Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Doctor's Appointment on Tuesday

I had a hard time falling asleep, last night, and then, I kept waking up, every couple of hours.  Once because Dancer cried his "I'm about to throw up" cry and threw up near my bed!  I cleaned it up and went back to sleep.   But, it was a restless sleep; probably because I was anxious about the doctor's appointment - getting there on time, what would she say about not losing any weight, etc.

I got to the appointment without any problem, however.  I had gained a pound instead of losing any, but my doctor didn't nag me about it.  My heart rate was slightly elevated when the nurse checked it, but, it had slowed down by the time the doctor checked it.  My blood pressure was good.  The doctor went over my latest blood test results and expressed some concern about a couple of them.  I am to take another fasting blood test to have those items rechecked and she will make some changes to my medications, based on those results.  I also received my flu shot.

I considered going to do the blood test, today, on the way back home, because I was fasting, but, it was already past noon and the lab would be closed for lunch.  I'd have had to wait until 1:00 p.m. for them to open and I wasn't sure if I could remain fasting until then.  So, I came home and had brunch - orange juice and a chicken sandwich.

Afterwards, I felt a little tired and took a nap on the sofa!   After I woke up, I had a cup of tea and went to change my bed sheets, but found my bed being occupied:

Dancer Takes a Nap

I didn't have the heart to wake him!  I waited until he woke up to do the sheets!

Today, I am grateful for:
- The doctor's appointment went well
- A safe drive there and back
- Free parking with validation
- Afternoon naps
- Fresh raspberries

My joyful activity today was napping on the sofa!

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Doctor's appointment in the morning - DONE
- Bring in the empty trash cans - DONE
- Change my bed sheets - DONE
- Load of laundry - DONE
- Dust my bedroom - STARTED
- Water the house plants - DONE

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Blood test
- Finish dusting my bedroom
- Paperwork

How was your Tuesday?  Have you had your flu vaccine, yet?  


  1. Our doctor is doing over 65s Flu Jabs this Saturday and under 65s the week after. But we'll be away, so we have to book in on our return. My pregnant daughter had her jab this week and felt quite sick afterwards (mind you, almost anything makes her feel sick at the moment! I was just the same when I was expecting)

    1. I'm sure getting your flu shot after your return should be fine. Flu season goes on till late spring and they say that it's not too late to get vaccinated, even in December and January. Oh, poor Steph! I hope she feels better, soon.

  2. I'm not good at fasting blood tests and always end up with a migraine so I hope you fare better than me.

    I don't have the flu vaccine. Both my brother's brothers and my sister have it and then are ill most of the winter so I don't bother!

    1. I do OK with fasting blood tests for the most part. I usually have a cup of hot water and pretend it is my morning tea! :D

      One year, I took the flu vaccine and got the flu, anyway! But, I still take it, every year. :)

  3. Cats are champion nappers, aren't they? I, too, try not to disturb my cats even though it is an inconvenience for me when they are napping. Looks like Dancer is spoiled just like my cats are.

    1. That they are, Live and Learn. "Let sleeping cats lie"! My daughter laughs at me when I tell her, "I can't move because there's a Dancer sleeping on me", but, this reluctance to disturb a sleeping cat is something all cat lovers understand, I think. Dancer is definitely spoiled! :D

  4. I'm glad your appointment went well. I wouldn't fret too much about the weight loss. It sounds as though you eat pretty healthily. My cat used to have that weird cry when he was getting sick especially as he got older. Hope kitty is okay.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I am eating healthily enough that I am off my diabetes medication, my doctor has reduced the dosage of one cholesterol medication and is considering taking me off it, completely (depending on the blood test results)! But, I am too sedentary and that is causing my weight to increase. Need to get moving!

  5. Dancer loves so comfortable on that quilt. The colors are beautiful.

    1. He does, doesn't he? He says it's nice and soft! Thank you. It's one of my "stash buster" scrap quilts. :)

  6. im glad your appointment went well.

    I too have to re-do a blood test in a couple of months. Like Eileen I too get headaches if I don’t eat for too long. So I try to get it done as early in the morning as possible.

    1. Thank you, Nil. Early morning blood tests are good, especially if you are fasting. :)

  7. I hope Dancer is OK. Mog was sick last night (thankfully not in my bedroom) but following a good sleep, she seems fine today. X

    1. He threw up again (a hair ball, this time) and was rather listless, yesterday, but he seems to be fine, today. Glad to hear that Mog is OK.


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