Saturday, November 11, 2023


Birthday Treats!

Friend M brought me birthday goodies when he came to tend to the garden, Friday evening: a strawberry slice, a tres leches cake with berries on the top, a chocolate mousse, and a creme brulee.  Needless to say, the birthday celebrations started on the birthday eve!

Today, I've had texts, phone calls, and emails from family and friends, wishing me a happy birthday, and neighbor S stopped by with gifts of a container of wafers, a lavender scented jar candle, and some treats:

More Birthday Treats!

Everyone has been so kind and thoughtful.  

It was a sunny day and quite warm during the afternoon.  I took it easy and relaxed, enjoying my birthday.  I walked for a bit in the early afternoon and then, spent the rest of the day, reading one of the library books I had borrowed. This is a book of fiction and I am only in the first few chapters, but, I am enjoying it.  

M had forgotten the long handled loppers he had used to cut down some of the branches, yesterday, and left it behind, so, he stopped by on his way home to pick them up, apologizing for disturbing me on my birthday.  I told him it was perfectly fine. 

Brunch had been leftover mung beans and I went off the meal plan a little bit and had rice, beef curry, and dhal (lentils) with tomato chutney for dinner.  The beef curry was something I had cooked and frozen, earlier, so all I had to cook today was a pot of rice and the dhal curry.  I have leftovers for tomorrow and probably for Monday, as well!

Today, I am grateful and thankful for:

- Being alive and relatively well to celebrate this day!
- My parents for having me, especially my mother who really wanted me (my father hadn't wanted a child from his second marriage; he thought my mother would ill treat her stepchildren if she had a child of her own)
- Family and friends (including blog friends) who took the time and made the effort to call, send cards, texts, emails, and bring me treats and gifts
- Dancer who woke me up, bright and early, with what I choose to think of as his rendition of Happy Birthday!  LOL
- My many blessings

Today's joyful activity was celebrating turning 68!

No big plans for tomorrow.  Maybe I'll do a craft project or read more of my library book.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. Birthday wishes from me Bless, it looks like you had a day full of joy and happiness and you certainly deserve it. Your treats look delicious

    1. Thank you so much, Eileen. I truly felt blessed, yesterday, and, yes, I felt joyful and happy. :) Those treats are going directly to my practically non-existent waistline and more than ample hips, but, I don't care! :D

  2. I'm sorry I am late in wishing you a Happy Birthday. Those treats all look delicious! I wouldn't know which cake to eat first!! Love FDxx

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, FD and there is no need to apologize! The treats are delicious and I started with the creme brulee! So yummy!

  3. Sending belated Happy Birthday wishes. You certainly have been celebrated. All those sweet treats from M look delicious.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. :) The treats from M were/are (there are still two remaining) delicious! Definitely a treat!

  4. Congratulations on turning 68! How lovely that you got so many well wishes and treats!

    1. Thank you, Celie. Each birthday is a mile stone, isn't it? I know that some people prefer not to count their age, but, I plan to celebrate each year for as long as I can. :)

  5. Wishing you a very happy (belated) birthday! I am glad you had a lovely day and received some lovely presents and ate delicious food! I love your blessings!x

    1. Thank you, Kezzie. I did have a lovely day and enjoyed it very much. Glad you love my blessings. :)

  6. Happy Birthday, a day late! 🥳🥳🥳 Sounds like you’ve had a great day! Your birthday treats look so good!

    1. Thank you, Mandy! I did have a lovely day! :)

  7. Those cakes look amazing! I'm so glad you enjoyed your special day. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I had a lovely day and those cakes were wonderful!

  8. That's an interesting story about your father's not wanting to have children with your mother. I'm sure you were the apple of his eye once you were born.

    1. Oh, I was, June! He indulged me and spoiled me! LOL. My mother gave me a letter he wrote to her on their 10th wedding anniversary (he was in the hospital with the illness that he would die of, a month later) basically thanking her for insisting on having me and how I would be their "comfort" in their old age. Well, he didn't live to be that old (he was 54 when he died), but, my mother did and yes, I would say that I was her comfort in her old age. :)

    2. That's a nice ending to the story.

  9. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you have a wonderful support system around you and lots of great friends and family to help you celebrate!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I am truly blessed when it comes to family and friends! Maybe they felt sorry for me because I was on my own for my birthday? Whatever it is, they made sure that I had a lovely day!

  10. Well, Happy Birthday Bless ! I'm sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday on the day of your birth but good wishes are coming your way belatedly.
    It sounds like you had a nice day and you certainly had some nice treats :)

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Debra. Yes, I had some lovely treats! :)


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