Tuesday, November 3, 2020

November Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning - Week 1

On Saturday evening, I ordered some groceries online for pick up on Sunday afternoon.  It was only two weeks after my last grocery shopping trip, but, I was out of a few items like bread and bananas, and I needed  other items such as sesame oil and hoisin sauce.  I also wanted to get a few extras, such as butter, eggs, cake mix (in anticipation of some holiday baking), cheese slices (something I haven't bought in years, but, had a craving for grilled cheese sandwiches) and, of course, canned tuna (on sale for $.79/can up to five cans).  I also ordered a pound of ground turkey (on sale for $2.99).  Just before I went to pick up the order, I received a text that the store was out of some items and offering substitutions.  I approved the substitutions.  One of the items they were out of was the one pound packages of ground turkey, but they substituted a 3 lb. package, instead, for the same price as for 1 lb!  Yes!  I received 3 lbs. of ground turkey for essentially $1 per pound, due to the store's price policy!  My total came to $75.19.

11/1 Grocery Receipt Total

I spent just under $62 on groceries in October, which is below my pre-Covid grocery budget of $75, with $13 (plus all of the $25 from the eating out budget) to carry over to November.  I am sure I will be buying a few other items, later in November (more fresh produce, milk, half and half for daughter's coffee when she comes down for the holidays, and maybe a pecan pie for Thanksgiving).  The November grocery budget will also include the $25 I usually budget for eating out, since I am not eating out (or even doing take out) during this time.  

November Week 1 Meal Plan Options:

Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch: Pancakes with canned corned beef, fruit, French toast, salad, corned beef sandwiches, the last little bit of beef and vegetable soup

Dinner: Fish curry and bread, baked chicken, corned beef fried rice, something with ground turkey (haven't quite decided what, yet!) 

Snacks/Desserts: Fruit, sandwiches, cereal, granola bars, etc.

I had planned to make milk rice for brunch on Sunday, but, I had eaten a lot of milk rice last week, so decided against it. 

Sunday night, I baked the four chicken thighs I had put to thaw, earlier,  I poured a mixture of the last bit of a mango-chipotle salad dressing I had left in the bottle and the last little bit of mango jam over them while they baked:

Mango-Chipotle Baked Chicken Thighs

It turned out really well!

Have you grocery shopped in November, yet?  What's on your meal plan for this week?  


  1. Sounds great! The only shopping I've had to do was for the few fruits and veggies I needed for this week, not much at all :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. That's good that you only needed some fresh produce, this week. :)

  2. My delivery is due on Saturday. This week is meals using up odds and ends from the freezer but once the delivery is here I am trying some new-to-me recipes - fish curry, dhal (a different recipe than the one I usually use) and root veg casserole with savoury crumble topping.

    1. Good idea to use up the odds and ends before the delivery on Saturday. I do hope you will like the new recipes you plan on trying. I am not very good with trying new recipes. My daughter is, but, I tend to stick to the tried and true. :)

    2. I'm trying to introduce more fish to my diet and want to increase my choice of veggie recipes. I still have lots of old favourites though.

    3. I should follow your lead, especially when it comes to incorporating more vegetables into my diet!

  3. I went to Vons and bought some meat and chicken on sale. You do so well with your grocery budgeting. Those chicken thighs look divine!

    1. I have been going to Ralphs, Stephenie, since the nearest Vons closed several years ago. The chicken thighs turned out really well. :)

  4. Yum! I think I struggle just because I am cooking meat meals for husband and son but I don't eat them. Sigh. I really need to make up small portions of vegetarian dishes for me and freeze them so I have something homemade that I can heat up.

    1. Sharon, check out my reply to your comment on my October week 4 meal planning post; I listed a couple of ideas for vegetarian dishes/or ones that could be adapted to be vegetarian.

  5. I like the generous substitutions you sometimes get! It must be a good store. I think you and I share some similarities in cooking, when I see your chicken thighs, which look so delicious. I also enjoy using up jar contents, a bit of this and that, to see what it will turn out like and it always seems to work.

    1. It's a Kroger-affiliated store, Bushlady (not sure if you have any where you are) and they state that, if they have to substitute something you order, they will adjust the price so you pay the lower price. Except for that one time when they substituted the dulce de leche for my condensed milk, I have been happy with the substitutions.

      I was very happy with how the chicken turned out. At first, I thought of brushing them with an apricot jam glaze, but, then, the bottle of salad dressing was sitting in the fridge (turned upside down in a glass; there wasn't enough in there for a salad) and just a scraping of jam in the jar and I thought I should use them up! I used up another jar with barely anything in it (chopped garlic), today, when I made turkey meatballs. :)

  6. I mostly food shop online but went to the supermarket yesterday as we are about to enter lockdown again and delivery slots become more difficult to get hold of. If I can't get a delivery in a couple of weeks, I believe that we can last the month as I have bread and milk frozen and plenty of frozen veg if I can't get fresh. I usually know what we will be eating over the next few days, though not necessarily on which day. However, I have no idea what we will eat this evening so I'm off now to look in the cupboards and freezer!

    1. Sounds like you are well stocked for the lockdown. Hope you will be able get delivery slots without too much difficulty. So, what did you have for your evening meal?

  7. Hope you don't mind a comment on an older post but I wanted to say what a great deal you ended getting on your ground Turkey. It's nice that their policy on substitutions benefited you in such a way.

    1. I don't mind it at all, Debra. But, yes, wasn't that a wonderful deal? I mean, the store could have simply said they didn't have it and I would have just accepted it. I gave them a very high rating on their satisfaction survey! :D


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