Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Cloudy Monday

It was a cloudy day, here, today.  It even looked like it might rain, but it didn't rain.  I spent a relatively quiet day.  I wasn't scheduled to work, today, but I still answered some work emails.  After that, I read blogs and relaxed.  Later in the afternoon, I folded and put away the laundry I did yesterday.

According to my cleaning schedule, Monday is when I clean the kitchen.  The kitchen counters have stayed clear and I've been wiping them down, daily.  So, today, I cleaned the inside of the microwave and the toaster oven and cleaned the fridge. 

Later in the evening, I emptied the waste baskets and the kitchen trash, took the big trash cans to the curb, and put water to the garden.  Watered the indoor plants, as well.  And finally gave Dancer his flea prevention treatment (he didn't like it!)

I cooked the steak I bought yesterday; dinner was steak with broccoli and corn.  I also put a chicken breast in the fridge to thaw for tomorrow.  Haven't decided yet what I'll make with it.   I was discussing it with my daughter and she sent me a picture of the lunch she packed to take with her to work, tomorrow - rice, with chicken and bok choy stir-fry and broccoli:

Daughter's Lunch

Dancer says all this talk of food is making him hungry:

My Plate is Empty!
Today, I am grateful for:

- Being able to sleep in
- A cool, fall-like day
- A relaxed, yet productive day
- Water for the garden
- Chatting with my daughter

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Office work
- Clean my bedroom
- Bring the trash cans in
- Start the car and drive it a bit!
- Paperwork/filing

How was your Monday?  What have you planned for Tuesday?


  1. Well done with the cleaning. Also, Dancer is awesome, does he pat the bowl when it is empty? x

    1. Thank you! Sometimes, he does pat it! But mostly, he just sits and stares at it. This is the plate where he receives soft food, twice a day. There is another bowl, elsewhere in the house, that is kept filled with dry food; he can have as much of it as he likes during the rest of the day (and night). He just thinks he should get his soft food all day, too. :)

    2. We used hard food as treats/bribery. When malevolent cat went to stay with my MIL I actually rang to see if she was eating. MIL couldn't understand, she seemed to be off the canned food. But she had eaten a full bowl of the treats, and then there was the salmon left over that went to malevolent cat, and the leftover beef, and the leftover lamb... I wondered at the time how much was really 'leftover' and how much was 'spoil the cat'.

      I think giving Dancer the choice is a much more sensible option. He certainly seems to be thriving on it!

  2. Your daughters lunch looks so good. And I love that cherry fabric .. I made a dress awhile back out of some fabric just like it..
    Proud your kitchen stayed uncluttered , so you could do the other things.. YOu accomplished a lot.. I HATE cleaning out the refrigerator , that and ironing. Two worse chores in the home.. I always put it off, until last.ha
    Hope you have a blessed day.

    1. Judy, I remember that dress! I think one of my first comments on your blog was on that dress. :) My daughter loves anything with cherries and strawberries, so I made cushion covers and a table runner with cherry fabric for her apartment.

    2. Well..isn't that something. Amazing you remembered.. I will have to look at that blog post.ha
      I too. love cherries.. [shocked my kitchen is not cherries.ha]

  3. Your daughter had a very healthy lunch.

    Poor cat, he looks starved ha ha.

    Sounds like you are really on top of things at home that makes for a nice easy life doesn't it xxx

    1. Yes, indeed, as starved as a 16 lb. cat can look! :D

      Daughter's work promotes good nutrition, so she's very conscious of healthy eating.

      Thanks, Tara; I'm trying to stay on top of things. I'm planning on going back to work at the office in a couple of weeks' time and I want the house in a state where a few minutes a day is all that is needed to keep it maintained.

  4. I think taking photos of food is one of the things that has increased over the years with digital photography, and it is fun. I missed a good photo a few years ago when I ordered onion soup in a Hungarian restaurant and it came served in a small loaf hollowed out, with the top as a lid, slightly open, and a little Hungarian flag on a stick placed in it!


    1. Bushlady, I must confess I like looking at what others are eating! And reading their menu plans. I guess I am nosy, that way! :D

  5. 16 lbs! He sure doesn't look it.

    I don't want to alarm you, but I need to tell you what happened with my older cats. I don't think you were reading my blog back then. Last Fall, when my male and female cat were just about 15 lbs each (back then I only had the 2), the vet told me they were overweight and needed to lose weight to avoid problems down the line. I had to put them on a reduced calorie diet and make them exercise. The male cat plays OK so he got exercise that way (we have a laser and other toys) but the female hates moving. She's just a puddle of cat. So I decided I would start chasing her through the house (she hates me too!) so we could both get exercise. I did that 2 days in a row and then she figured that she could just hide somewhere and let me look like a fool (because I wiped out in my kitchen and bent back one of my fingers and ouch, that hurt!). So I just left the food out for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour at night and if they hadn't eaten their food by the time my alarm rang, then they'd be hungry until the next feeding (they were used to grazing during the day so they were in no hurry. I only feed them dry food.) I kept taking them to the vet's to be weighed in every month and little by little they lost weight and reached a weight that the vet said was healthier (about 12 lbs each). Since then they've been on the moderate calorie version of their Urinary S.O. food and at their last check-up they had maintained their weight. So be careful that he doesn't get too big. It's not healthy for us or for them :) Your vet should be able to advise you much better than me, though.

    1. Thanks, Nathalie. I need to make an appointment with the vet for Dancer's annual check up soon; I'll talk to the vet about his weight.

  6. My cat is about 12 years old, I think, and all she gets to eat is about three quarters to 1 Cup of dry Purina hairball formula cat food a day at night. She spaces it out until her next feeding. She's never been sick. She doesn't like table food or any other kind of food other than her dry food so she's a really easy cat to maintain. Even so, she could stand to lose a little weight but it's mostly from lack of activity. She loves to sit at the window all day and watch the squirrels and birds. Oh, she does get 8 tiny cat treats a day at 2pm, which I hide all over the house. Her favorite game. She can tell time.

    1. Your cat is very clever to be able to tell time! And, I suppose, if one is a 12 year old cat, one deserves to sit in the window and watch the birds and squirrels all day.

      I could measure out a cup of dry food and put in Dancer's bowl and refill, each night. I think he'd be OK with that. Thanks for sharing what you do. :)

  7. Your cat is so pretty! I've been meaning to tell you that these last couple of days with the photos you've been sharing.

    With all our cats, we can't leave any food out (unless we go out of town -- that's been super helpful for those times). My two cats who were street rescues have very little control around food and won't stop eating. Our first cat got very fat because of this, actually. Plus they all have different needs which makes life a little interesting. Anyway, I was going to say that Dancer looks like one of our cats -- he's very big, but he's big all over -- long and kind of tall, too. Whereas the first cat I mentioned -- she's rather squat to begin with, so any added weight is obvious early on and starts to get in her way.

    1. Thanks, Laura. According to the vet, he's just a big cat. But I'll bring up concerns about his weight at the next visit and see what the vet has to say.


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