Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Shopping on Tuesday

Scrapbooking Album

On Tuesday, daughter had to work until 2:00 p.m.  I spent a relaxed morning, replying to blog comments, watching online videos, and crocheting while she worked.  

After daughter was done with her work for the day, she brought in the trash bins for me and we went to the crafts store to look around and shop!  As I mentioned in yesterday's post, it was the first time I've been inside a crafts store since before the pandemic.  I had a couple of items I wanted to buy and I was looking forward to just browsing the aisles.

One of the items I wanted to buy was a scrapbook album.  I wanted one with 12 x 12 inch pages.  I had been waiting to find a good sale on them but, there haven't been many what I'd consider a good sale.  The one I picked was $32.99 but, we had a 40% off any one regular priced item coupon, so we got the album for $19.79 (plus tax, of course).

Then, I wanted more yarn for the blankets I want to make.  The $2.00 clearance yarn bins were empty!  I decided to buy the store brand yarn, instead.  On sale for $3.99 for a 7 oz. skein, but, we had a 20% off the entire purchase, coupon, so, each skein of yarn came to $3.20, which was reasonable, I suppose (it was a little cheaper than the $3.49 a skein I had paid for the pink yarn I had bought, online, earlier).  I selected six skeins of yarn in an assortment of colors for the blankets I want to make:

Yarn for Blankets

Daughter had a list of items she wanted, too, including some chains for jewelry making and more yarn for her own crochet projects.  She selected seven skeins of yarn and silver and gold chains:

Daughter's Yarn and Rolls of Chains

Daughter had also wanted to buy more beads, but, they didn't have the particular type of beads that she was looking for; she will order them online, instead.

We walked around the store looking at various things.  They had jar candles on sale for $3.33 each, which I thought was a good price, but, I have some jar candles at home and I didn't want any more.  I was not tempted to buy anything else, so we paid for our purchases and left.  We had ordered some Italian food from a restaurant in the same shopping mall, so we picked up our dinner and came home.

We ate some of the Italian meal when we got home and it was delicious.  We had some of the leftovers for dinner and there's more for tomorrow's meals, as well.  

Later in the evening, one of daughter's friends (neighbor S's older daughter) visited her.  

I spent the evening crocheting, chatting with friend R, and, of course, doing some of the daily chores such as cleaning the litter box and sweeping my bathroom.  

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- Feeling comfortable enough to go shopping in person
- Being able to purchase what I wanted
- A lovely Italian dinner
- A safe drive to the stores and back
- Spending time chatting with my daughter

Tuesday's joyful activities included buying crafts supplies and crocheting.

Plans for Wednesday include M tending to the garden in the morning and spending time with my daughter.  

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?  Have you shopped for crafts supplies recently?


  1. That sounds like a wonderful afternoon visiting the craft store and then enjoying a delicious Italian meal with your daughter.. All the colours of the yarn are lovely and both of you will have so much enjoyment making your projects.

    1. It was a wonderful afternoon, Eileen. I always enjoy shopping with my daughter. We are both looking forward to working on our projects. :)
      How are you feeling, today? A little better, I hope.

  2. We have a store called "The Works" which sells budget craft supplies and books. I discovered on Saturday that our local store is closing [landlord putting rent too high] So I went in yesterday - nothing I wanted was reduced, but I did get two lovely books for granddaughter Rosie, a How to Draw and a children's cookbook. Both £2 each instead of £15. I will put cookbook away till Christmas and give her the other at Easter. And I got storybooks for the other grandchildren as Easter gifts. The assistant said that there will still be branches open in nearby towns, so I'm pleased (esp as our staff have been offered jobs elsewhere) But it's definitely a loss to our shopping centre. I am NOT buying knitting yarn.

    1. It's always sad when the craft stores and book stores close. Even when other branches remain open, it often means that it is not as convenient to shop in. Sounds like you got some good bargains on the books you bought. I have plenty of yarn now, to keep me busy for some time to come. :)

  3. A very nice haul from the craft store. Is your album a strap or post hinge album? I do enjoy a good wander in a craft store, specifically one geared for scrapbooking and/or card making. Alas I am avoiding even just wandering as I'm still struggling with FOMO in regards to scrapping supplies & I do not/ will not add to the stash :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. The album states "post bound and expandable", so I guess it is a post hinge album? I have usually bought 3-ring binder type albums, but, they were more expensive. I didn't even look at the scrapbooking papers or stickers or anything else! I'm trying to use up what I have!

  4. Craft stores can be really fun to browse in and inspire so many possible projects. Luckily, I can usual resist the urges to buy things unless I have a specific use for them.

    1. I used to love visiting craft stores to pick up things that were on clearance! But, now, I've too many crafts supplies and will buy only what I need to finish projects, unless it is yarn to make the blankets I want to make. I am not planning to go to the fabric store yet, because I have a hard time resisting fabric! :D

  5. What a fun day with your daughter! It’s great that you were able to buy many of the things you wanted.
    I went back to shopping in person once a week at the grocery store a while ago. At first I went to a store further away because it’s big and I didn’t want to be crowded. Then I reverted to my favorite, closer store. I have gone shopping in person at Kohl’s during the past year. That’s a clothing and houseware store (I don’t know if they’re around the rest of the country). I enjoyed wandering the aisles and seeing items up close. Other than that, it’s just been a few dashes into the pharmacy and hardware store. I don’t have craft skills and my sewing is mostly mending and occasionally hemming.
    I love Italian food and I think the leftovers are often my favorite part!
    It’s sunny and warming here in NYC. ☀️

    1. It was a fun day and I enjoyed being in the store in person. It wasn't crowded and although no one else was wearing a mask, I felt it was OK. Yes, we have Kohl's here, too, and I have been inside the store to return a package to Amazon as there's an Amazon receiving center or whatever they are called in the store. But, I haven't actually shopped in there, recently.
      Enjoy your sunny and warm day! It's mostly sunny and warm, here, too. :)

  6. I'm glad you found a scrapbook with a discount. I only ever made one, for my mother when she was in a care home with dementia. I really enjoyed creating pages that would trigger memories for her, and at the same time help the staff know more about her earlier years so they could engage with her. It was very rewarding when she opened it up the first time and saw the first photo and said, "that's my mother!"

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The scrapbook you made for your mother sounds so special. How wonderful that she recognized the photo of her mother!

  7. Sounds like you had a lovely time out. I'm glad you managed to find what you needed!


    1. Thank you, Sharon; it did feel nice to take a look around the store and do a little shopping in person. :)

  8. It's been a long time since I've wandered around a craft store. I think I may need to soon! It does sound like you're enjoying the time with your daughter.

    1. I really enjoyed browsing in the crafts store, but, I really didn't see anything that I wanted to buy, other than the yarn and the scrapbook. I think my next outing might be to a plant nursery! I could see myself splurging out on a few bedding plants or getting some vegetable seeds. :)

  9. I'm glad you felt comfortable enought to browse the craft store. I can lose myself in places like that, even though I don't have a lot of free time for crafting just now :)
    I look forward to seeing your completed blankets. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I enjoyed my browse around the crafts store. I'll post pictures of the blankets as I finish them. :)

  10. I'm glad you were able to visit your craft store. After such a long absence, it must've been a real treat.
    I bought some of that Loops & Threads yarn at Michael's for my donation blankets.
    They had 2 different types of L&T yarn and I mixed them up when selecting my colors not realizing they weren't exactly the same.
    It looks like your skeins are the Soft Classique?? with 354 yards (which is a good yardage I think)
    I inadvertently bought 2 of those to go along with the other Loops &Threads which has around 200 yards on the skein.
    No problem, I thought, but the smaller put up skein's gage is noticeably smaller and I'll be unable to use them in the same blanket.
    They won't go to waste - I think I will be able to double some sportweight I have to go with the larger gage skeins.

    1. Thank you, Debra; it was fun to visit the crafts store. Yes, it was Michael's and Loops and Threads Soft Classic, 354 yards, 7 oz. skeins. I figured it was a good yarn and a good price. I haven't crocheted with it yet, though.


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