Saturday, November 21, 2020


Friday has been a quiet day.  It was a low energy day for me (I woke up feeling just a little bit under the weather) and took it easy as a result.  I spent the morning replying to blog comments and spent the afternoon catching up on reading several blogs.  I walked in the garden for a bit, in the afternoon, and checked on the plants.  I was able to pick a few more feijoa (pineapple guavas).  This year's crop of feijoa is nothing at all like last year's when I had a bumper crop of them.  But, I am grateful for every single fruit I pick from my garden.  

Friend M came over in the evening to tend to the garden.  He brought me a plant cutting that he potted up for me and he planted a few more vegetable seeds.  So far, other than the radish seeds and four peas, only weeds seem to be growing in my little victory garden, but, I am hopeful that some of the other seeds will also start growing!  He also pruned the peach tree, looking over each and every twig and carefully pruning them.  We also discussed additional plants for the garden - maybe a nectarine tree and another orange tree.  Afterwards, I made us a cup of tea and we drank it, sitting socially distanced, before he left.

I spent most of the evening watching news and news programs until I felt I had my fill of news for the day and turned off the TV.

Today, I am grateful for:

- The fruits I am able to pick from the garden

- M bringing me another plant cutting

- Being able to take it easy when I don't feel energetic

- Video chatting with my daughter

- Phone calls and emails with friends

Today's joyful activity was relaxing.

Plans for tomorrow include watering the back garden and doing some laundry.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend? 


  1. It is so nice when we are able to get food from our own gardens. Right now I have squash that's doing well and just planted some potato peelings this morning. Fingers crossed! Have a nice weekend :)

    1. It really is nice to be able to grow at least some food in our gardens. Now, if only I can grow a TP roll tree, I'd be rich! :D I hope your potato peelings grow for you. I've tried planting potatoes, but, haven't had any luck. I think my climate is just too dry for certain things to grow well.

      Thank you; hope you, too, have a nice weekend, Martha.

  2. I hope you feel better now Bless.

    Would kiwi grow in your garden or don't you like them? I'd love to be able to grow citrus fruits but don't have the room or the temperatures for and chance of success.

    1. I am feeling better, today, thank you, Eileen.

      I think kiwi will grow in my garden, but, I'd need some sort of a structure for it to climb on. I was also thinking of passion fruit, but, again, I'd need a fence or trellis for it. You might need a little greenhouse for citrus; an "orangerie". :)

  3. I just got back inside from going out to walk and get fresh air. It's good for us to get out of our homes...even if it's only our backyard. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Glad you were able to go outside and walk, Susie. Fresh air and, hopefully, some sunshine, as well, does wonders for our health and mood. :) Stay safe and well and enjoy your weekend. :)

  4. Yes, it is nice to be able to take it easy when you need to.
    I think you are wise to keep adding to your plants and fruit trees.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I'm trying to replace the two guava trees I lost with other fruit trees and put in more of a vegetable garden, next spring. :)

  5. I hope you feel better!

    I've decided to give myself a break for the weekend away from news programmes. They make me feel so down and helpless. I think it's affecting my mood!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I am feeling much better, today. The news can definitely affect our moods! Plus there is just so much happening right now! No such thing as a "slow news day", anymore!

  6. Your gardener friend M sounds very competent, I'm sure he really loves gardening!
    I hope you feel a lot better from now on.
    I think I got a severe reprimand from a squirrel this morning. I opened the door and he rushed towards it making a lot of angry chittering so I looked around to see if his rival was nearby. No sign of any other and the little guy rushed off grumpily with the peanut I gave him. Later I thought about it and wondered if he was mad at me for getting up late? Really it's too bad when I have to answer to critters for my extra snoozing time!

    1. Gardening is his vocation, Bushlady. He grows plants for entering in shows and belongs to several gardening groups, etc.

      Thank you; I feel much better, today.

      Oh, too funny about the squirrel complaining about his late breakfast! :D I usually find the garden cats anxiously peering in through the sliding glass door on mornings when I am late and they will scratch at the door knob in an attempt to open the door!

  7. You have quite the garden. How big is your yard?

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. My entire lot is about 7,000 sq. ft. (all the lots on my block and neighboring blocks are about the same); I think my backyard is about 2,000 sq. ft. It's sort of L-shaped due to the garage taking up some space.

  8. Oh yes, fresh fruit from your own garden are tge best ever!

    1. Yes, they are! They are so fresh and organic, too. :)

  9. Feijoas are my favourite fruit. I didn't know that they were pineapple guavas. I'm really lucky that we have a large feijoa tree where I live. I am truly blessed.

    1. They are known by both names over here; I had three trees, but, one died and another one looks like it might not survive, either. Both those trees have produced lots of tiny fruit. The third one had been producing fewer, but, larger fruits until last year, when it produced lots! This year, it is back to being fewer fruits. I think the amount of rain we get probably has something to do with it!

  10. We are hardly watching any news these days. Fruit from the garden sounds like such a blessing this time of year. I hope your other "crops" do well too.

    1. I like to keep on top of what is happening, but, sometimes, there is just too much news and not all of it is good, is it? I am enjoying the winter fruits. The peaches from the summer have all been preserved and will be enjoyed later in the winter (or given as gifts). :)


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