Sunday, November 5, 2023


Butternut Squash

Looks like the tomato plant is hugging the butternut squash, doesn't it?  The squash is now a uniform yellow-beige color and I wondered if it was time to pick it.  But, when I did a search on when to harvest them, I found out that the skin needs to be quite hard so that a thumbnail will not make a dent.  Well, my thumbnail went right through the skin, so, I guess it is not quite ready to be harvested!  Once it is harvested, it apparently needs to cure for about a week before it can be cooked!  Once it has cured, it will keep for a long time, apparently.  I'm hoping it will be ready to be picked and cured before Thanksgiving, but, if it isn't, then, I'll keep it for Christmas.  

We turned our clocks back, last night/early this morning.  I still haven't changed the time on the big clock in the family room.  I need to do that, tomorrow.

I must have been really tired, yesterday, because I slept for almost 12 hours, which meant I woke up after noon, today!  Then, it was really hard for me to get going, but, eventually, I changed the dust sheets on the sofas, did a load of laundry, set the washing machine to go through a cleaning cycle (the indicator light had come on), did my daily walk, and spoke on the phone with former neighbor T.  I also scheduled my Covid booster shot for tomorrow afternoon.  

Breakfast was a bowl of grapes.  Lunch was a leftover pancake with seeni sambol.  Dinner was a bowl of turkey soup with two slices of buttered toast.  There's plenty of soup for tomorrow, too.  I offered some of the soup to my friend R, yesterday, but she doesn't like turkey, she said.  I'm not sure if neighbor S is back from her vacation; I haven't seen her and she hasn't called me to let me know if she's back.  Otherwise, I would have offered some soup to her, too.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter is feeling better
- Getting an extended night of sleep!
- Being able to schedule my booster shot
- A sunny day
- Working appliances

Today's joyful activity was chatting with T.

Plans for Monday include getting my Covid booster, maybe stepping into the dollar store afterwards for more fruits and a calendar, if they have them, doing another load of laundry (bed sheets), making a meal plan, paying some bills, and taking the trash cans to the curb.  

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?



  1. Your butternut squash has grown huge, shame it's not ready to be picked yet but you now know when the time is right.
    You're fortunate to be able to sleep almost twelve hours straight as I have to get up at least twice during the night to visit the toilet, no wonder I always feel tired.
    I hope you don't have any side effects from you Covid jab apart from the urge to shop for goodies :)

    1. The squash has grown to a good size, hasn't it? I am hoping it might be ready to harvest by next week.
      Well, yes, I did get up a couple of times to go to the bathroom, to feed the cats, to turn off the outside porch lights, etc. But, each time, I went back to bed and slept a little more. I never have an undisturbed night of sleep - Dancer makes sure of that! LOL.
      So far, I haven't felt any side effects; not even the urge to shop for goodies! :o

  2. So glad your daughter is feeling better. I have my covid booster this month. A few friends have said that this time they've had a bad reaction. I am ignoring them! That is one impressive squash (I didn't know about the fingernail test, or the "one week curing" Thanks for those tops) it is a wonderful sunny day here, after lots of rain. I've just watched the yellow air ambulance helicopter fly over the village. A busy week ahead... Hoping the sunshine lasts 😉👍❤️

    1. Thank you, Angela. I had my booster, this afternoon, and so far, I haven't felt any side effects. Hope you won't either.
      It is a good sized squash, isn't it? Apparently, butternut squashes need to develop a really hard shell and needs to cure for a week.
      Glad you are having a sunny day and hope that the week ahead will be a good one with plenty of sunshine. :)

  3. Your Butternut Squash looks quite large, what a gift this is. Fingers crossed it is ready for your Thanksgiving. Oh I would like to get 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep - feeling very envious of that! Hopefully after your Covid booster, the urge to shop isn't too bad (col).

    1. I haven't measured the squash, but, I think it is about 7 inches long. Thank you; if it isn't ready by Thanksgiving, we'll have it at Christmas.
      Well, the 12 hours of sleep weren't exactly uninterrupted. I woke up a couple of times to go to the bathroom, to feed Dancer and Mama Cat, to turn the porch lights off, etc. But, each time, I went back to bed and slept.
      So far, the booster side effects have been mild - didn't even have the urge to shop!

  4. 12 Hours! Fabulous sleep :)
    Did you wake up at all during that time?

    I think that squash looks like a perfect specimen. That's an interesting tidbit about the thumbnail test. I will remember it if I ever grown one.
    I am curious to see what holiday meal it arrives at.
    I hope neighbor S went somewhere nice for vacation.

    1. Yes, Debra; I did get up a couple of times - Dancer wanted breakfast (and I fed Mama Cat at the same time), there were a couple of bathroom visits, etc.
      The butternut squash has exceeded all my expectations! Once it is fully cured, it will last for a long time, apparently.
      S went to Europe, I believe. She is back, now - I saw her today.

  5. Talking about storing your butternut squash made me think about a visit to my sister in ME. They had had a bumper crop of butternut squash and had over a hundred of them that were everywhere. Needless to say, they had a winter rich in butternut squash meals. :)

    1. Wow! Reminds me of the summer of zucchini, a couple of years back! :D

  6. A productive day. I'm glad your daughter is feeling better. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. My daughter always feels strong side effects from her vaccines.

  7. The squash sure has grown! It's a pretty looking vegetable. You did get a long sleep! Sometimes if I sleep too long I have a hard time waking up as well. Lately though Im lucky if I get more than a few hours. I hope your vaccination went well today. What treats did you buy? I assume you had your usual side effect! But seriously, I do hope you don't have any after effects from the shot.

    1. I'm thrilled to bits with the squash! I just have to wait a little longer to harvest it.
      Yes, the long sleep was interrupted from time to time, but, I went back to sleep each time. Then, I felt a bit groggy when I did wake up! LOL.
      The vaccination went very well and I haven't felt any side effects, so far (not even the urge to shop!)

  8. The squash looks wonderful. I had no idea they had to firm up before picking and then cure afterwards. The one my neighbour gave me was firm, so I guess she knew the right time to pick them.

    1. Yes, your neighbor probably knew when to pick them. This is the first time I'm growing butternut squash, so I had no idea. I have never bought and cooked a butternut squash, either! So, I'm in for a new experience!

  9. That does look like quite a big squash! Will you get a lot of harvest from the garden in winter?

    1. I need to measure that squash - I think it is about 7 inches long. There won't be much to harvest from the garden in winter; not until I plant the cold weather vegetables that will be ready in spring. I still have some green cherry tomatoes which I will harvest soon, chilies, and broccoli leaves, probably. But, I have lots of homegrown tomatoes, snow peas, zucchini (from a couple of summers ago!), and some broccoli in the freezer, as well as peaches and blueberries, so, I'll be using those items over the winter and it will be almost like harvesting them from the garden! :)


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