Friday, March 15, 2019

Thursday Could Have Been Better

I woke up with a headache, this morning.  I say morning, although there wasn't much left of the morning when I woke up!  I had to go for a fasting blood test, so I didn't drink my usual cup of tea.  Instead, I drank a cup of hot water.  It wasn't quite as satisfying as a cup of tea, though.  When I checked my blood pressure, it was elevated.  I think my headache was due to that.  Anyway, I took my blood pressure medication before I left to go for my blood test.

I didn't have to wait a long time, at the lab, but there was a new phlebotomist who had a difficult time finding my vein.  Normally, having my blood drawn doesn't bother me, but, this time, after she poked around a few times to find my vein (my daughter, who completed a phlebotomy course, said she was taught that, if one can't find a vein after two tries, one shouldn't keep trying and should call another phlebotomist to try, instead) and drew the customary 4 or 5 vials of blood needed for the various tests, I felt a bit weak.  Once I got to the car, I ate a granola bar I had with me and drank some water.  Then, on the way home, I bought a hot dog, and ate that, too.  We'll discuss low carb diets, later! 

I felt my heart pounding when I got home, so, I took the medication I take for that (a different type of blood pressure medication).  I also picked a fresh orange from the tree and ate that.  Then, I lay on the sofa, turned on the TV news, and napped.  When I woke up, I had a cup of tea and took two Tylenol because I still had a headache. 

It took time for the headache to go away.  Because of it, I didn't feel like doing anything.  I unpicked some of the knitting I did on the sweater front, but I didn't do any knitting.  I didn't do any paperwork, either.  I did clean my bathroom, a little, partly because Dancer had a bit of an accident, going outside the litter box!  I cleaned the litter box, too. 

One of my cousins, who is in Florida, called to check on me and we had a little chat.  Later, I replied to a friend's email and video chatted with my daughter.

It was Pi Day (3.14), today (Thursday) but I didn't have any pie to celebrate it!  Tomorrow (Friday) is the Ides of March! 

Today, I am grateful for:
- Medications
- I survived the blood draw!
- I was able to drive home, safely.
- Afternoon naps on the sofa
- Phone calls, emails, and video chats

Friday's To Do List:
- Sort through the tax papers folder
- Drop off the tax papers at the tax preparer's office
- Buy a new door lock for the sliding glass door and install it
- Check out paint for the front door
- Call and wish cousin for her birthday

How was your Thursday?  Did you celebrate or observe Pi Day?  What have you planned for Friday? 


  1. Your elevated blood pressure could have caused your headache or your headache could have caused your elevated blood pressure. Pain/illness can do that. And I'm sure the fasting contributed. Hope you're better today.

    I had a headache yesterday, but so far so good today. :)

    1. Sorry to hear that you had a headache, yesterday, yourself. Glad it seems to have gone away, today. I'm feeling OK, today. I've decided to take things a bit easy, today.

  2. No, I have never celebrated Pi Day, but surprisingly I do observe the 15th of March. As a teenager I learned that the Ides of March was the 15th and it stuck with me. I have no plans for today, so we will see what unfolds. I wanted to purge 15 items this week, so I might work on doing that. These will be items that I want to put into a yard sale or pass on to the thrift store. I don't count items that are put into recycling or the trash. I'm sure I have 15 books I can part with. All those books that I was going to read once I retired still remain unread on my bookshelves because I never get around to reading. I would rather be working around the house. I only read on vacation or while I am laid up in bed.

    I am sorry you felt unwell today. Maybe it is a little reminder to slow down and not try to do so much. You put the rest of us to shame. You have cleaned up your paper back log. Now you can slowly work on cleaning up those files "at your leisure".

    1. I think it's Pi Day only if you write the date as the Americans do, month first, then the date: 3.14; when I was growing up, I always wrote the date the British way, date first, then the month: 14.3 which doesn't resemble Pi at all!

      I like the idea of purging 15 items on the 15th! :D Maybe I'll join you! I, too, have at least 15 books I should declutter, but, I want to read/re-read them first, before I do so! I find it hard to part with my books!

      I was upset that I felt so headache-y and lacking in energy, yesterday. But, maybe I tried to do too much, earlier in the week. I have a busy week ahead (family gathering on Saturday night, for which I need to make an appetizer and dessert, doctor's appointment on Monday, appointment with the tax preparer on Wednesday, another doctor's appointment on Thursday); I think I shall take it easy, today.

  3. No, I didn’t remember Pi day but would have done if I had remembered!

    It sounds like you had a rough day so hope you are feeling much better now.

    1. Eileen, I think, if you don't write the date as the Americans do, with month first and then, the date (3.14 instead of 14.3), it is hard to remember Pi day.

      Yes, I woke up feeling much better, today. Then, I started thinking about getting my tax papers in order and I began to stress! I can feel my neck muscles getting tight and my headache starting! I think the sooner I get the tax papers in order, the better! I can relax afterwards with an easy conscience!

  4. The Ides of March is my ex husband’s birthday. It’s the day Julius Ceaser died- he died by his best friends stabbing him in the back. (That’s where we get the saying). I joke about it every year. Beware the Ides of March!
    Today I plan on making my bed up really nicely. When I am at work, I have to be extremely party about how I make the beds for my elderly clients. At home, I just throw a blanket over me and don’t really care. I feel like I should give myself the same treatment I give them. I matter as much as they do.

    1. Yes, "Beware the Ides of March!"

      I think you should definitely treat yourself to a well made bed. It's one of those small, affordable luxuries in life. You most certainly deserve it. :)

  5. Also, BC powder works wonders for headaches, but you shouldn’t take it if you’re on blood thinners.

    1. Thank you; I'm not familiar with BC powder, so looked it up. I don't think I've seen it for sale, here, but, I'll keep an eye out for it. I will have to ask my doctor if it is OK for me to take, though.

  6. Sorry to hear you had a headache all day Bless.
    Sometimes I too wake up with a headache and it can ruin the entire day.

    I hope you are feeling all well today.

    1. Thank you, Nil. Feeling better, today, but the headache is threatening to return the more I stress about getting my tax papers in order! LOL!

  7. I would like to have celebrated pie day, but not with a stinking keto pie.
    Hope the headache is long gone and everything returns to normal. I would love an orange fresh from the tree.

    1. I debated making myself a small, individual apple pie, but, didn't feel quite up to it. Maybe another day. It'll be a non-Pi day pie! LOL.

      Yes, the headache is gone, thank you. I wish I could send you a freshly picked orange from my tree!

  8. It sounds like your Thursday was a tough day Bless. I've never had that happen to me during a blood test - where someone couldn't find the vein but I imagine it's painful. Is the area bruised today?
    I hope your headache is gone by now and you are feeling better.


    1. It was the first time it happened with me, Debra. I wonder if I was dehydrated (although I had drunk water while I was in the waiting room) that she couldn't find a vein. If I was, it might explain the headache, as well.

      No headache, today, thank goodness. :)

  9. I hope you are feeling better today. Too bad about the problem finding your vein. Usually I have had great experience with phlebotomists, but a dodgy one is rather off putting. Once I think the person hit the wrong spot and blood sprayed up, another time it actually hurt while the blood was being drawn off. So I am very thankful for the ones who get it right and do it gently.
    Temperature's up, spring's coming, except that below zero temperatures are being forecast again. Never mind, we are getting there soon.

    1. I felt much better, today, Bushlady; thank you. It was the first time it happened with me. I wonder if I was dehydrated, although I had drunk water, both at home and in the waiting room. Next time, I'll make sure I am well hydrated before I go in!

      Yay! Spring is around the corner! It was 73F, yesterday afternoon; we are supposed to get up to 80F on Sunday! I approve! :)

  10. I hope you're feeling much better today, Bless. I don't often suffer with headaches but when I do it's usually because I'm dehydrated. I much prefer my water with tea, milk and sugar! X

    1. Yes, I'm feeling better, today, thank you, Jules.

      "I much prefer my water with tea, milk and sugar!" LOL!

  11. I am glad to read that you felt better the following day. I refer to these headaches as "blood pressure headaches" when I get them. I am very bad about taking medication and sometimes fail to take my blood pressure meds. My headache is usually the result. I have to be more steadfast!

    1. Thank you, Joy. Yes, it is important to take the blood pressure medications, regularly. I had to have my dosage lowered because my pressure was going down too much, but I try to remember to take my pills, every day!


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