Monday, March 25, 2019

Sunny Sunday

Birthday Cards

Friday and Saturday were cloudy and overcast.  Today, however, was truly a sun day.  I had a relaxed morning, drinking my tea, replying to blog comments, chatting on the phone with my daughter who called to wish me a good morning and with neighbor T who called for our usual Sunday morning chat.

I finished making the birthday cards; they are variations of the basic design I've been using for a majority of my cards, recently.  I think I need to find another design I like because this one design is getting a bit stale!  I still need to make the card for my niece's son, as I didn't  make it, today.

I had planned to do some vacuuming, today, in the afternoon; instead, I took a nap!  The living room sofa, with the late afternoon shining through the lace curtains, is my favorite place for a nap!  Dancer's grumbles about his dinner getting late is what woke me up!  LOL!  I gave him his soft food (he has plenty of dry food in his bowl, available to him at all times, so, it's not like he doesn't have food, but he looks forward to his soft food in the morning and evening).  Then, I had a cup of tea, myself.

I cooked a fish curry, today, with onions and tomatoes in it, and I had that for my dinner with leftover rice and leftover cashew curry.  I set some of the fish curry aside to send home with cousin N, tomorrow.  That way, she will have one less thing to cook for dinner, herself, after spending most of the day taking me to the eye doctor's and back.  I took out a piece of chicken breast to thaw for tomorrow night's dinner.  I might make a stir-fry with it. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- A sunny, warm, relaxed day
- Afternoon naps on the sofa
- Having fun making cards
- Being able to pick more fresh oranges from the tree
- Emails and phone calls

Today's joyful activities included card making and a nap!

Sunday's To Do List:
- Finish cousin N's birthday card - DONE
- Make or buy a 16th birthday card for niece's son
- Get driving directions to go to eye doctor on Monday - DONE
- Vacuum

Monday's To Do List:
- Eye doctor's appointment
- Take the trash cans to the curb
- Change my bed sheets
- Do a load of laundry
- Mail sister's card
- Make nephew's card
- Vacuum

How was your Sunday?  What have you planned for Monday and the week ahead?


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely Sunday. We had nice weather, also, and took advantage of the warmer weather to clean up in our garage. There's still a lot that needs attention in there, but we got a good start.

    1. Well done, tackling the garage! My garage needs a good cleaning out, too! I've things stacked in there that need to be thrown out! After that, there is the garden shed to be dealt with! I was just thinking of that, last night.

  2. Good luck at your eye appointment tomorrow/today. It sounds like you had a lovely relaxing time and hope you enjoyed your nap! Do you ever sit out in your garden on a sunny day?

    1. Thank you, Eileen. They are checking for pressure, damage due to diabetes, and the developing cataracts (in both eyes). I will also do a peripheral field vision test, too. Oh, the joys of getting older! LOL.

      I did enjoy the nap, although I felt a bit guilty about taking one instead of vacuuming! You know, I rarely sit out in the garden, these days. I need to do more of that.

    2. My father has diminishing eyesight due to diabetes, and is having cataracts surgery on the first of April. How much has your vision decreased? It’s a real challenge with him, because if he gets mad that his eyesight prevents him from doing something basic, he blows up in anger if you don’t approach it *the exact right way*. And my mother doesn’t! She’ll just be like, oh shut up, you aren’t the only one with problems.” I love my mom, it’s just that sometimes there is that.

    3. I hope your father's surgery goes well. I'm sure it must be frustrating to your dad to be unable to do various things because of his poor eyesight. I'm hoping it will be much better for him, after the surgery. Your mom is funny! I guess she's heard your dad complain enough times, already!

      I am beginning to need glasses, more and more. I have a pair for distance (to wear while driving), a pair for reading and sewing, and I wear my old pair of reading glasses for general activities and when I am on the computer or watching TV. Otherwise, everything is a bit of a blur!

  3. Really pretty cards! I seem to make the same sort after a while too. I try to go on Pinterest or look in a magazine for other ideas to keep things fresh!

    1. Thank you, Sharon! You make such pretty cards, yourself. I don't do stamping, etc., so, just use my scrapbooking papers. I need to go on Pinterest, myself, and get some ideas!

  4. I really like your cards. They are beautiful and look very professionally done. :) Whenever I make a card it tend to look like a kindergarten project. :)

    I hope your eye exam went well.

    1. Thank you, Nil. Very often, I, too, think that my cards look a bit like a kid made them, but, that's OK. I have fun making them and I don't expect the person receiving them to hold on to them!

      Yes, the eye exam went very well and it was all good news, too. :)

  5. Dancer sounds adorable, but with very firm Views about feeding.

    1. Dancer has very firm Views about feeding! Today, when I put away the lettuce after I made my sandwich, he let me know what he thought about that, until I retrieved the lettuce and gave him a leaf, too! He prefers broccoli leaves or spinach to lettuce, but he'll eat lettuce when that's all there is on offer!

  6. I had a lazy Sunday after I returned from church. I spent time on the laptop and puttered around and then later DH and I joined some friends for Indian food in a restaurant. It was all delicious and I ate far more than I usually do for dinner!
    We had just over 10°F last night but by afternoon it was about 39°F and sunny. I walked round to visit a friend and I fetched out my crampons to put on my shoes as the ice is treacherous in places where the snow has melted and then frozen. We are due for some warmer weather soon. Bring it on! It is now 4 months since the first snow fall back in November.

    1. Sounds like you had a very nice Sunday, Bushlady. I'm glad to hear that it is warming up, a bit. Hope spring arrives soon in your corner of the world. :)

  7. Hi Bless, Sunday was nice, thanks. I sent in a pitch to my editor, and she returned it with a few suggestions. I got the laundry done, and am working on sorting out my pension.

    1. Glad you had a nice Sunday, Stephenie. Hope your editor accepts the article once you make the changes. :)

  8. Naps, for the most part, are very joyful, especially unplanned naps that sneak up on you and call out your name (like the sun streaming in through the curtains)

    Those are very pretty cards Bless, and it is nice to have a tried and true "recipe" for a card design when you need one in a hurry. Experimentation is fun and gives you more card designs for future card making, but doesn't always go to plan when you need an idea right now. You will need to make more time for "playing" with paper.

    1. Afternoon naps are good, aren't they? Thank you, Susan; I do need to allow myself to take more time when making cards - seems like I am always rushing at the last minute! Need to look for more card ideas, too. :)


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