Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Roses from the garden for my Mother

Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mothers.  Hope you are all having a wonderful, blessed day.

I picked the roses, pictured above, from the garden, for my mother.  It's been nine years since she passed away, but I still miss her.  

This is the first Mother's Day, since I became a mother, that my daughter is not with me.  She would have been here, if she didn't have to study for finals.  But I'll see her later this month and we'll celebrate then.  In the meantime, we will phone and video chat with each other.  :)

I continued to clean and tidy the house, this morning.  There are a few more spots which could be tidied further, but I am content with what I was able to do, considering I am still recovering from my sinus infection (and now, it seems I've a bit of an ear infection, as well!)  But I cleaned the kitchen and my bedroom, the two bathrooms and the family room, today.  I am afraid I cheated a little bit and put all the stacks of papers piled on various tables into a bag to deal with later!  :o  Please hold me accountable to deal with the papers, over the course of the week (it's mostly filing).

In addition to the roses, I picked more lemons for a bowl to place on the small table in the family room.  

I baked a chocolate cake, too.  I am expecting a visit from three of my cousins, including two who are visiting from Australia, later this evening.  The last time I saw one of the visiting cousins was twenty-two years ago, so I am looking forward to the visit.  We shall have some cake and tea and no doubt, there will be lots of conversation, as well.  :)

Today I am grateful for:

- My mother
- My daughter
- Cousins visiting
- A tidy house
- Roses and lemons from the garden
- Chocolate cake

How are you spending this Mother's Day?


  1. Happy Mothers Day, Bless! I hope you are feeling better soon! XOXO

    1. Dawn, thank you. Happy Mother's Day, to you, too. :)

  2. Happy Mothers Day...
    Hope you have a wonderful visit with your cousins.. The flowers are beautiful.
    SO sorry about your loss of your mom.. SO sad.. I loss my dad 9 yrs ago, Never gets better, does it?
    know you missed having your daughter home for Mothers day.. I understand my son is a preacher, and he had 2 church services yesterday [ and lives 2 1/2 hrs away, ] So, I knew he would not be able to visit.. I missed him, but was so happy that my daughter was able to be there.
    Enjoy your visitors, and hope you feel much better.

    1. Judy, thank you. I'm sorry your son couldn't visit you, but happy your daughter was there. Hope you have a lovely week.

  3. Happy Mother's Day! I hope you had a great visit with your cousins as well!

    1. Jess, thank you. Hope you, too, had a lovely Mother's Day.


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