Saturday, May 30, 2015

Weekend Plans

Weekend plans - sounds better than "weekend to do list" doesn't it?

According to the weather forecast, this is going to be a warm weekend with highs in the upper 80s, maybe low 90s.  Since my dryer isn't working properly and I am air drying everything, a warm weekend will be a good time to launder the blanket and quilt that are on my bed.  So, plans for the weekend include:

- Laundry - wash quilt and blanket - done
- Do dishes - done (several times!)
- Tidy/dust the family room - done
- Vacuum - done
- Clean bathtub - done

 - Buy cactus planting mix (done) and mulch
- Pot up the succulents given to me by gardener - I'd like to do one of those "fairy gardens" I've been hearing about
- Take some plant cuttings to propagate - done

- Bake banana bread - in the evening, when it has cooled down - done
- Make something with the apples in the fridge

 - Go through a stack of papers

- Sew on a button that came off a sweater - done
- Mend skirt - done
- Sew a new lunch bag - done
- Sew on the Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt

That sounds like a nice, balanced weekend to do list, doesn't it?  Let's see how well I do with my weekend plans.

Today, I am grateful for:

- A warm, sunny weekend
- A washing machine
- New plants for the garden
- The sight and sound of the mama bird sitting in her nest (in my front porch light) and chirping
- Being able to plan my weekend to my satisfaction

What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Bless. hope you have had a lovely day and that the rest of your weekend will be lovely .. Pray you get your to do list done.. Sounds like good plans... Have a blessed Sunday.

    1. Judy, thank you. I didn't accomplish a lot today, but I got a few things done. How are you coming along with all your preparations to get the house on the market?

    2. BLess..
      we are getting it all done. Wow, it has been so busy..I have had no time to blog. But, hope to do better this month.
      We have the house listed.. [so praying it wont take long??] We are also having an auction next weekend, my hubby has a big coke collection and we much downsize to move .. so this has been a big undertaking to get ready]. And we are doing remodeling to the old house that we are moving into.. I feel like I am in a whirlwind.ha But with God's help, we are getting it all done..
      thank you for asking.

    3. Judy, that's a lot of work! Hope the house sells quickly and the auction goes well. It's so hard to downsize, isn't it? I'm sure all will go smoothly, though.

  2. Plans do sound better :-) Yesterday I had to go to a birthday dinner at my grandma's. Today my plans include going to Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of large trash cans in my mom's vehicle (they won't fit into ours and we need them) before returning her vehicle to her. And taking Little Wolf's pics wearing his 9 month sticker which he turned on Wednesday.

    1. Jess, he's 9 months already?! He's growing up fast! Enjoy your Sunday.


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