Sunday, March 31, 2019

March Balanced Life Goals - Update

It's almost the end of the month (another month which flew by!) and time to update my goals for a more balanced life in March.

As I've explained before, my monthly balanced life goals are similar to the spokes of a wheel, with the length of each spoke representing my satisfaction in that area of my life, from 1 to 10, with 1 being most dissatisfied and 10 being most satisfied.  Ideally, all the spokes are of equal length and the wheel will roll along smoothly.  If the spokes are of unequal lengths, then, the resulting wheel will be lop-sided and wobbly.  My ratings for each segment are shown within the parentheses, with the end of the month ratings in blue.

Spiritual: (10)(10):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life:
- Continue with daily prayers and gratitude; focus on being positive - On-going; daily prayers are a well-integrated part of my life, I look for at least 5 things for which I am grateful, each day, and, I try to be positive, although, occasionally, I struggle with that!
- Take time for meditation - spend 5 minutes meditating at night - On-going..
- Cultivate non-attachment - focus on letting go of attachment to material possessions - declutter 31 items - Accomplished; I decluttered more than 31 items, actually, but, a lot of it was paper clutter.
- Attend the monthly rosary prayer gathering (scheduled for March 10) - Accomplished.  I attended the prayer gathering and gave a ride to my cousin, as well.  I really enjoyed the discussion that took place, after the prayers were recited.

I am keeping the rating at a 10 because I feel I am doing very well in this area of my life.

House (9)(8):  The goal is a clean, tidy, uncluttered house:
- Keep up with routine maintenance - weekly dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc.; schedule one task/room per day - well, the scheduling one task/room per day didn't quite work out, however, the house has been maintained and remarked upon by at least one cousin!
- Declutter 31 items - Accomplished!  Decluttered 41 items, actually.
- Continue to sort out the 3rd bedroom, a.k.a. The Dump! - I feel like I didn't make much progress in this room.  However, the file cabinet is in this room and I have been going through and cleaning out the files; that's a part of sorting out this room, isn't it?
- Do one deep cleaning task (kitchen cabinets) - I began the process of deep cleaning my file cabinet, instead.

I reduced the satisfaction rating to an 8, even though the house has been maintained, because, I just feel dissatisfied with my efforts!  I really need to rethink this goal and my expectations, because, it maybe that my expectations are unrealistic!

Garden (7)(8):
- Maintain (water 2x per week; weed) - I haven't needed to water twice a week, yet, as we've had one or two showers of rain, this month.  M is keeping the weeds down as much as possible, but there is one section that is starting to resemble a tall grass prairie!
- Plant the winter vegetable seedlings - The seedlings were planted, but they either drowned in the rain or the mourning doves ate them!  Probably a combination of both!

I raised the satisfaction rating because spring is when my garden is at its peak, with the osteospermum, jasmine, and orange blossoms all flowering.  

Daughter (10)(10):  The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her
- Daily texts, phone calls, and video chatting, etc. - On going
- Enjoy her visit during the first weekend in March and celebrate her birthday! - Accomplished!

Family & Friends (10)(10):  The goal is to keep in touch with various family members and friends.
- Regular phone calls and emails - Accomplished
- Call and wish family members (4) with March birthdays/send cards - Accomplished; also attended a surprise birthday party for cousin P.
- Will be seeing several members of the family and friends at this month's prayer gathering  - Accomplished

In addition, visited Aunt T; cousin N accompanied me to the eye doctor's appointment; went out to dinner with cousin P and her daughter.  It's been a good month for family and friends.

Community (7)(7):  The goal is to be more involved in my community.
- Continue to participate in the blogging community - On going
Weekly phone calls with neighbor T - Accomplished
- Participate more in an online group of which I am a member - On going

In addition, neighbor S brought over some Armenian salad, one day and, on March 30, I participated in observing the Earth Hour, by turning off all unnecessary lights for one hour, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.  I usually have only four lights on during the evenings - the altar light, the front porch light, the back porch light, and the light in the living room (or family room, depending on where I am seated).  During Earth Hour, I had only the altar light on.  

Finances (10)(10):  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose - On going
- Get my taxes done! -DONE!

Health & Well Being (7)(7):  The goal is good health.
- Attend this month's medical appointments (3 scheduled, so far!) - Accomplished; everything was good
- Continue to work on the following life style changes:
   - better diet - eat more vegetables, less carbs - The carbs are creeping back in!  I feel I spent more time falling off the wagon than getting back on it!
   - better hydration - drink 8 x 8oz glasses of water, daily - Work in progress
   - better sleep habits - earlier bed times/get at least 7 hours of sleep - I have been getting my 7 hours of sleep, but by sleeping in, rather than going to bed earlier.
   - more exercise - walk 30 minutes 5 days/week - Not accomplished.  I haven't walked much, at all.
- Lose another 5 lbs - Not accomplished; considering the fact that I've been eating carbs and not walking much, it's a miracle I didn't gain 5 lbs.!

I am keeping the rating at a 7 only because the doctors' appointments and all test results were good.

Time Management (6)(7) : The goal is to find a good balance between what I have to do and what I want to do.
- Plan my days/balance the "leisure" with "productivity" - implement a schedule - I wasn't able to implement a schedule; however, the important stuff got done - taxes were filed on time (I didn't reschedule the appointment!), I kept the doctors' appointments, I attended events and family gatherings, etc.
- Procrastinate less! - Yes, well, still working on it! 

I am raising my satisfaction rating to a 7 because the important things got done without any procrastination (no appointments were rescheduled or postponed!)  However, I feel that I am not making the most efficient use of my time!

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time (8)(8):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.
- Continue to participate in the winter photo scavenger hunt - Accomplished!  I enjoyed doing this!  
- Finish embroidering the 2 T-shirts - Not done; I sort of lost my incentive to do this!
- Work on one of my many "works in progress" knitting projects (green/black knitted top) - I started on a new black sweater, instead, and added to my works in progress!  Oops!
- Finish one of the quilts in progress - Not done.  I have been putting this off because I feel I shouldn't be playing with fabric when there are other things to be done - at first, it was getting the papers ready for filing taxes, then it was organizing the filing cabinet, cleaning out the files, etc.  I need to work on my thinking process!

However, I made some birthday cards which I hadn't listed as a leisure activity for this month (my sister phoned me to thank me for the card I made and sent to her - she sounded very touched that I had sent her a handmade card and said she keeps all the handmade cards she receives and will add mine to her collection!).  And, I did some reading, watched several TV programs, played the piano and sang a couple of times, and took naps, too!  I also spent an afternoon visiting the Japanese Garden and attending an ikebana exhibition and demonstration.  

I am keeping the satisfaction rating at an 8.

Those were my goals for a more balanced life in March.  Everything went up or stayed the same, except the House area, even though I made progress on some of my tasks under that area.  For some reason, I feel I didn't accomplish quite as much as I wanted to or could have or should have in this one area.

Did anyone else make goals for March?  If so, have you done your end of the month review?  How did you do on them?  


  1. Brilliant achievements. What is an Armenian Salad ? I'd hoped to lose weight, but my fatigue issues have meant I'm less active (not been in my bicycle at all in March) and my weight is the highest it has been for about 9 years. Oops!

    1. The Armenian salad is made with Bulgar wheat, sauteed with onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Definitely not low carb, but very tasty! It's amazing how those pounds creep up when we are not as active, isn't it? But, you need to get over the fatigue, first.

  2. You did well, Bless!
    The American salad sounds great, and something I might try on a non keto day.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I was quite happy with my progress in some of the areas and felt I could have done better in others, but, that's how it goes, isn't it?

  3. You did so well with achieving results this past month, but I am shocked that you felt you deserved a lower mark for your house maintenance. You were very methodical about clearing your files and working in different areas of the house. Maintaining a cleaning schedule has improved so much I feel, and other people have seen your place and felt compelled to comment. That should tell you loads. If I were you, I'd feel very self-satisfied.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I, too, thought I'd feel happier about the state of the house, and I was, for the most part, but, during the last few days, I felt I really hadn't done enough! I know I am being unrealistic in my expectations, but, I'm working on it. :)

  4. So far this year I have failed my goals (apart from driving test), but I have taken encouragement from reading this. Thank you.

    1. Oh, but look what a big goal you Plus, you have all the rest of this year to accomplish your other goals! At least, that's what I keep telling myself! :D


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