Monday, September 26, 2016

Too Hot!

Today's high was 105F.  It was already hot when I woke up, so I made the wise decision to take it easy, today.  There is housework that needs to be done, but it will have to wait until it is cooler.  It is past 10:30 p.m. as I type this and it is still 85F.

I spent a quiet morning, reading and posting comments on blogs, responding to comments on mine, etc.  In the afternoon, I retreated to my bedroom, where I put on the a/c, read and listened to music.

Later in the evening, I watched the presidential debate, cleaned out the fridge, took the trash cans to the curb for pick up tomorrow, and watered the back garden.  Then, video chatted with my daughter.  
The forecast for tomorrow says it'll be hot again, but the high will be only 98F, not in the triple digits.  They call it a "cool down"!  :D

Today, I am grateful for:

- a room with air conditioning
- music to listen to
- water for the garden
- the cooler night winds
- chatting with my daughter

How was your Monday?


  1. Oh my goodness. That is hot. Good to read you're taking it easy. A change in our weather was noticeable to me for the first time yesterday. Much cooler and definitely Autumnal. X

    1. September is often one of our warmest months. We get the hot winds known as the Santa Ana winds. We won't be cooling down until sometime after mid-October. Not that it gets all that cold here, anyway. You can always tell the locals from the tourists in the winter. It'll be 65F outside and the locals will be wrapped up in coats and scarves and the tourists will be walking around in T-shirts! :D

  2. My Monday wasn't as hot as yours, that's for sure! 105F in September, that's crazy! I'm laughing at your story of locals wearing coats and scarves when it's 65F, it's the same here. But the reverse is true as well: tourists expect Florida to always be warm. But it gets really cold in February, usually. One year, when I still worked in the (then) Disney-MGM Studios at Walt Disney World, it was in the 30s one morning and we were freezing and tourists were lined up behind the turnstiles, waiting to come into the park, in T-shirts, shorts and flip flops and trying not to look like they were about to die. Some people have no common sense!

    I don't blame you for taking it easy at all! I hope it's cooler for you today :)

    1. February is usually our coldest month, too! It is a little bit cooler, today. Not much, but it is 96F right now and that's almost 10 degrees cooler than it was at this time, yesterday. The house has stayed relatively cool so I am comfortable with just the ceiling fan.

  3. You were wise to take it easy in that heat. Today, Tuesday, started out at around 48°F and warmed up nicely to over 70°F later, a gorgeous, sunny, fall day. This is the kind of weather I could put up with for weeks!

    1. I hope you continue to have such lovely fall weather for several more weeks to come, Bushlady, before the snow falls.

  4. I envy that you can grow pomegranates in your garden. I don't envy the temperatures that make it possible. Our forecast tomorrow is for maybe as high as 20C or 68F at the warmest and that suits me. It's wild westerly winds at this time of year, with plenty of gusty rain.

    I love hearing about the weather elsewhere. It shows how varied our wonderful world is. Also, I admit, I would not survive 105F. I'm amazed you can even blog in that heat! x

    1. LOL, I almost didn't blog yesterday, because I felt I had nothing much to say!

      I was born and grew up in a tropical country, so I am used to the heat. I experienced true winter when I spent 6 winters up in Wisconsin when I attended university, there: snow, below-zero temperatures, etc., and loved it, too. But I think, these days, the milder winters of So. Cal. suits me just fine.

    2. 105 degrees in dry Idaho is nowhere near as bad as the 90's with high humidity on the east coast. I'm frequently outside in shorts when it's 55 degrees in the morning as it has been the last week or so.

    3. Definitely agree with you on the dry heat vs humidity; humidity makes is so much worse. But, brr, you wouldn't find me in shorts when it's 55F! That's cold, to me. :)

  5. Oh Bless.. that is hot!!!!!! I really don't like triple digit heat..
    We have been in the 90's , but yesterday a cold front came through and we are in low 80's ..So much better.. Totally enjoying this weather.. Have a great day.

    1. The 80s are good. Hope it continues to be comfortable for you. Does it get cold enough to snow where you are?


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