Saturday, May 16, 2015

More Gifts on the Doorstep?

Dry twigs on the doorstep

Yesterday, I discovered evidence of more "gifts" on the doorstep, but it was too dark to take a photo (I don't have a digital camera or smart phone, so I take my photos with my laptop).  But, first thing this morning, I opened the front door and took the photo, above.  A pile of dry twigs?!  What kind of a gift is that?  Who could have left it?  What does it mean?  Could the sounds of birds chirping have anything to do with it? 

Look up!

Birds' nest IN the porch light!

That's right!  Birds are building a nest IN my front porch light!  The top cover fell off some time ago and I was planning to have the light fixture replaced.  It was on my Master To Do List, I promise!  But while I was procrastinating on getting it done, a pair of house finches (I believe; need to get out my bird identification book and take a look) have decided that it makes the ideal place to build their nest!  Obviously, I will not be turning on the front porch light for the next several weeks or replacing it any time soon!

Removing the bird nest is not an option.  At least, not until the eggs have been laid and the baby birds have hatched and flown the nest.  Birds nesting under the eaves is seen as a blessing, or a symbol of good luck, in my culture.  I've had birds nesting in various trees in my garden and sparrows nesting in three of the four corners of my detached garage, but this is the first time I've had birds nesting under the roof of my actual house.  I can just see the porch light and nest from the window in the front bedroom, so, once the babies arrive, I'll be able to watch them, or, at least, observe the parents as they feed their nestlings.  That would be such fun!

Have you had birds nesting in and around your house?



  1. That is so cute!!! I love watching birds. We had a pair that kept making a nest in the rafters at work and I loved seeing them. The boss didn't like it though because there was twigs all over the place.

    1. I am looking forward to seeing baby birds. :-)

  2. We have wrens nesting around the doors all the time. One year I had a beautiful spring wreath on my door with a wrens nest in it. Now we move the nest out of the direct path of the door. They quickly build another near but not in the same place. We have found with wrens usually only one survives, but that one will be a tenacious little critter for life!

    1. Hi Anne, how cute to have the wrens nesting in your wreath! Thank you for your comments.

  3. We have 2 birds nests on our back deck. About 2 weeks ago we noticed a mama bird up in one of them and within a day we knew her eggs had hatched. For the past couple of weeks we have all really enjoyed just sitting and watching the activity going on in the nest. She was one busy mommy bird feeding her babies all day long and as they got bigger they were more fun to observe and listen to. 2 days ago we watched as each one made their way from the nest for the first time. The momma was trying to coax them to ump from the nest and they were so hesitant. It took the last one hours to finally get brave enough to jump. It was a really cool experience to have the privilege to watch them these past weeks. We will leave the nest there, as we do ever year, because we know another bird will use it next year. :)
    I have to giggle at where your bird decided to build her nest. :)

    1. Dawn, I'm looking forward to seeing baby birds in the nest.

  4. How fun.. you will enjoy seeing the babies , when they hatch..
    Last summer, I had a bird make a nest in my grapevine wreath on my wall in the carport.. It was just gorgeous [ it looked just like, I had made the bird nest].. When the babies hatched... I got to watch them.. so nice..

    1. How nice to have the birds build their nest in your wreath! I am looking forward to seeing the baby birds, myself.

  5. I love this! So glad you'll be able to see the little ones as they grow. At present we have a Cardinal nest right outside our bathroom window and we can actually see into the nest. It was fun to see the eggs and then recently to see three little babies! Enjoy your bird family!

    1. Carolyn, I've been watching the mama bird sitting in her nest, hopefully incubating the eggs, but no evidence of baby birds, yet. I put some water and bird seeds nearby for the mama bird.


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