Tuesday, October 15, 2019

New Sweater on Tuesday

New "Denim" Sweater

Today marks one year since I officially retired!  I can't imagine that one whole year has gone by!  It flew!  I feel that I didn't accomplish quite as much as I would have liked, but, I have enjoyed the slower pace of life.  I could really get used to it!  LOL.

Today, I finished sewing up the sweater I made with the 100% wool yarn I bought on clearance sale, on September 19.  The wool was in a color called "Denim" and it was on sale for $3.47 per ball.  I bought five balls of the wool, but used only four for the sweater.  I started knitting this sweater on September 26 (had made a note of it on my blog post on that day).  $14 and three weeks is not too bad for a wool sweater.  I didn't block the sweater as I rarely do so.

It fits!
I think it turned out well.  I like the color and it will go with several skirts and slacks I already have. 

I'll probably use the remaining ball of wool on another project.  Haven't quite decided what that would be, but, I like to have a knitting project to work on, especially in the evenings, when I watch TV.

I found out, today, that the friend who offered to bring the beef curry to the prayer gathering is unable to attend the prayer gathering, after all, due to a prior engagement.  Not a problem, though.  I have plenty of time to buy the beef and make the curry.  I still don't know exactly how many people will show up for the prayer gathering.  It could be anywhere from 5 to 15!  Yes, I've asked people to let me know if they are able to attend; so far, only three people have confirmed that they will be attending. 

I watered the garden, both front and back, earlier this evening.  I am planning to have a relaxed rest of the evening, making a birthday card.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being retired!
- Knowing how to knit
- My new sweater
- Water for the garden
- A sunny, warm day

Today's joyful activity was finishing the sweater!

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Wow, the sweater looks terrific! It fits you perfectly. That's an excellent price that you got on the yarn, as well. Today was wonderful. I watered the garden, rode the bike with Lula, visited a neighbor, shared pomegranates from my tree, and made a cherry pie!

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I am pleased with how it turned out. :)

      Yum! Pomegranates! And a cherry pie, too! Sounds like you had a lovely day!

  2. That’s a beautiful sweater. I really like the pattern.

    Is it already one year since you retired? Wow! Time flies so fast.
    May be next year you can travel a bit. How about starting with a trip to Florida? 😁

    1. Thank you, Nil. :) Yes, one year, already! A trip to Florida actually sounds pretty good! I just need to find someone to look after Dancer, while I am away!

  3. That sweater is gorgeous! My Tuesday was busy. I drove Bob to an exhibition which we'd booked tickets for months ago. He felt well enough and really didn't want to miss it. But the round trip was nearly 200miles and todai I'm feeling exhausted!

    1. Thank you, Angela. :) Oh, you had a long drive! Glad to read that Bob is feeling better. Hope you are both able to take it easy, today, and rest!

  4. Wow, the sweater is so pretty, you have such a big talent! Love that ornament in the middle! I would love to join your prayer gatherings, sounds wonderful. Have a lovely day ☺

    1. Thank you, Natalia. The cable in the middle is called a double braided cable. It's one of my favorite cables to knit.

      I wish you could join the prayer gathering, Natalia. You'd be more than welcome and I would ask you if you could bring one of your wonderful cakes! :D

  5. A year already?! That's gone by so quickly. I imagine it takes a while to adjust to retirement, so don't be too hard on yourself.
    The sweater looks so snug and cosy and the colour is gorgeous. X

    1. Yes, one year, already! The time has flown! :)

      Thank you; I was a little worried that it might be too snug, but, it fits well. All my old sweaters are a bit too big on me, now.

  6. Not only do I like your new sweater, I like your smile in the picture. Retirement suits you.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. I took another picture, before I took this one, and in that, I was practically frowning with concentration, trying to take the picture! :D

  7. Very nice! I love the color. You are very talented!

    1. Thank you, One Family. It's a nice shade of blue, isn't it?

  8. I'm a very basic knitter and envious of your skill. I used to knit school cardigans for my daughter but she asked for 'proper' (i.e. bought) ones!

    1. I used to knit sweaters for my daughter, too. These days, I knit for myself and she "borrows" them! :D

    2. Haha. Sounds like a good plan on your daughter's side!

  9. is there such a thing s a 'retire-iversary' ... if there is, please accept congratulations- you stay busy with family and friends, so it seems you can really enjoy having this time-
    such a pretty sweater ... love the 'denim look' and the cable detail- that should prove to be a very useful wardrobe addition-
    i saw there had been more earthquake action the day after the first one you wrote about- good grief!
    regards and take care-

    1. Thank you, Barb. :) I've enjoyed this first year, relaxing and taking it easy. I thought I might get more housework (deep cleaning, painting, etc.) done, but, I am happy with what I did manage to accomplish.

      Yes, we had another earthquake, yesterday. Sometimes, they come in clusters!

      Thank you; the sweater will coordinate with several items in my closet - all the solid black skirts and pants and at least one blue print skirt. :)

      Hope you have a lovely day.

  10. That sweater looks beautiful and the yarn was a bargain if pure wool is anything like the equivalent to here. It's usually expensive, but worth it. It looks lovely and snuggly.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. The regular price for that particular brand of wool (Patons, Classic Wool, Worsted) at that store is $7.99 and $5.99 at a different store. I wouldn't have bought it if I had to pay full price! In fact, at first, I hesitated to purchase it at $3.47 when I saw it on clearance. I came home and checked the prices online and then, went back the next day and bought it! I told myself that if the wool was still there, the next day, then, it meant that I was to buy it; if it had already been sold, then, I wasn't meant to buy it! :D

  11. Excellent sweater and so good that it is pure wool, too. I can hardly believe that it is a whole year since your retirement, time goes so fast. You do seem to be doing well with your more relaxed life.
    It's raining today and apart from a couple of loads of laundry which is hanging in the basement, I haven't done a lot, except a hair wash, and a pedicure. I love the feeling of brand new feet after that!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Wool sweaters are warmer, you just have to handwash them!

      Yes, it's been a year! It went by fast, didn't it?

      Sounds like a good way to spend a rainy day. A pedicure sounds wonderful! I think a little self pampering is a very good thing. :)

  12. I love your sweater! Very nice.

    Wow - a year! That has gone quickly. It just seemed like a couple of months ago that you were getting ready to retire.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, the time has just flown!

  13. Your sweater is just lovely!

  14. You're a fast knitter, Bless.

    Your sweater turned out really nicely. It's a nice shade of blue.

    1. Thank you, Debra. 3 weeks is about average for me to knit a sweater, provided it doesn't have a complicated pattern I need to concentrate on. One reason why I like to do plain (stockinette stitch) backs! :)


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