 5:00 p.m.  We closed all the windows on that side of the house, including the family room window which looks out into the back yard.  Only my bathroom window (on the other side of the house) was open for a little fresh air.  Fortunately, today was not a very hot day; the daytime highs were only in the mid 80s.  The ceiling fan was sufficient to keep us cool and comfortable.  It is 12:40 a.m. as I type this and the music is still going full blast.  Yes, it's noisy, and mariachi music is not my favorite type of music, but, it is a happy noise, not angry noise; for that, I am grateful!

We had ham sandwiches for brunch and leftovers from last night for dinner.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Being able to share some of what daughter cooked with my cousin
- Doing a fun painting activity with daughter
- Working appliances
- Being able to watch the Olympics on TV
- The sound of exuberant music from next door!

Today's joyful activities included taking some lunch to my cousin and watching the games with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow include doing some laundry and watching more of the games.  We are looking forward to watching the women's gymnastics which will be shown tomorrow.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. You need to step back and not look too closely at your painting. What I see is a lovely painting with nice colors. But no matter what you see, it sounds like it was a fun activity.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, it was a fun activity to do together. :) We might do another painting together before she leaves!

  2. Big parties with loud music are fine but I sure think people who have parties like that should be more considerate of neighbors and wrap things up by 11pm. It's a good thing you are a night person, but I'm sure others around you were probably very annoyed to have it still going that late.

    1. At least it was held on a Saturday and not a week night! They did that once, several years ago - my daughter was studying for a final exam and we both had to be up early, the next day. That's the time when the neighbor behind the party house called the police on them. And when the police didn't come (noise nuisances are not a high priority for them), that neighbor drove over in her car and honked her car loudly until someone from the party house came to the front to see what it was about and she yelled at them choice language! That brought the party to an end very quickly! There have been a few week night parties, since then, but, they've ended by 11:00 p.m. or there about. :)

  3. Without the mountain, that painting is rather like the scenery across our river, with the mist and all. I once painted in a group outdoors and the teacher came along and said something about a "primitive" painting. I only found out later that he was referring to a style of painting, not being rude!
    Thank goodness the neighbours weren't into rap or some other depressing "music". Lets hope they don't get into their previous regular party routine. Surely it is time for some guests across the city to host instead!

    I heard a thud from outside yesterday and looked and there was the dog next door waiting for treats! He soon thudded back down the steps afterwards. Sure enough it rained before we could eat outside. I think he may have meteorologist genes.

    1. Now, when you write that you've walked to the river and back, I can block out the mountain in my painting and imagine I'm looking across the river with you! :D

      There have been a few parties, for the younger crowd, with rap music, etc. But, I think, yesterday's party for the matriarch of the family.

      Oh, you don't need to watch the daily weather report at all with that dog around! :D

    2. I am sorry you ever have to hear a party with rap. I would have to leave town! I instantly turn off the radio when I hear it.

    3. I just try to tune it out! :)

  4. Good for you doing the Bob Ross tutorial. Son2 and DIL2 do them often just for relaxation. He even bought a curly wig to use as part of his Bob Ross Halloween costume last fall.
    I think I will add that to my "after Mom's house sells" bucket list!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I think I might have to invest in some oil paints if I continue to try following his tutorials - trying to paint along with acrylics don't work too well. I hope you'll add it to your bucket list! :)

  5. Your painting is very well done! Bob Ross made painting look so easy but really it's very hard to follow. I looked at it before reading your comments, and thought the smokey-white was fog (same as mist, isn't it?). I am fortunate to have mostly quiet neighbors. One house across the alley behind an empty lot is a student rental, and sometimes loud, but I also think of it positively and as the "exuberance" (good word choice!)of youth! Best, Celie

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, fog and mist are the same! I think, next time I try one of these tutorials, I'll watch it all the way through, first. That will help me get a better sense of what needs to be done! Also, using oil paints, rather than acrylics might help, too, as the two kinds of paint dry at different rates. But, we both had fun painting together and that's what matters, isn't it?

      As long as the noisy is of people enjoying themselves having fun, then, I'm happy to overlook the minor annoyances of the type of music, the loudness, and even the lateness of the hour. :) Hope all is well with you and you've had a lovely weekend, Celie. Hope the week ahead will be a good one.

  6. I think your painting is beautiful. This weather has been a nice break from the heat, hasn't it? Sorry to hear about your noise situation...ugh.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. :) Yes, I love this week's temperatures. Just right for me - neither too cold nor too hot. :) The party went on until 1:30 a.m. But, as I mentioned above, it was a happy noise!

  7. Your painting is beautiful and I hope you will put it on display. I think it's lovely reminder of this shared activity with your daughter. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, I will hang it up, along with daughter's artwork. :)

  8. I like Bob Ross. We used to watch his show regularly but I've never attempted one of his pictures. You've done well and can probably see faults that we don't notice.

    I hope for your sake that the party doesn't herald the return to regular noisy events. Don't you have a local authority noise abatement department who can deal with it. In this country every council has a designated officer who manages the process to serve an abatement notice on a household that regularly disturbs the neighbourhood with antisocial noise.

    1. Trying out the painting tutorial was a fun activity for us, but, I think we should get some oil paints and the recommended brushes to try his techniques in the future! We were using acrylics leftover from other craft projects and acrylics dry faster than oils, especially in our climate!

      We shall see how things progress with the party neighbors. The tents are still up and they had a smaller gathering, yesterday, but, no loud music! Here (and I am only speaking for my City), we can only call the local police station to report noise nuisances. When the neighbor who lives in the house behind the party neighbors (she's the one who recommended the plumbers to me) complained about the noise from the party neighbors' dogs barking at night (they've also jumped over the wall and tried to attack her dog, she said), the police had told her they can't do anything unless at least one other neighbor complained; she asked me if I was disturbed by their barking, but, although I've heard them barking from time to time, I haven't minded it enough to call the police about it. These neighbors do enough things to annoy me, but, I try not to object unless they block my drive way when they park their cars. I'm a "live and let live" kind of person for the most part. :)

  9. Your painting turned out great. What a fun thing to do with your daughter. Bob Ross is so soothing to listen to and watch.

    1. Thank you, Debra. It was fun painting with her. I'm looking forward to another session one of these weekends. I used to watch Bob Ross when they used to air his shows on the public broadcasting station. According to my daughter, his painting tutorials are popular among people her age and younger! Who knew?


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