Sunday, March 31, 2019

March Decluttering

My March goal was to declutter 31 items.  I am counting those items I recycled (brochures, boxes, etc.), items I tossed (broom head), as well as items I gave away (book, memo pads), if they are items I had stored, either in a file cabinet, or a drawer, etc.  But, I didn't count the stuff I regularly recycle (cans, bottles, junk mail) or toss (empty lotion/toothpaste tubes, etc.)

I had hoped to declutter one item a day, but that wasn't quite how it turned out.  I found myself decluttering several items one day and then, going several days without decluttering anything!  So, here's what I did declutter in March:

1 broom head (handle was cut down to repurpose as window security devices!)

1 calendar
1 cracked food storage container (plastic)
3 used up notebooks
4 boxes (I tend to hold on to boxes, thinking I can reuse them for something or the other!)
20 magazines/brochures/annual reports, etc.
several file folders and contents (= 1 item)

Gave away/donated
1 book (gave to a friend)
2 cat-themed memo pads (gave to cousin)
1 plastic food container (gave with fish curry to cousin; told her I didn't want it back)
6 packages pantyhose (unopened; I haven't worn pantyhose in years!  Not sure why I kept them - just in case?)

Total = 41 items.

A lot of it was paper - magazines, brochures, financial reports, etc., and files, although I counted all the files as one item.

This total does not include the bag of shoes and bag of clothes that my daughter decluttered when she was down, earlier in the month.  Those bags haven't left the house, yet, as I want to add more items to them before I call for a donations pick up.

I feel like the house should be decluttered by now, but, of course, it isn't!  So, I will continue to declutter in April, too.

Did anyone else declutter in March?  Did you keep a tally of what you decluttered?


  1. I'm doing a 40 bags in 40 days challenge for Lent. There's a list of rooms/categories. We are 27 - 4 = 23 days in (Sundays don't count) and the tally chart stuck inside the pantry door says 22bags/boxes

  2. ... Oops 22 bags & boxes had gone by yesterday. So I'm getting there!

    1. Angela, that's excellent! I could probably fill 40 bags with just what is in the garage! I haven't ventured out there, yet!

  3. I love decluttering but seem to be easily distracted. If I focus too much on counting and tallying, it takes my focus off the decluttering. And if I give myself a goal, I would stop there rather than continuing. So for me the challenges and goals have the opposite effect. lol. I do best to choose a time to just do it (JDI) and get busy focusing on one closet or drawer at a time until it’s completed regardless of the number of items or bags.

    1. In the end, it really doesn't matter how we do it, as long as we clear the clutter. I find that challenging myself to come up with a certain number of items is motivating. I fear I am a bit of a hoarder at heart, so, it is hard for me to let go of things! Especially if they are books and decorative items!

  4. Yes. Yes, I did have decluttering on my list of goals for March, but I didn't do anything about it. I would have taken photos and recorded what I disposed of, IF I had done the job I hoped to start. Good intentions....

    You, on the other hand, did extremely well in your efforts. Maybe this month I should start with my closet and dresser drawers.

    1. Susan, I think you have a very valid reason for not decluttering in March. As long as the intentions were there, it counts! Closets and dresser drawers are good places to start, especially as seasons change and we exchange winter clothing for spring/summer wear.

  5. I'm still dabbling at the fringes, but you are setting a good example.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. It all adds up, eventually.

  6. If you want to get rid of your food containers, I don't mind taking them as long as they come with food. LOL

    I didn't do any decluttering in March. I still have a box of stuff from the last decluttering that I need to take to the thrift store.

    1. I'd certainly give them to you (and I never give empty containers), if you lived closer! I think you did a good job of decluttering, earlier, when you went through your bookshelves, etc. Besides, you don't have quite as many knick knacks as I seem to have!

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