Thursday, November 5, 2020


November Roses

I picked some flowers from the garden, this morning.  There were two stalks of paperwhites which I placed in the altars and I made an arrangement with the three roses for the living room mantel.  

Yesterday and today have been quiet days.  I watered the garden, practiced the piano, did some laundry and some housework, and watched news!  Quiet days are good, but, they don't give me a lot of things to write about!

I am grateful for:

- Warm days

- Roses from the garden

- Keeping in touch with friends

- Working appliances (and electricity to run them)

- Video chatting with my daughter

Plans for tomorrow include doing some gardening with M.  He brought me some iris bulbs which need to be planted.  

How was your day?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. How special to be able to play the piano. I play the harmonium - used for Indian (yoga) chanting, a bit like a tiny piano with bellows attached. You don't need too much skill to be able to play them.

    1. The harmonium is used in traditional Sri Lankan music, too, Ratnamurti. :) I had piano lessons as a child/early teens, then, stopped. After that, I played by ear for the most part. But, decided I wanted to take some lessons, again, to brush up on my ability to read music and keep my brain active! :D

    2. That's fantastic, Bless. I learnt how to play it and sing, Ashrm raging dancing kirtan style, then about 10 years later I learnt properly off a proper holy man. I can hold a beat for a l-o-n-g time, and build up the energy and sustain it. But the fancy stuff? No. A Sri Lanka friend told me how ayurveda is used in her country - sounds like big links between India and Sri Lanka.

    3. India and Sri Lanka share a lot of culture. There is a long history of interaction between the people of both countries. :)

  2. Quiet days are wonderful but I know what you mean about them not providing much to write about. The roses are lovely. Mine both finished flowering for the year, or that's what I thought, but I walked around the garden this morning and spotted one single rose bud ... a final gift for this year.

    1. Quiet, drama-free days are lovely. I could have taken the opportunity to write about some other things, but, I was having a bad evening dealing with some indigestion! All I wanted to do was curl up with my heating pad and sleep!

      Yay for the last rose of summer! My mother used to sing that song. :)

  3. Yes, quiet days are good. I plan to plant some irises today, also. I have some that needed to be divided, however I'm not quite sure where I'm going to put them.

    1. I hope you find a good spot for your irises. I think we will plant the ones I have in the backyard. The ones M planted in the front garden didn't do so well.

  4. Your rose arrangement is very pretty.
    I walked around the yard the other day and cut a fall arrangement of different things.
    It looks nice on my kitchen table.

    I meant to tell you, the trees are down. The guy came and did it a couple of weeks ago.
    He doesn't do stump work so that is something else I have to do to finally finish the job but the trees are no longer up against our garage and causing a problem and for that I am thrilled.
    Plus, lots of sun on that area in an otherwise shady yard.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I'm sure your fall arrangement looks lovely. There is one tree in my neighbor's backyard that changes color (turns yellow) but, that is the only hint of fall in my area.

      Glad to hear that the trees are down. Too bad you still have to deal with the stumps, but, maybe you can use them as plant stands in the meantime. I'm sure the extra sun will help, if you want to plant some vegetables, in the spring. :)

  5. The roses are beautiful. They must make you smile when you catch sight of them on the mantel. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I am getting almost as many roses right now as I did in the spring! I took some pink roses to my friend, yesterday, and she was so happy.


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