Monday, July 19, 2021



Female Watermelon Flower

Itty, Bitty Watermelon

The watermelon vines (there are three, I believe) are starting to flower and there is at least one, possibly two, teeny tiny watermelons forming.  One has already been bitten by something, so, I'm not sure if it will continue to grow.  But, we shall see!  

Today, I did two more loads of laundry, including the bed sheets and the quilt that was on daughter's bed.  Then, daughter and I remade the beds.  I also did a little tidying in the kitchen, putting away some empty canning jars that had been washed, earlier, and sorting through the basket in which I store my plastic food storage containers.  Sometimes, I think I have too many plastic containers, but, other times, I am hunting around to find enough containers, especially when I am packing up food to give to others.  I also put away the washed dishes and wiped down the kitchen counters. Later in the evening, I watered the back garden and picked another zucchini, one green bean, and a few tomatoes.  

While I was watering the garden, neighbor S called to say her husband was going to a certain grocery store and asked if I wanted anything from there,  But, I couldn't think of anything I needed.  I thought it was very kind and considerate of her to call and ask, though.  She and her family have been such a blessing to us.  

Later in the evening, friend R called and we chatted for a bit.

Today, I am grateful for:

- My washer and dryer
- S calling to ask if I needed any grocery shopping done
- Water for the garden
- Chatting with friends
- What I was able to accomplish, today

Today's joyful activity was watering the garden, checking on my plants, and harvesting a few items.

Plans for tomorrow include reorganizing my linen closet!  Somehow, things have become quite messy, lately!  

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday and the rest of the week?


  1. I often put having a washer & dryer at home on my gratitude list. Yeah to potential watermelons. Good neighbours are truly a blessing.

    1. Having washers and dryers, etc., are such a blessing, isn't it? I wouldn't have wanted to go to the laundromat during the height of the Covid outbreak, especially before anyone was vaccinated!

      I hope the watermelons will grow big enough to harvest!

      I agree; good neighbors are a blessing!

  2. Baby watermelon - how exciting.

    I washed sheets yesterday too.
    I made some pizza dough - the recipe I use makes two balls.
    We had pizza last night. I put the other dough ball in the freezer for another time.

    The house painter was supposed to start today but it's going to rain so that will be delayed.

    The nasturtium seeds I planted back in May are starting to bloom and they are such happy flowers. I remember planting those 120 seeds and telling myself how the future me would be so happy I did so. And I was right :)

    1. I am keeping my fingers crossed for those watermelon! I hope they don't turn out like that mystery melon I grew, one time!

      Yum! Homemade pizza!

      Too bad you have to delay the painting, but, hopefully, it will not be a long delay.

      Nasturtiums are lovely and they really brighten up the yard, don't they? You do know that the leaves are edible (so are the flowers), don't you? They have a peppery taste. You can also pickle the seed pods (they are supposed to taste like capers, I've read; I don't care much for capers, so I've not tried pickling the seed pods).

  3. What kind of watermelon are you growing? My brother-in-law grows yellow-fleshed. It tastes the same, just looks different.

    1. I think it is the regular, pink watermelon. M planted some seeds that he had bought and he planted some from a packet of seeds that I had which were really, really old. The female flower in the top photo is from the really old seeds; the other tiny watermelon is from the newer seeds he shared. I've seen the pictures you've posted of the yellow-fleshed watermelon. :)

  4. It sounds like another great day! I'm excited about seeing your watermelons as they grow. :)

    1. Yes, it was a good day. :)

      You and me, both, Martha! I'm looking forward to seeing the watermelon grow! :D

  5. I didn't realise you are growing watermelons. How exciting! Did I tell you I have a pomegranate bush (not a tree, definitely a bush)? It's supposed to fruit well in this country but I'm not holding out too much hope, just thought it was worth a try.

    I still have to come up with the best way of storing the plastic boxes. They drive me mad, but I couldn't manage without them and at least they are not single use plastic. I currently keep mine in a big storage box which doesn't really have a home so I have to keep moving it around as it always seems to be in the way, which is the problem. Still, I suppose life isn't too bad if that's all I have to worry about!

    I'm still waiting in to hear from my doctor who was supposed to phone this morning (now 3:18 pm) but he's obviously running late! I won't get my shopping done now so have booked a delivery for Wednesday evening instead, so that I can still fit in the jollies I have planned.

    I hope you have a good week too. Are you doing anything special as your daughter is on holiday?

    1. Yes, M planted them for me - I had given him a packet of really old seeds that I had and he shared some newer seeds he had bought, too. We have two or three plants from the seeds he shared and one from the very old seeds. It's a bit of an experiment, but, we like watermelon, so, having several plants won't be a bad thing (famous last words! LOL)

      I hope your pomegranate bush grows well and produces lots of fruit for you! I think mine started out as a bush, but, M keeps all the side shoots pruned so that it is more of a tree than a bush.

      I've seen people store the plastic boxes in a drawer. I don't have enough drawers in my kitchen for that. So, they are nested in a plastic basket which is stored on a shelf. In theory, I pull the basket out every time I take a container or put it back, but, in practice, I just pull it out half way to take out a container and just shove the containers back! Which makes a mess after a few weeks! But, the basket does have a designated spot on that shelf!

      Oh, I hope you do get a call back from the doctor! If not, maybe call the clinic to ask what happened? Glad you were able to arrange for a grocery delivery to be able to do your fun activities. You are definitely someone who has her priorities right! :)

      We are not planning anything special as such. According to my daughter, just not having to wake up early and think about work is special, having me feeling well and being pain free is special, and being able to relax at home is special! :D She does have a hike planned for this week with one of her friends (it was postponed from earlier) and we might do a bit of shopping.

  6. How nice that you feel like doing things again!
    It is fun to watch things grow, especially if they are things you can eat! My fingers are crossed that our okra will start really producing this week.

    1. Thank you, Anne; it does feel good to be able to do things without pain, again. :)

      I hope your okra starts producing soon. The first packet of okra seeds I planted didn't come up at all! M bought another packet of seeds and those seeds sprouted, but, the plants are only about 12 inches high! I am hoping they will continue to grow and maybe produce some okra!

  7. Ah, I wonder if there is a photography category that your nibbled wee watermelon photo would fit into?

    We had our usual walk on Sunday afternoon and when we were on the way back it started to thunder and continued on and off for a few hours. We got some rain with it, too.

    1. I'm not sure, Bushlady, but, I do hope the watermelon will survive being nibbled!

      Glad you were already on your way home from the walk when the thunder storm started! Hope your Monday is coming along nicely. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Bless, I love that baby watermelon. Yesterday I spent cleaning and doing laundry. Today I went kayaking in Marina del Rey, and it was fabulous! Just love the ocean...

    1. It's cute, isn't it? Sounds like you had a busy day, yesterday, and a fun day, today. In yesterday's evening news, they talked about the tours to the Channel Islands and showed the boats and people kayaking, etc. I thought of you!


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