Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday was another warm day.  I spent a relatively quiet day.  In the morning, I replied to blog comments, practiced the piano, and had French toast for breakfast.  In the afternoon, I watched some of the confirmation hearings, had the last of the soup for lunch, and watched some news.

In the evening, I went to the dentist's to have the impression taken for a partial denture.  It was not a long procedure and I was home within the hour.  

After I came home, I did the whole disinfection routine, chatted on the phone with my daughter, spoke with friend R, and had leftover rice and sausage stir fry for dinner, followed by half a peach.  

I also watched a couple of nature shows on public TV.  One was about cats and included a bit about the rusty-spotted cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) which is the one of the smallest wild cats in the world and weighs between 2 to 3.5 lbs. as adults.  They are found in India and Sri Lanka, although, some were found in some areas of Nepal in 2012.  The other nature show was about the reintroduction of African wild dogs to the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique.   

Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  Today's drawing prompt was "armor":

Day 14: Armor

This is Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, wearing his duel armor.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Dental insurance
- The car started!
- Television
- Technology that lets me keep in touch with family and friends
- Hot water on tap

Today's joyful activity was knitting.

Thursday's To Do List:
- Clean the kitchen
- Water the front garden
- Load of laundry, if needed
- Paperwork
- Practice the piano

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Your daughter's drawing is very colorful and at least this time, I've heard of Yu-Gi-Oh! I'm not up on my manga to know the characters she's drawing, but I do enjoy seeing them.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn; I don't know half the characters she draws, either! :)

  2. Did you ever see a rusty-spotted cat when you lived in Sri Lanka? I've never heard of it before so Googled for photos ... it's a bit of a cutie even if it is a wild animal.

    How long will you have to wait for the dental plate to be ready. Is that the end of your dental work for now or do you have more to 'look forward to'?

    1. I don't recall ever seeing a rusty-spotted cat when I was in Sri Lanka, Eileen, unless I saw one at the zoo, in which case, I've forgotten it.

      I have to go back to the dentist's, next week. I think that will be the last visit for now, unless something else happens (break another tooth, etc.) I do hope not!

  3. Your dentists visit sounds more successful than mine. After 7½ months with a temporary filling, I was told on Monday that due to covid19 restrictions they cannot use drills etc at the moment. I have to be careful to keep the temp filling in place for another SIX months....

    1. Oh, my! Can you even call it a temporary filling after so long? That's interesting that they can't use drills there - I heard a drill being used at the dental clinic when I was there. What happens if someone gets a new cavity that needs immediate attention?

    2. I think it may depend on your dentist, or where you live. I had my regular 6-month check up and they found that I had a small crack in one of my very old fillings, made me an appointment, and changed it out to a new filling--that did involve drilling--everything that comes with a regular filling. I go to a very small, family dentistry. The dad is my original dentist, his wife is the receptionist, and now their son has joined the practice. There is a hygenist/helper, but the father/son do the cleanings with her help, and everything else. They were cleaning and disinfecting like nobody's business, and there were changes in a few small things--they even cleaned the bathroom between anyone who used it! So, I felt very safe with all that.

    3. Yes, I suppose it does depend on where you live and the local Covid prevention policies. Your dentist office sounds lovely!

  4. Sounds like it was a pretty good day. I just love your daughter's drawings. She is so talented!

    1. It was a good day, Martha, and thank you. :)

  5. Wow that is one cool drawing!
    I had to look up the cat and went down a rabbit hole watching videos of cats I had never heard of before!

    1. Thank you, Anne. :)

      There are lots of different cats, aren't there? I, too, have gone down those rabbit holes, myself! :D

  6. I looked up rusty spotted cats and they look so sweet but I gather they wouldn't make good pets and in any case I am against making pets of exotic animals. We have plenty of regular cats and dogs to enjoy!
    We had a rainy dull day on the whole but I did get to the drug store for a prescription and picked up some groceries as well.

    1. No, I don't think they are meant to be pets! Better stick to the domesticated cats! :)

      You got a lot done, even on a rainy, dull day! Unlike some of us who will stay home on a rainy day! LOL.

    2. Sometimes it helps when it is rainy as the stores are not as busy when others stay home!

  7. Glad the dentist went well. Another great drawing! Those shows sound interesting on PBS. I must admit that I've been re-watching shows on Prime so I don't have to see the ads. At least PBS doesn't have them!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I really enjoy the PBS nature shows and watch them all the time. :)

  8. Your daughter is very artistic!

    I’m glad you had a safe visit to the dentist.

    1. Thank you, Nil. Glad to hear from you, again, and hope things are a bit slower for you.

  9. Bless, do you remember the name of the show about cats? My niece is just crazy about wild cats and I'd love to see if I can find that show and watch it with her.

    It sounds like you had a great week:)

    1. Becky, yes, it is on PBS-Nature. Here are the links to the two episodes I've watched:

      Hope you are able to watch them with your niece.


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