Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Quick Update

The dog bites seem to be healing well:

Inside Bite
Outside Bites (Eek, look at that wrinkly old skin!)

I think I'll survive!  LOL!

Also, all is well between my daughter and I.  She texted me, last night, and apologized, saying she didn't mean to upset me, she just hadn't been able to sleep the night before until 6:00 a.m. and wasn't very happy when my texts woke her up before her alarm (she's not the most cheerful person upon waking up, anyway!)  I apologized for getting upset and we texted back and forth a bit more.  We both said, "I love you" to the other, and wished a good night and the Blessings of the Triple Gem, which is our nightly ritual.   In case you are wondering, the Triple Gem stands for the Buddha, the Dhamma (or Dharma - the teachings), and the Sangha (or the monks/the order of disciples).  It's the Buddhist trinity. 

I am taking it easy, today.  I'll probably post more, later, but, for now, I wanted to give everyone a quick update. 


  1. They are healing well...very well! Maybe turn off the sound on phones in the future, to prevent being awakened. Your daughter's reaction was normal due to lack of sleep...I think she took after you with sleeping, at least that one morning. lol Andrea

    1. Yes, they are healing well. My daughter is very much like me when it comes to being a night owl! Well, she has her alarm on her phone, so she really can't turn the sound off! Otherwise, she'd never get up in time to go to work!

    2. So glad you’re healing well! When you turn the sound off on your phone it doesn’t include your alarm. Your alarm will still alert you and ring or play the tone. I had wondered about that too but used mine this week with the sound off on my phone and my alarm came thru just fine. Just FYI.

    3. Thank you, Carolyn. I told that to my daughter, but, she says she wants to keep the sound on just in case there is a health emergency with me, she wants to be able to hear the text. I just need to remember not to text her unimportant stuff until I know that she's up!

  2. So glad to hear that the dog bite is healing well and more importantly, that you and daughter have cleared the air and that all is well again. xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, everything is well, again. :)

  3. Glad the bites are doing well and glad things are sorted with daughter. You two have such a close relationship I thought it must be something like that. Sometimes being sleep deprived makes us grumpy!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Normally, I would have laughed and teased her about sleeping in, but, yesterday, I was feeling a bit touchy, I guess.

  4. I'm glad your wounds are healing. If you think your skin is wrinkly now, wait till you get even older. I was discussing this with a friend one day and she said she wished she could take an iron to her arms!!

    I hope you have some great days this month to make up for an awkward beginning.

    We had a lot of heavy rain overnight and my laundry got several good rinses on the washing line! It dried today as it was windy all day long. I watched several birds raiding the berry patch this afternoon and then thought, hey, maybe I should pick some as well. I heard a few indignant squawks from the blue jays when I was out there, but there are plenty left for them.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. LOL, I am not looking forward to even wrinklier skin!

      Your poor laundry! But, they say that rain water makes things soft, so, hopefully, your dried laundry is nice and soft. Nice of you to share your berries with the birds!

  5. I’m so glad to hear that the dog bites are healing.
    You and your daughter have a very strong relationship. Once in a while small misunderstandings can happen. 😊

    1. Thank you, Nil. Yes, every now and then, I take something she says the wrong way, but, we manage to work through that. I tend to get upset, easily, usually when I am under stress.

  6. A healed relationship is more precious than a healed dog bite. But both are good!

  7. Yesterday was all around horrible! I hope you feel better soon and I’m glad you smoothed things over with your daughter.

    1. Thank you, Akasha. Yes, I've had better days than Tuesday! :)


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