Wednesday, March 6, 2024

On Tuesday

White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata)*  

I found this (dead) moth on my doorstep on Tuesday afternoon and I took a picture of it because it looked so striking and was quite large.  I don't know what kind of moth it is, but, it might be a sphinx moth (apparently, also called a hawk moth), in the family Sphingidae.

*  Bushlady has further identified it as a White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata).  Thank you, Bushlady!

I slept in on Tuesday, then, called aunt C to check on her.  I brought in the empty trash cans (that's when I saw the moth, above), collected the mail, and checked the week's grocery ads.  I also took a picture of the front garden because there were more flowers in bloom:

Front Garden in Early March

I spent the afternoon getting all my tax documents together.  I put the documents into a file folder as they arrive in the mail, but, this year, some documents were available online, only, so I had to print them out (I like to keep paper copies of my documents) and I did that only today.  After I checked everything and double checked to make sure I had everything, I took the folder of documents over to the tax accountant's office and handed them to her.  I have my appointment with her scheduled for later this month, to go over the documents and finalize things.

After I came home, I had some rice and the last of the beef curry for a very late brunch.  Then, I replied to blog comments and watched the evening news and all the election results.  

I went off the meal plan for dinner and had some frozen breaded shrimp that I pan fried.

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- Being able to sleep in!
- Chats with my aunt
- Being able to get my taxes done by a tax accountant
- A safe drive to the tax accountant's office and back
- Garden flowers

Today's joyful activity was getting the tax documents off to my tax accountant to deal with!  

There's rain in the forecast for Wednesday.  I'm not sure if M will be able to tend to the garden or not.  I will do the last couple of loads of laundry (sofa dust sheets, etc.), and do some tidying and cleaning.

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Tuesday was a rainy day and I worked at home. It’s cool, but clear this morning. We’re expecting rain later today.
    What an interesting moth. Its markings are beautiful. I don’t think I ever saw one like that.
    I talked to both daughters—older daughter had an in-person day at the office and younger daughter is at a work conference in Tennessee. So much to discuss. They are my joy.
    It’s always a relief to get the taxes done. I’m not there yet. 😬

    1. At least you didn't have to commute to work and back in the rain. It's raining, here, this afternoon (morning was sunny).
      I haven't see a moth like that, before, myself. The markings are quite striking, aren't they?
      I'm glad you were able to speak with both daughters. It sounds like you've raised two lovely young women. :)
      It's definitely a relief to have the tax documents delivered to the tax preparer! I used to do my own taxes at one time, but, I've had them professionally done for the past several years and I'm happy to pay the fee to have the work done for me!

  2. What pretty flowers!
    I am ready to get out in the yard and get some things ready for planting. I have not seen the groundhog yet and he will be the determining factor about whether I just plant flowers and peppers (he does not eat them) or other vegetables.

    1. Thank you, Anne.
      I hope the groundhog doesn't bother you, this year. Can you plant your other vegetables in planters? Or will he still eat them?

  3. I would say that moth is a beauty but I'm not keen on them at all. Your garden is looking lovely. We hardly get any mail now as so much is done online, I'm like you though as I do like to have paper copies of anything important..It's quite sunny here but still cold and our heating is on.

    1. I guess I prefer butterflies to moths, but, the markings on this moth were quite striking.
      Thank you; the garden is getting more rain, today! At this rate, I might have water lilies growing in the garden instead of osteospermum and succulents! :D
      I still receive mail, although not always for me! Today, I received two pieces of mail addressed to someone else, but, with my home address! I redirected them to the sender!
      Yes, I feel safer with paper documents - I might not need them, again, but, if I ever do, I can produce a copy!
      I hope you are enjoying the sunny weather even if it is cold! It is 54F/12C here and rainy!

  4. As a moth enthusiast I had to look up this splendid specimen and it seems that there are plenty around your area. It is a White-lined Sphinx Moth - hyles lineata. Your flowers are lovely in the front garden.
    You must be happy to have handed in your taxes.


    1. Thank you, Bushlady! I was hoping you'd be able to help identify it! :) I will update the post to include the identification. The garden received even more rain, today, so we should have more flowers later on! I'm very happy I was able to get the tax paperwork in to the accountant in plenty of time for her to prepare the taxes before the April 15 deadline! :)

  5. It's an interesting looking moth! You were right to take a photo of it. The flowers in the garden are really looking quite lovely. I did manage to see some snowdrops on my walk this morning.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Bushlady (see comment above) has identified the moth for us! The garden is doing well with all the rain we're having. If the snowdrops are out, then, spring can't be too far away! :)

  6. Like Eileen, I think we get much less mail these days - so much online. I've been busy dismantling shirts to make memory bears. A good occupation when the weather outside is miserable

    1. I love those memory bears you make, Angela. Hope the weather improves. :)

  7. For some reason, we got all of our tax documents early this year, so we already have our taxes done. That was highly unusual. Your osteospermum are really pretty. I have tried growing them with mixed results.

    1. Yay! Well done with getting the taxes done and filed early! It's such a relief to have them done, isn't it?
      The osteospermum look so cheerful, I think, and there are variations in coloring when you look very closely: some are white with dark purple centers, some are white with yellow centers, some are purple, and others are lilac. By the way, how is your overwintering lantana plant doing? Hope it is doing well.

  8. Your front garden is very lush and pretty from all your rain.
    You must've felt good to finally have all of your tax documents all together and handed over to the accountant. Check that off your list!

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, the garden is growing well with all that rain!
      Yes, it did feel good to have all the tax documents organized and handed in to the accountant! It was hanging over my head, so to speak! :D


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