Saturday, March 30, 2019

A Measurement

One of the prompts in the Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt was A Measurement (#16 on the list of prompts).  Since I am knitting a new sweater, I thought, I would take a photo of the measurement of the garment.

Of course, I should have known that Helper Kitty would be at hand, as usual:

"Let me help you, Mummy!"

He was there the minute I lay the knitting down on the table!

"It's too long,  Mummy, let me bite off a piece of this measuring tape!"

It never fails!  He's such a helpful kitty!

"It's all measured, Mummy"
Yes, Dancer, thank you!  I have the measurement, now.  Exactly one cat length wide!


  1. Was there ever a cat that didn't think that if you put something down that you are working with, it needs to be sat on? I can see Dancer did a very good job of measuring for you.

    We had snow all day that gained strength and became very heavy and wet. So much so that sometimes it fell in clumps off the trees which are thickly coated. Even the washing line has snow sticking to it! Just hoping the car doesn't get stuck in the driveway tomorrow. We puttered at home and I collected two pans of snow for the freezer to make taffy on the snow when we have granddaughter or other children visiting.

    1. Yes, he did a good job measuring, didn't he? :D

      Oh, my! You did have snow! I hope your car doesn't get stuck in the driveway, tomorrow, and the roads will be clear so you can go to church and back without any problems. What fun, though, to make taffy on the snow! Just like in the Little House series where they poured boiled maple sugar on the snow to make candy!

  2. I think it is wonderful that Dancer saw you needed help with your measurements for the photo

    1. Dancer says thank you! He says that Mummy doesn't always appreciate his help, but, he knows that she really needs all the help she can get! :D

  3. It's lovely that he wants to 'help' you. Mog would have grabbed the tape and ran! X

    1. Yes, he's always willing to "help"! He's more into plopping himself down on top of whatever I'm working on and then, batting at stuff and trying to bite them, than grabbing things and running! Mog is more energetic, I think!

  4. I managed to see past the handsome Dancer to admire the pattern, but I think it is so CAT that he just sprawled over something you are doing. It made me smile, please give him a cuddle from me.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. He just has to be on top of everything, giving his seal of approval as I call it! He's been given a cuddle from me and he purred a thank you! :D

  5. He obviously thinks you can’t manage and need help to do it properly - one cat length, the perfect measuring system 😂

    1. He is a most willing helper with these projects! Yes, it is a good measuring system, isn't it?

  6. Your sweater looks beatiful, and Dancer looks very comfy.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. The front is knit in a pattern called Roman Rib. Dancer likes to settle himself down on anything that's nice and soft!

  7. Awe... Dancer is such a little doll - and so helpful, too! (LOL!)

    I think your sweater is just the right size for your kitty - you know they think everything is about them! Your sweet Dancer reminds me of one I used to have. Such sweet memories... enjoy every moment! Love these pictures! :)

    Blessings, Net

    1. Thank you, Net. Yes, they do think everything is about them, don't they? Glad you stopped by my blog and commented. :)

  8. What an adorable photo of measurement. Is this still the same Winter scavenger hunt Bless, or has a new one started for Spring?

    1. Thank you, Susan. I think he helped to elevate my photo from something ordinary into something a bit more special, don't you? Yes, this is the same Winter scavenger hunt. We are coming to the end, as today is the last day. I don't know if there will be a Spring one. I will be posting my final selections, later today.

  9. Replies
    1. That he is, Sharon. Now, if only he's be as willing to help with doing the dishes or cleaning his litter box! :D


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