Monday, June 1, 2015

June Goals and Balance Wheel

It's the first of June and time for June Goals.  My goals don't change much from month to month, but that's OK with me.  I just want to make sure that all areas of my life are touched upon well balanced.  The focus in June will be the Environment and Health, since these areas were a bit out of balance in May.

Spiritual: Continue with daily devotions/meditations.  I will probably not be able to attend the monthly prayer meeting due to a schedule conflict.   Focus on gratitude and abundance.

- Outside: Continue to landscape the front garden: plant more drought tolerant plants/succulents, etc. 
- Inside: Continue to clean and declutter;  go through each room; get the donations organized and call for a pick up

Daughter:  Continue to be there for her; enjoy her visit in mid-June  :)

Family:  Continue to keep in touch with family members: phone calls, letters, emails, etc.

Friends:  Continue to keep in touch with friends through email/phone calls/video chat, etc.

Career:  Continue to manage work load efficiently; do 1-2 days of overtime.

Finances:  Revise budget to accommodate increased expenses related to daughter's rent.  Keep to the grocery budget of $75.   

Health:  Big goal is better health!  I have a doctor's appointment coming up and some referrals to call and schedule appointments. 

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies:  Continue to sew from fabric stash:  I want to make a set of placemats for everyday use, some summer nightdresses, and maybe a couple of other items.  Just have to make time to sew!  2 library visits, too. 

Productivity and Time Management:  Continue to make efficient use of my time and be more productive: weekly cleaning routines; meal planning; bulk cooking; etc.

What are your monthly goals for June?


  1. Good list. I honestly haven't thought much about June goals...

    1. I'm thinking the first goal on your list, if you were to make one for June, would be "enjoy being home with Little Wolf"! :)

  2. I am hoping to get my garage straightened out and donations contributed. If I get that done I can move on to other areas.

    1. I need to do the garage, too! And several bags of donations to go out! So glad you were able to comment, Dianaro. :)


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