Monday, October 7, 2019

Wash on Monday

Daughter's Blanket

I woke up feeling much better, this morning.  Almost back to normal.  My daughter felt a little better, but, still not 100%.  However, she went back to Berkeley, today.  I packed up the leftover chicken wings and two breadsticks to send home with her, along with two nectarines.  She didn't feel like eating in the morning, before her flight, but, she can have the chicken wings and the nectarines when she gets home.

After I dropped her off at the airport, I went to the pharmacy as I had a $5 coupon that was expiring, today.  I bought some personal care items which I will keep for my daughter.  Then, I went to the grocery store in the same mall to buy another container of orange juice ($4.49) and two bananas (@$.59/lb = $.41).  I also bought a piece of beef (@$4.99/lb = $3.39) to cook, later, this week.  My grocery total came to $8.29.

After I came home, I opened windows to air out the house and started on the laundry.  All the bedding that was on my daughter's bed, my bed sheets, the sofa dust sheets and cushion slip covers, daughter's quilt, and the blanket pictured above.  It is one I started knitting when I learned that I was expecting a baby.  White and lemon yellow, because, at the time, I didn't know the sex of the baby (later, once I knew it was going to be a girl, I knitted another one in pink).  I was going to make a small, baby blanket, but, my mother encouraged me to make it bigger and I kept knitting until I ended up with a fairly large blanket.  Yesterday, when my daughter wasn't feeling so well, she asked me if she might take it out of the linen closet, saying she always felt better when she cuddled under her special blanket.   Aw.  She lay on the sofa and covered herself with her blanket, all day, yesterday.  Today, I washed it and put it back in the closet until the next time it is needed.

My daughter called me once she got to the Oakland airport and, again, when she got to her apartment.  We will video chat, later in the evening.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Feeling much better
- My daughter felt well enough to travel
- My daughter had a safe flight back
- A working washer and dryer
- A sunny, warm day

It's only 7:30 p.m. as I write this, but, I am starting to get tired.  I think I will eat some leftovers for dinner and relax in front of the TV for the rest of the evening.  Maybe I'll have some energy, later, to put away the last load of laundry, but, I think I'll leave the dishes till tomorrow!

Monday's To Do List:
- Take daughter to the airport - DONE
- Take the trash cans to the curb - DONE
- Change my bed sheets - DONE; did daughter's, too.
- Do a load of laundry - DONE (did 4 loads!)
- Go to the pharmacy - DONE
- Grocery store - DONE

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Bring the trash cans in
- Do the dishes
- Water the garden

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?  Does anyone else remember the old rhyme about washing on Monday?

"Wash on Monday,
Iron on Tuesday,
Mend on Wednesday,
Churn on Thursday,
Clean on Friday,
Bake on Saturday,
Rest on Sunday"


  1. I'm glad your daughter was feeling well enough to travel home and I hope she is feeling much better soon. The blanket is so sweet. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. She took the day off from work, today, too, to rest and recover.

  2. That's a beautiful blanket and such a sweet story that your daughter feels better snuggling under it.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn; it really touched me when she said that. :)

  3. Glad to hear you are both feeling better. You got a lot done yesterday!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad I got caught up on the laundry, yesterday. There's one more quilt to wash and the dishes that I didn't do, yesterday!

  4. I admire the blanket pattern. I've never managed to master the entrelac technique

    1. Thank you, Angela. It's a bit fiddly, but, makes a very interesting pattern. The blanket was the first time I tried the technique; later, I made myself a sweater, as well.

  5. That is so sweet. It is an absolutely beautiful blanket. I love your work. It still looks brand new.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Yes, it has withstood years of use and frequent washing. :)

  6. That’s a beautiful blanket with a beautiful story behind it.

    1. Thank you, Nil. I felt very happy when she said that it made her feel better! :)

  7. The blanket is gorgeous and I am trying to figure out how it is knitted!

    I remember a song about the days of the week and discovered on the internet that it is by a group called Scaffold :

    today's monday, today's monday, monday is washing day
    is everybody happy? you bet your life we are!

    I won't write it all as it repeats the days adding the next all the time but it is fun for kids to sing!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Do a search for entrelac knitting and you'll see how it is made. You start out with knitting triangles in one color, then, pick up stitches along one side of each triangle and knit squares with the second color.

      That's a great song! I've heard another version, with slightly different words, in a tape of children's songs my daughter had: Monday wash day...all you hungry brothers, we wish the same to you; Tuesday, string beans; Wednesday, soup; Thursday, roast beef, Friday, fish; I think Saturday was payday and Sunday was church. :)

  8. How heartwarming that your daughter still loves her special blanket.

    1. It really touched me when she said that, Ratnamurti. It's good to know that she feels like that about it. :)

  9. What a lovely blanket, Bless. Your daughter's feelings about it must warm your heart.
    Is that entrelac? I made a wrap with that pattern and enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, it is entrelac. I made a sweater for myself with the same patter, but a wrap would be lovely, too!

  10. That blanket is so pretty. I can imagine being cuddled up under it would have healing powers. And I am sure one in pink would be indescribably beautiful. Kudos to you for getting to the changing/washing bed linens so soon after she left. This is one of my least favorite chores, in fact, I still need to strip my guest bedroom bed from my mother-in-laws visit several weeks ago. Instead I've been trying to catch up on my blog reading, only two weeks behind here. ;-)

    1. Thank you, Susanne. I was keen to get any germs washed off, quickly! :)


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