Saturday, March 2, 2024

More Rain!

Sunset and Rain Clouds

It started to rain on Friday evening and it has been raining on and off all day Saturday.  Mostly light rain and drizzle, so the garden is having another good watering.  

On Friday, it being the 1st of March, I made milkrice for brunch and I picked some flowers from the garden to place at the home altars and on the mantlepiece in the living room, including a sprig or two of peach flowers:

Peach Flowers

Later in the evening (on Friday), gardener friend M tended to the garden; he weeded some of the planting beds and trimmed some of the branches of the feijoa (pineapple guava) tree that were shading the orange tree a bit too much.  

Today, Saturday, is my daughter's birthday.  We video chatted last night and I sang Happy Birthday to her at midnight.  We will celebrate when she comes home next week, but, she spent an afternoon doing some crafts at a friend's place and they had got her a cheesecake to mark her birthday.

A Beaded Keychain Daughter Made

Today, I spoke on the phone with my sister and later, with neighbor S.  I did a couple of loads of laundry including my bed sheets and a quilt.  I read in the evening, watched the news, and did a bit of crocheting.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- My daughter
- Rain for the garden
- Working appliances
- Garden flowers
- Phone calls and emails from family and friends

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow include doing some paperwork and maybe some housework?

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. Wishing your daughter a very happy birthday.How lovely that she will be home with you and you can celebrate her birthday together. The keychain she made is lovely.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, looking forward to having her home and doing some fun things to celebrate her birthday. :) That is a lovely keychain, isn't it?

  2. Wishing your daughter a happy birthday. I am impressed with her key chain. Working with beads that small takes a lot of patience and skill.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, she's enjoying her beading; she made this keychain as a gift to a friend and she's making a different one to give another friend. :)

  3. Sounds wonderful! Your peach tree already has blossoms. My apricot tree is budding. Spring is on its way. I plan to do some housework today and make a spaghetti sauce with ground turkey, homemade tomato sauce, and herbs.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. This peach tree is an early variety that will produce ripe fruit by the end of May, early June. I'm glad your apricot tree is budding. My nectarine tree is still dormant.
      Your spaghetti sauce sounds delicious!

  4. Those peach flowers are incredibly beautiful, and to think that they are designed to produce delicious fruit as well!
    Your daughter continues to amaze with her talent! That is such an intricate key chain. A belated happy birthday to her.

    1. The peach flowers are lovely, aren't they? It's worth growing the tree just for the flowers! The fruit are a bonus! :D
      Thank you, Bushlady. Beading is one of her newer hobbies and she's really enjoying it. :)

  5. Happy birthday Daughter of Bless! 🎂
    Super cute beaded keychain. Your daughter is so talented.
    Saturday was rain, rain, rain, but Sunday is glorious. It’s 63 degrees now and it’s been sunny all day. I walked and sat outside, hoping to soak up all the sunshine. ☀️
    I know you can’t wait to celebrate with your baby girl (because they’ll always be our babies even when they’re taller, grown up and totally independent)! ☺️

    1. Thank you, Taconix. Yes, she'll always be my baby girl! :D
      Enjoy your sunny Sunday! It's warmer there than it is here (58F and mostly cloudy).

  6. Happy belated Birthday to your daughter. I see in your reply to me that she is now home for her birthday visit. Let the fun begin :)
    Love the key chain.


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