Flower Bulbs |
I woke up to the sound of rain on Saturday morning, but, the rain cleared later in the morning and the rest of the day was clear, with some sunshine, although there were plenty of clouds in the sky.
We decided to drive to Hollywood to the little store from where I bought the medicated cream my doctor prescribed for my blood clot. I am supposed to apply the cream three times a day and the tube of cream I bought after the doctor's appointment is coming to an end. It looks like a tube will last me about 10 days or so and, while the leg is getting better (today was the first day it didn't hurt when I touched the blood clot area to rub the cream in), the clot is still there. The doctor did say it would take two to three weeks or longer for it to go away. So, I played it safe and bought three more tubes of the cream.
While at the store, I also bought some Armenian bread and two raisin buns for a treat. I love raisin buns, but, the regular grocery store doesn't have them and I haven't had any since before the initial lockdown.
Then, we drove straight to the pharmacy close to my house to pick up my asthma inhaler that was ready for pick up. I looked to see if they had another pair of compression socks, but, they didn't. They also didn't have the other, arthritis pain cream the doctor had recommended I applied to the blood clot area for the pain, on their shelves, but, the store website says they have it, so, I might have to order it online.
We could have come home directly afterwards. I really didn't need anything from the dollar store, nextdoor. But, I wanted to get a box of microwave popcorn! The regular popping corn kernels I had bought from the grocery store make perfectly good popped corn, but, they are not quite as soft as the microwave popcorn and I am not able to get them to taste like kettle corn, even after adding sugar to the popped corn. Besides, I wanted to go in and see what else they had! Daughter was agreeable (the dollar store near her apartment had closed and she hasn't been to a dollar store in a long time). So, we went into the dollar store.
"We don't need a cart" I said, as we went in. Ten steps inside the store, I sent daughter to get us a cart! LOL. They had large flower pots and M had been asking me if I had any larger flower pots to transplant the aloe vera and a few other plants. The pots were plastic, but, at $2.50 each, they were a good price, I thought. I bought four flower pots! They had flower bulbs for $1.49 a package of five bulbs each; I bought the four packages shown above - one each of gladioli, Dutch iris, Harlequin, and Peacock Orchids. I bought a small metal trellis ($1.49) for one of the potted plants I have that is sprawling all over the place. I bought a potted plant (a croton); they had bare root roses, too, for $9.99 each, but, they looked quite dead, without any signs of new growth on them.
Then, I bought a new broom. I bought some scrubby sponges and a handled brush for the kitchen. I bought a queen-sized sheet set (flat sheet, fitted sheet, 4 pillowcases) for $9.99 (cheaper than what I paid for the previous set on clearance from a different store; I now have two new summer sheet sets, to replace the old summer set, bought some 10 years ago, which is starting to get threadbare). I bought some hair ties for my daughter. I bought a bag of cotton balls because I had only a few left in the container at home. I bought the microwave popcorn I wanted, a bag of plums, an iceberg lettuce, a container of iced coffee drink, a bottle of sparkling apple cider (cheaper than at the grocery store) and some other snacks!
By the time we made it to the check out, I had a cart full of items I didn't know I needed, but, definitely wanted when I saw them! LOL. But, everything I bought will be used. Some of the items will go back with my daughter; some of the snacks will be enjoyed while she's down here (we had some of the plums and shared one of the bags of microwaved popcorn this evening), and the rest will be used over the next several months. The difference is, I bought the items in person rather than ordering them online.
After we left the dollar store, we stopped by the subway sandwich store, next door! I haven't had a subway sandwich in years! Not since the pandemic, because it's not something I could order at a drive-through. We each got a sandwich and we enjoyed that for a late lunch, with leftovers for dinner!
I did a load of laundry in the evening, chatted a bit with my aunt, and relaxed. Plans for tomorrow include doing another load of laundry, and trying on some of those clothes I received from my cousin.
On Saturday, I was grateful for:
- Rain for the garden
- Safe drives to the shops and back
- The availability of medications
- Spending time with my daughter
- Working appliances
Saturday's joyful activity was shopping! LOL.
How was your Saturday? What are your plans for Sunday?