Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Tuesday was a quiet day.  It was sunny and, in the afternoon, at least, warm.  I opened the windows to air out the house, brought the trash cans in, watered the garden both front and back, cleaned the litter box, took the recycling out to the bin, and practiced the piano.  I went over some of the old songs that I had learned, previously, in order not to forget them, and I practiced my current songs.  I also picked a couple of pineapple guavas and a pomegranate.  

Brunch was stringhoppers with potato curry and seeni sambol.  In the evening, instead of having my usual cup of tea, I had macaroni and cheese!  Later, I ate an apple.  But, a little after midnight, I got hungry again and had two slices of toast with more of the seeni sambol!  

I watched the news in the evening, put away a few things (this week's room for cleaning is the family room), spoke on the phone with aunt C and with friend R, and, later, video chatted with my daughter.  

All in all, it was a relaxed day.

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- Being alive

- Health insurance (yes, received the new cards in the mail!)

- Fruit from the garden

- Phone calls and emails from friends and family

- Video chatting with my daughter

Tuesday's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.  She has the day off from work, tomorrow, so we stayed up and chatted a bit longer than usual.  

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Happy birthday Bless.

    Good news that the health card has arrived. Is that the end of it now or do you still need confirmation from the previous employer side of things.

    I haven't made macaroni cheese for ages. I'll be adding that to the next meal plan. It's strange times when I have to think twice about the risk of shopping just because I fancy a different recipe so it'll be added to the next delivery.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. :)

      Yes, that's the end of the health card drama, except for paying the bill! They bill you quarterly and the first payment is due on the 25th of this month. That, and I have to take the new prescription coverage card to the pharmacy, so they can update their records.

      Ah, yes, grocery shopping is no longer quite as easy as saying I fancy having X for dinner, I'll just buy the ingredients this afternoon, is it? I usually have a boxed mix of mac and cheese in the pantry cabinet - not as good as made from scratch, but, quick and easy. :)

  2. Sounds like a nice day. Glad the insurance cards arrived!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, much rejoicing, here, over receiving the insurance cards! A big relief!

  3. Happy Birthday Bless. I hope it's a day filled with joy, love & lots of wonderful gifts of blessings.

  4. I understand you are having a birthday. Best wishes from Canada. Jean

    1. Thank you, Jean. Hope all is well with you. :)

  5. I hope your neighbours enjoyed your piano playing via the open windows! We once lived in an apartment and there was a pianist in a nearby apartment block that I could hear in the summer when the windows were open and I just loved it.

    The birds are not thrilled with the new seed! I guess they are presently scouting around for feeders that still have sunflower seeds. Not my fault, they are lucky I was able to find anything on the bird seed shelves as they were rather bare on the whole.

    1. LOL, they probably stuffed their fingers in their ears and groaned, "Oh, no, she's at it, again!" :D

      Oh, those birds are spoilt! LOL. They'll be glad for any seeds they receive once they are hungry enough, I guess. :)

  6. I like your substitution for a cup of tea :) X

    1. Thank you! I just felt the need for something more substantial than a cup of tea! :D

  7. Our daily chores are, I often think, what keep the thread of our life, meandering along nicely.And being grateful. So your lists do interest me. They are lovely xxxx

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. Yes, a good part of our days are spend doing the everyday routines that keep our lives running smoothly. As for being grateful, I made a decision, some years ago, to focus on what I have received than on what I haven't received. It's too easy to get mired in feeling sorry for yourself when you focus on what is missing and then, you tend to overlook the blessings you have also received. :)

  8. Macaroni & Cheese is always a good choice :)

    I'm glad you got your insurance cards and you can rest assured everything is all squared away.
    I'm thinking your birthday must be this month then ?

    1. Thank you; yes, my birthday was on Nov. 11. :)


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