Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday's Activities and Bucket Lists?

Today, I had a doctor's appointment in the morning for my physical and to go over lab test results; things were good for the most part.  Somethings could have been better, of course.  My weight, for example.  But various other on-going conditions I have are all under control and within acceptable levels, so, that was good.  However, I was dehydrated, according to the blood tests, so I need to up my water intake!

After the doctor's appointment, I went to the office and had a good day.  I didn't go to the farmers market, today, but did treat myself to teriyaki chicken and rice for lunch from a nearby Japanese restaurant.  I had the leftovers for dinner.

On my way home from work, I put gas to the car.  I had a little over 1/4 tank of gas but less than 1/2 tank.  I try to have at least half a tank of gas at all times; I live in earthquake country and if there's a big earthquake and the electricity goes off, one can't get gas because there are no hand operated gas pumps anymore.  At least, not in this area.  I'm really dating myself, aren't I?  Anyone else remember hand operated gas pumps?  Or full service gas stations?  The cheapest gas was $3.45/gal. and I put for $30.  I now have an almost full tank of gas.

I was very sleepy when I got home, so I took a short nap on the sofa.  As a result, I didn't do any weeding, today.  Instead, I washed the dishes, scrubbed the sink, and cleaned the kitchen.  And video chatted with daughter, of course.

Today, I am grateful for:
1. A good doctor's visit and check up
2. Good lab test results
3. No co-pay required for a physical
4. They even validated 1 hr. of parking, today (not a consistent happening) 
 5. Naps on the sofa

So, what about bucket lists?  In exactly 5 months from today, I will turn 60.  I read somewhere about people making a bucket list of X things before X birthday.  I don't have any bucket lists, as such, unless it is to lose the extra weight I've gained over the years.  But I am wondering if I should have a bucket list.   If I were to have a bucket list of 60 things to do before my 60th birthday, what would they be?  Do you have a bucket list?  If you were to come up with a bucket list before your next birthday, what sort of things would you have on your bucket list?  


  1. Congrats on the great lab test results! I don't have a bucket list - have tons of other lists, tho. LOL! Would be interesting to create one. Will give that some thought. :)

    1. Carolyn, I have tons of other lists, too!

  2. I'm glad everything went well at the doctors. I have no bucket list and don't know what I would put on one. I don't really have many ambitions in life. Be a great mother and raise my son to be a gentleman. That's about it.

    1. Jess, those are very good goals! Two of the best, in fact, I should think. :) I think I will make better health/weight loss my primary bucket list item!

  3. BLess, So happy you had a good Doctors report..
    I turned 60 this pass October.. I don't have a bucket list.. Just try to to do the best I can with my health.. I too, need to loose this extra weight I have gained.. So hard to do.ha I will loose 10 lbs and then gain it back. So frustrating.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your daughter.

    1. Judy, thank you. Yes, I, too, have lost the same 10 lbs. over and over! Looking forward to daughter's visit - we have 2 graduations to attend over the weekend! Hope you have a lovely weekend, too.

  4. No bucket list here either Bless. I am happy in my own life and don't need a bucket list to keep up with the those that do. I don't compare myself to others in that way. You lead a good life and have raised a wonderful woman in Little Bless. Most bucket lists I have seen include things like, swim in the ocean, sky dive, etc. I prefer to live life one day at a time knowing it could be my last. Having a list of things to do that will most likely not happen would not be encouraging to me. Enjoy each day Bless.


    1. Frugal, I think that is the best way to live - one day at a time and each day to the fullest. I've looked at sample bucket lists, too, and I have already done some of those things already and other items don't appeal to me. I guess I am rather content with my life, as it is, and don't need to check off a list of activities to validate my life. However, I would like to be more mindful on a daily basis, be more aware of each day's activities; less on "auto drive".

  5. I never had a bucket list but a few months ago thought it might be fun to have one. I had already just done something that I had wanted to do for years - go to a local trade show. Never want to bother with it again but I'm glad we went. Would like to go to the pumpkin boat race in another near town, one fall. Also want to visit a certain little park, just because it is there, not because it is fantastic. I would like to go all the way to Saint Marie among the Hurons, and there may just be a chance this summer as we are going somewhere beyond there and a detour might happen. But if it doesn't, no big deal. As for skydiving.....I might as well put going into space on my list!!

  6. Bushlady, if there is something one has always wanted to do, then, a bucket list is a good motivation to try to attain it, rather than just dream about doing. But, for me, doing something just to say I've done it, doesn't appeal. There have been a few things I have wanted to do, but I've been able to do most of them, already. I think I should do a reverse bucket list of all the things I have been able to do! :D


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